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Messages - Scockery

Pages: 1 ... 158 159 160 161 162 [163] 164 165 166 167 168 ... 189
Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra
« on: May 28, 2011, 10:33 PM »
OK, let me ask then about a ROC Submarine with a GI Joe in a Tossle Cap...  that uncommon too?  I saw it this evening at ROSS, and the Lava Pod...  Saw the Lava Pod and quad with Leatherneck at Rose's, a store I believe is only east coast and new to Pittsburgh all together I think.

Yes, the Polar Sharc sub was also part of the wave that never saw mass retail release in the USA. The sub being irritating to some considering it was actually in the movie, and probably should've been released earlier.

I'd forgotten that Desert Rock Slide...a vehicle that makes no sense. Try using a ski mobile in any desert, see how far you get.

I see a fairly neat Chewbacca that  probably cannot sit. (Anyone thinking "BUT HE DIDN'T SIT IN THE EPISODE"...can jump in a Sarlacc pit  >:D)  Hard to tell if he has wrist joints or not.

Even Piel looks to have knees at least...probably more articulation than Bariss Offee

Opress looks nice, but again...short of perfect, thanks to no poseable ankles on an action character. His hips may ball jointed, that might help.

At least the astro droid still has ankle joints.  :P

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: May 27, 2011, 11:16 PM »
Spotted remnants of this wave at a local WM today, specifically Weequay, Clone, Senate Guard and Luke. I had them in my hand but decided to pass at almost $9 a pop. I'm... not that upset to be honest.

Basically how I felt today. I did get Weequay, because at least he's never been made. Plus I'm sick of feeling how far behind the rest of the world I seem to be in even finding these damn figures.

A Wal-Mart having a shelf tag for $4.50 Saga Legends, then them  scanning up as $7.88 didn't make me happy, either.

The CAP-2 redone...that was the best vintage mini-rig. Gave the non-Fett bounty hunters something they could use.

I would mind some Imperial scout thingies, anything to use with Imperial troopers would be fun in theory (droopy speeder bikes aside).

In terms of designs, I prefered the rigs that were more original designs more than the kiddie ride versions of larger vehicles. The ISP didn't work. The Sail Skiff was kind of neat, but also a reminder that the actual skiff should've been released first.

The proud tradition of no ankle joints on Clone Wars Jedi continues!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Y-Wing
« on: May 23, 2011, 06:28 PM »
I'd laugh if the figure it comes with is Ackbar...  the guy's tired of taking the helm of the big slugs and wants to get his hands dirty now.

Yeah, that's being true to the figure selection on the Kenner box. Maybe a bit too faithful!

That POTF Nein Nunb...really glaring reminder about how much a new one is needed.

TV-9D9 / Re: Family Guy Star Wars
« on: May 22, 2011, 10:05 PM »
Saw the broadcast of "It's a Trap" tonight.

I liked the Stormtrooper dead Ewok pillow fight. The excessive nodding was funny, too...but took up a lot of time.

Collect All 92! / Re: Stormtrooper
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:01 PM »

Thanks for the update.  As an added twist, what's the best Stormtrooper without a removable helmet?  Vintage isn't vintage if you know what the Stormtroopers look like. :)  I'm using the Legacy Stormtrooper which is repaint of the Shadow Stormtrooper... which is really a version of VOTC.

Well, there's a "new" Target vintage 3-pack Stormtrooper, but that's really the ball-jointed hipped Sandtrooper, so the helmet is off and there's no belt cannister. Probably a slot in his back, too.

So what you are using is probably best. The Tantive IV pack stormtrooper has its fans, but that figure is a sandtrooper, no cannister, slot in back and no waist or torso joint.

Collect All 92! / Re: Darth Vader
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:56 PM »
At this point if they make a new Vader without ball jointed hips and wrists, then it's a waste of time.

Collect All 92! / Re: Princess Leia Organa (Boushh Disguise)
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:54 PM »
Vintage Kenner one was an early release, a spoiler really. They should've released her in 1984.

Never got the most recent version...helmet looks like it sets too low compared to the movie.

Also, who is that behind Boushh in the photo?

The Bullpen / Re: Captain America: The First Avenger: The Toys!
« on: May 20, 2011, 08:41 PM »
Captain America Deluxe figure lack any swivel arm joints. So much for "deluxe".

And they pulled the Iron Man/Spiderman bit with the jeep-type vehicles, too. Both include Captain America figures as poseable as a 1978 Kenner Luke Skywalker.

I'm not really surprised, just disappointed that this is from the company that made GI JOE, where every vehicle driver (except Deep Six) was as moveable as a regular figure.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: May 20, 2011, 12:03 AM »
I always and just ordered a lot from there but man you are better off buying the case and returning the extras in place of army builders to brick and motor stores than buying singles.

How would that work, the UPC's aren't the same?

New rumor list from

CW60: Osi Sobeck
CW61: Even Piell
CW62: Captain Keeli
CW63: K2-B4 (Citadel Tactical Droid)
CW64: ARC Trooper Fives
CW65: Citadel Commando Droid
CW66: ARC Trooper Echo
CW67: Adi Gallia
CW68: Captain Wilhuff Tarkin
CW69: OOM-10 (With Reprogrammed Battle Droid)

And with the latest EE listings, we can chalk this list up to "fan fic" aka "weapons grade bolognium".

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: May 18, 2011, 12:07 AM »
Storm the Separatist Cruiser Figure Battle Pack

Collector's note: This item is a repackaged version of the classic Star Wars Episode III Jedi vs. Separatists Battlepack

What? No, really, that's got to be an error.  All these battle packs are listed as being reissues by Entertainment Earth, when they are likely those Clone Wars 3-packs we've seen photos of.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Artillery? Hells Yeah!
« on: May 17, 2011, 10:32 PM »
Sounds like a basic "Starfighter" assortment release based on the price. Hopefully they'll do it enough justice.

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