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Messages - Pete_Fett

Pages: 1 ... 157 158 159 160 161 [162] 163 164 165 166 167 ... 249
The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:56 AM »
Was back at the WM where I found my two sets two weeks ago.

The pallets of toys were STILL in the Garden Center - now getting ruined by the rain. The third set of the Droid Factory 2-packs was there EXCEPT for the Corran Horn set. All of the other four sets were still there sitting on top of the pallet.


The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: August 23, 2009, 01:52 AM »
Picked up the following recently:

Ashoka Tano's Jedi Starfighter
Alliance Tank Droid
Ambush on the Vulture's Claw BP (to open)
Gunship Gunpod BP (to open)
Kyle Katarn vs. Vong Comic 2pack

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 17, 2009, 02:41 PM »
I agree, once again Hasbro starts a new pricepoint with a repaint.  Interest will be low, the Y-Wing will be scarce, Hassbro wil give up on 70.00 vehicles...hmmm maybe it is a good idea.

They shouldn't have started shipping this assortment until they could pack them 1x Y-Wing and 1x ARC Repaint into the same case.

The result would have been the Y-Wing selling out and the Imperial ARC collecting dust. From there (if they paid attention) it would clearly have given them some valid market data: A new vehicle at that price-point sells just fine, a repainted vehicle that had previously been available for a much cheaper price did not.

But that would have been the logical approach.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Funeral Pyre Vader w/ Luke
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:23 AM »
My understanding with the whole Liam Neeson thing is this:

For Attack of the Clones, George Lucas didn't ask him, he just recycled audio from EP1 for the scene where Yoda is meditating and hears Qui-Gon pleading with Anakin to stop slaughtering the Tusken Raiders.

Supposedly, the re-use of his voice did not sit well with Liam and he complained to George. George responded with the fact that when Liam signed his contract all rights to to Liam in the likeness of Qui-Gon were owned by Lucasfilm and that includes Liam saying Qui-Gon dialog.

I'm not sure what the outcome was on that, but when it came time to put together ROTS, Liam Neeson basically told Lucas to go-to-hell since he didn't want to anything more to do with Star Wars.

Also, it really depends on what interview you see with Neeson. In early interviews around the time the movie was being promoted, he's very positive. In later interviews, both he and Ewan complained about all of the green-screen work and how acting was secondary to interacting with the visual effects - and as such they didn't enjoy Star Wars as much as they had hoped they would.

Perhaps these are just rumors, but having Qui-Gon appear near the end of ROTS would have made the movie (in my mind) PERFECT.

Lucas even kept promising that in ROTS we would learn the secret of how Jedi can appear as force ghosts after death.

A scene with Qui-Gon speaking to both Yoda and Obi-Wan would have been awesome. What we got instead - an imaginary conversation in Yoda's head - was just lame.

It's one of those things when Lucas should have paid Liam Neeson whatever he wanted just for dressing up as Qui-Gon one more time and saying three or four lines - for the sake of making the PT all that much better.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:10 AM »
It's the completist in me that's after these sets.  But WalMart exclusives are always an infernal pain in the ass to get around here.

Ain't that the truth!!!

If it weren't for the fact that (a) I had been hitting 3 - 4 WMs every morning for two weeks and (b) I went pallet diving - I know for a fact that I wouldn't have these yet.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Figure Returns
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:03 AM »
I'm glad they're doing this. In some of the stores locally, the reason we haven't see the newer (ESB and AOTC) Legacy waves has been purely because of the army of Breha, Yarna and Limbic figures.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: August 15, 2009, 11:02 AM »
Found the remnants of a Red/White Comic 2-packs case. Only new set left was Lumiya vs. Luke Skywalker which I gladly picked up.

As a kid when I first read the Shia Brie/Lumiya stories, I have long hoped for figures of this character.

While I would have loved for them to put ankle articulation in with the figure, I think Lumiya turned out great. I'm tempted to get a second set just so I can display the figure with both head sculpts.

The Luke is "meh", but a nice effort. I wish they wouldn't put those clear rubber bands on the hands so tightly - they distort the hands and now my Luke won't hold either lightsaber.  ::)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: August 15, 2009, 10:51 AM »
Has anyone asked Hasbro why they couldn't put the Gunpod for the Gunship along with a Clone Wars animated Pilot in this assortment?

While I don't relish paying $15.99 per gunpod, it's certainly better than paying $9 more just to get the same thing with a second figure.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: August 13, 2009, 05:05 PM »
Finally found these yesterday morning.

Bought two sets.

Opened my opener set last night.

Like the Dark Trooper A LOT.

Like Corran Horn just fine.

Like the two Astromechs and protocol droids just fine too.

Can't stand the fact that I had to buy the rest just to get get those six figures.

Oh well.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 6, 2009, 12:56 PM »
Picked up the "Ambush on the Vulture's Claw" and "Geonosis Assault" battlepacks today. Both in the Blue/White packaging.

Glad to have these stragglers to the Blue/White Battlepack collection!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: August 3, 2009, 11:02 PM »
Does that mean the "Search for R2" set is out too?

And from reading other threads does that mean the "Ambush on Vultures Claw" is out?

Unless I'm TOTALLY out of the loop - I think these two names are referring to the same Clone Wars battlepack.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wal-Mart Droid Factory Sets
« on: August 3, 2009, 11:00 PM »
Bought a set of these damn things today.   >:(

I wish I'd had the opportunity to buy these by now.  >:(

Just remember, it could always be worse, you could actually want a set (like me) and live in an area with so many other collectors and eBay scalpers that the chances of me actually scoring a set, let alone a second one so I can open them, are slim to none.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Clone Turbo Tank
« on: August 2, 2009, 10:56 AM »
Got two on Friday. Opened one up yesterday - liked it a lot better than I thought it would.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 2, 2009, 10:48 AM »
Picked up the following this morning:

1x Admiral Yularen
1x Spacesuit Obi-Wan
1x Whorm Loathsom
1x Commando Droid
1x Heavy Assault SBD
1x Jawa 2-pack
1x ARF Trooper
1x Yoda (new version)
1x 4A-7
1x Clone Trooper Echo

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars ARC-170 (Imperial Deco)
« on: August 1, 2009, 02:07 PM »
It was hilarious seeing this at TRU... $80 for this while the same ship was sitting at $45 right below it.

I was wondering if stores still had the Wampa version. You'd think they'd try to display them as far from one another as possible to hope people didn't notice.

I went to two TRUs on Thursday - both still have the Wampa version and both had the ARCs displayed right next to each other.


I almost thought about trying to get them to ring up the Imperial ARC for the Wampa ARC price.

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