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Messages - Darth Slothus

Pages: 1 ... 159 160 161 162 163 [164] 165 166 167 168 169 ... 171
Send me a PM / I got ten of these on the list including the saga pilot ;D

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Again
« on: August 15, 2005, 12:29 PM »
DAMN-that one is gonna hurt..I need to be complete Matt!!! :'( 

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC SW Miniatures (RPG/CMG/Clix)
« on: August 14, 2005, 11:47 PM »
Hey ..there's a pic of a nexu at RS where was that one on your update?

I want the rancor/sith witch tandem..sounds enlightening when you look at the possible game play capability

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Figure Sales (or price hikes)!
« on: August 14, 2005, 06:28 PM »
LOL- that oughta Piss him off..G1 Anton ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: August 14, 2005, 04:38 AM »
Alright -thanks -I guess :-\- I guess I won't see them then,
I'd put pics of my fam. up there but....I dunno how to do it so oh well-I guess it's a technical computer thing (where I'm dumb)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Pics to Names!
« on: August 14, 2005, 04:11 AM »
why is it that 80% of these "pics " don't come up for me..instead, I get this little box with a red x in it? whatz up with that? Are my settings off or something? Zach?Matt? help???

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Governor Tarkin
« on: August 13, 2005, 06:05 PM »
at least the guy on the left LOOKS real- I never saw that one in the movie, did you? the guy I saw had alot of red in his skin and eye makeup-but to me still looks CGI. You know what else ..I am a member and I do know this actor was cast......
My above posts state the guy I see is in the movie looks CGI to me, AND I did state that perhaps the real actor is in a deleted scene..didn't I?

You what else,else?(LOL) I'm wondering (if this does turn to become that I'm wrong) that I looked at how it appears overmake-upped perhaps that's why I think it looks fake=CGI to me....

I dunno after 4 times viewing- this scene (with tarkin) and the scene with Dooku(annakin's fight) are still the one's that stick out to me as having CGI characters ( I'm not counting anything with yoda)

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Palpatine (Lightsaber Attack)
« on: August 13, 2005, 03:10 PM »
Yeah, since I don't like to"guess or assume" I gonna say you're gonna have it (ATRT driver) at the top likeable range of figs in this collection. If the cannon is your only drawback then you'll still have it up there ..I've seen you're reviews and even though you're fairly accurate-I still think you'll go with it. I'm no expert reviewer-but I'll say the cannon looks good in poseability-it's major drawback for me was getting it set up was the trick. Just tell me I'm wrong if you hate it. But I'd give it above an 8 at least.

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Governor Tarkin
« on: August 13, 2005, 03:02 PM »
Imagine.... it's the everyone's opinion against mine trial..again.Why do I feel like a freedom fighter? There's no assumption on my part. If I see something that looks "fake" to me than I say it is-that's all-if it looks like it I say it-I don't guess. I like to be wrong/right-not kinda wrong/kinda right-I hate this word "assume" because it makes "an ASS out of yoU and ME." If somebody..who definately knows can come out and say that my eyes are bad,that I'm wrong about it- then I'll admit. To me it looks.."fake"
-so I will continue not to assume here and say my eyes tell me it's CG. I think it's well done- but, something about his face looks fake. However I'll restate my position on the photo on the card-that does look real but we never see his face this close up in the film-so, did they take this image from a deleted scene in which there is a real actor?

Newbies / Re: Hello All
« on: August 12, 2005, 07:56 PM »
Bro- you'll like Jared- he's movin' up there..I don't know exactly where though. He's really cool and handy with a camera and..... ::)since you live in the stone age and havn't learned how to use one maybe you could get Jared over to the house to take pics of our SW room for the collections page( if he's in the area). see his work on the Comic con pics,kiddo!

He's TYDIRIUM on here :)

Newbies / Re: Hello everyone
« on: August 12, 2005, 07:49 PM »
No problem --  I'm keeping my eye on Darth Slothus ;) 

Whateva!....yeah we're all about huggin' each other,yuck :P

The Original Trilogy / Re: Wimpy/whiney Luke....a SITH?
« on: August 12, 2005, 01:49 PM »

I'll try to touch on points in order as best I can...

E1-3 who's gets darker then ultimately black? vader(annakin) as sith

...  So there's a hole in your theory as far as Anakin's "change".  The Vader suit as an end result doesn't change that he was Sith before that, and wearing his Jedi Robes he wore for most of one film and most of the previous one...  Not much real change there then with Anakin actually...  At least nothing that correlates with his ACTUAL physical transformation over time that we can witness.

Well argued, fact- based, agreeable point :)

[Is it really "over"confidence?  If it was, he'd have been beaten I think...  Palpatine referenced over-confidence being a weakness, but that was based on Palpatine's thought that the Alliance would succumb to his trap. 

Not sure about this one- you say" you think" it's really a speculation point-now that I look at it more I believe Luke was more naeive(-did I spell that right?) than overconfident, still while not totally abandoning the overconfidence- I truly believe now that it didn't matter -the reason he wasn't beaten by his overconfidence/faith in his friends is because Vader was to ultimately decide the galxy's fate not Luke, this whole saga is about Vader not Luke. why didn't he name it starwars: the story of darth vader anyway? Vader still makes all the important decisions of importance on his own regardless of influence :-\

Luke went into the Jabba situation, and handled himself perfectly fine...  He freed his friend(s), he gave his enemy ample opportunity to walk away from the situation...  He saved the day.

He didn't even threaten Jabba

Really? he didn't while he was on the platform? what, just because you're under duress you can't possibly threaten someone(line of thinking)? sorry/ this is a " how you thought about it situation" the facts are obvious " this is your last chance/warning,etc." it's how you interpret it I guess and....we disagree :(

 and he was downright afraid of his situation with Palpatine/Vader.

Fear ..yes, a darkside path-I'm glad you mentioned this sithlike trait ;)
he was willing to sacrifice himself on the Death Star, so long as he, his father, and Palpatine were destroyed together. 

Was the moment he ultimately choose his fate of light or dark...while...Vader decides for the galaxy's fate :) 

-Was Mace Windu "sith-like" confronting Dooku?
-Was Mace WIndu "sith-like" refusing Dooku's offer of mercy?
-Was Yoda "sith-like" when he marched into Palpatine's office, and exchanged what I hardly consider a humble back-and-forth with Palpatine?

I feel Mace may have been starting to head down a dark path by attempting to kill a defenseless person-but we'll never know will we? ;)

The thing you must realize is that Mace and Yoda are so powerful because in battle they're able to "dance" with their own personal dark power-but, they can control it-the comic books and novels really explain the dark power of Maces' vaapad fighting style and yoda/quinlan Vos among others who "can control their demons"
-Was Qui-Gon "sith-like" when he told the Naboo to leave and let he and Obi-Wan handle Maul?

yes, it was very arrogant-like Annakin in the bar"jedi business..."

The point with all those instances is that each of them showed EXTREME confidence.  Some to the point of legitimate "over-confidence".  I would hardly label Yoda, or Mace as ever being "sith-like" though.  There's a fine line between confidence and arrogance...

Like I said above this is left up for interpretation- there's little hard line facts ultimately proving one another side on this. Being sith-like for a moment makes one not a jedi for their whole life???-obviously no :-\

But, a key to think of is "bad" and "badass" aren't the same thing...  Being "sith-like" is bad...  Being a badass though, just implies you can handle your business and you know it.  What the lines are that divide the two are what's blurred.

Agreed :)

I think that looking at the colors as a sign of maturity can be taken several ways...  it can be looked at as not applicable at all for sure, but Luke's black outfit is plain, it's simple...  It's setting Luke apart from the organization (Alliance) while not being bright, vibrant, or "loud"...  So it's setting Luke apart but not "seeking attention". 

I see it differently- I see it setting him apart because it IS different
Not too many rebels wearing ALL black mind you-see black sheep

You ARE incorrect on Vader's turn towards good- it actually begins in ESB- Vader showed...? restraint? "the Emperor is not as forgiving as I am"..what? since when is he forgiving ? the vader I knew would just assume choked the bitch and get a new commander to over see the building completion. Also if he was all evil he would have killed his own son-never would have suggested to turn him to the emperor's side-if he was evil he knew he would be signing his own death warrant if he did this.(but, we all know it makes for a better story that he didn't kill the whiner)

My conclusions on the subject are then that Luke's costume doesn't correlate with his personality if we're discussing Luke being "bad" or "sithlike".  There's nothing substantial there to back that in my point of view... 

Is Luke "badass" though?  He's confident and sure of himself in every situation except his final trial against Palpatine and Vader.  To me that makes him a badass for sure! :)  But not a "sithlike" character or "bad", etc.

My conclusion is that Luke "thinks" he's a badass(sithlike arrogance picked up somewhere between the end of esb and the beginning of rotj)..only until the final confrontation with vader does he realize he doesn't make fate decisions for the galaxy-only vader does. He becomes a jedimaster when he makes the ultimate sacrifice as you put it and abandons his sithlike traits...I wonder if his clothing gets lighter again after the saga?

Toy Reviews / Re: New JD Review: Governor Tarkin
« on: August 12, 2005, 12:36 PM »
I wonder if the real tarkin(actor) was in a cut scene because you can almost positively identify him as CG in his included scene. If there is one in a cut scene-it's likely the one on the 3 3/4" card-as we've never seen that image on the movie. ::)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Jedi After Episode 3?
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:56 PM »
Hey! we can't mention that word on here. My grandfather was one and he did'nt
have a choice and was killed because of it-so I'm not proud of it and don't wanna see it mentioned-(see the dafoo incident)

The Original Trilogy / Re: Wimpy/whiney Luke....a SITH?
« on: August 11, 2005, 04:52 PM »
I don't see how getting darker as you get older is a sign of maturity
LOL- what are you saying? That if I wore alotta black in high school(see death punkers,goth) then I'm mature then? but now that I'm elder I wear lighter clothing I'm immature? That I should go with the goth thing now as an old man to look "mature" lol...hillarious ;D

I think the black always represented a badass mentallity/portrayal- challenge me on it....look at all the modern movies- who's the bad guys? or the "badass" good guys? I>E> blade, batman,van helsing,darkman. Bad dudes that ride the edge of totally bad- A sign of maturity?...hmmm,really?   

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