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Messages - JediMAC

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30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU exclusive Bantha & Rancor?
« on: April 28, 2007, 03:19 AM »
I'm quite dreading seeing the two variations on this, considering I collect boxed and openers of everything.  I'm really having a hard time stomaching dropping $180 on four of these things.  If the lighter (normal-colored) set is any different than their prior versions, I'll have to grab an opener of it for sure.  If not, I may just go boxed on the light set, and openers of the red set, and leave it at that - OCD be damned.  It sounds like it'd be a good idea for me to get my old Bantha out to take a look at it for a refresher course, so I can tell if there's any differences.

Is that VTSC Tusken's cape different in both sets, and not just the red one?  If so, that's gonna be a potential problem too.  Ugh...

White Vader's TIE, eh?  Man, this line is going from bad to worse with the asinine repaints they're dreaming up.  It's really making me want to quit collecting these, knowing how badly I'm being taken advantage of, but I know I won't.  The recent 20% price hike sure isn't helping matters either.

I'm quite curious to see what (how bad) the rest of that wave's gonna look like...

I wish I'd gone with the BOGO sale as well, but was too lazy.  I've only been picking up the OT ships anyway, so it's not quite as bad.  I guess I didn't post in here (just on the main news page), but I found all four a couple weeks ago up at the Thousand Oaks TRU.  Oddly enough, the Santa Clarita TRU has had several TIEs and JSFs sitting around all week, but no X-Wings or Gunships.  Weird.

I wonder if this is really the end of the line for the Ultra Titaniums, or if there's another exclusive or two still in the pipeline?  I think I recall hearing this was it for them, which I guess would be fine with me, especially at their ridiculous $20 - $25 price point, when I already bought them all for $10 in plastic years ago.  I do like the added heft of the Titanium, but not for 100% or more added in price.

This was a pretty nice looking wave to end on though.  Red 3 is a bit blah, but the other three ships look real sharp.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NBA 2007 Playoffs
« on: April 25, 2007, 06:29 PM »
don't forget that the lakers suck.  i don't think anyone (except LA fans) expected them to win.

I don't even think that most L.A. fans expected them to win (myself included), or at least not the halfway intelligent ones anyway.  I predicted a Suns sweep prior to the start of the series.  This Lakers team has less heart, desire, and effort than any I remember in quite some time (despite all the major injuries).  I like to think that the season ended way back when we were 26-13.  Those were happier times...  :P

Phoenix is an offensive machine, and a blast to watch.  As for Dallas, considering they've now lost 7 of their last 8 games to the Warriors, including all 4 this year, they're going to have to make some serious adjustments to their game plan if they want to beat their former coach.  It'll be pretty amusing if Golden State pulls it out, considering the Mav's handed them the #8 seed by not playing most of their starters against them in the second to last game of the regular season, effectively knocking the Clippers out of the #8 seed.  Most were speculating they did that to avoid the Clippers in the first round (and not just to rest their stars), and play the Warriors instead.  Bad move, methinks...  I'd love to see that decision come back to seriously bite them in the ass...

Not sure if you guys caught the recent poll on RS, but it sounds like Hasbro may be considering adding "Alpha" (concept) vehicles into this line's future, likely due to the fact that they're almost out of ships to choose from at this point.  I'm not personallyin favor of the idea, especially since they're already stretching the line incredibly thin at this point, but nearly 70% of those who answered wanted the concept vehicles added.  Ugh.  I'd rather just see this line gracefully come to it's end after several more waves...

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replica Scaled Helmets
« on: April 23, 2007, 06:14 PM »
I haven't followed the news & pix too closely, but what's the difference between them, Matt?  Other than the MR version is obviously shiny and white, and Brent's precious Riddell version is turning green...?  (heh.)

Has MR tweaked the Riddell molds a bit?  Or just refined the paint jobs a bit?

The original Snowspeeder and some of the others from WM were later re-released to the big box stores but I only saw a few of them at Target though...
Matt, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.  ;)

This is all correct.. wave 2 came out right as the episode 3 toys were released(at WM only).

Man, I think my memory has totally failed me on the earlier stages of this line - sorry King.  Seeing the ensuing comments in here has slightly jogged my memory now though, in that the first several waves were only available at WM.  I only missed out on Wave 1, and since I rarely ever shop at WM, I just assumed I found everything else at Target.  I guess not.  Looks like I bought a few more at WM than I cared to recall...  :-[

As for those last couple Snowspeeders to hit recently, I saw many with their speed flaps thingees busted off, and bouncing around loose in the package.  I saw plenty that hadn't fallen off as well.  It's just poorly designed, I guess, so that it'll pop right off with a slight jarring to the package/ship.  Probably annoying to the packaged collectors if that's all they can find, but I'm sure the loose collectors could pop it right back into place upon opening it.

Sorry again about my mis-information there, King.  You were right about those three!  ;)

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replica Scaled Helmets
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:36 AM »
...AS mentioned earlier I could be swayed to get the stormtrooper as mine has a yellowish tinge these days...

Glad to hear it.  Serves you right, you boastful bastard.  >:(

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Virginia Tech tragedy
« on: April 22, 2007, 01:32 AM »
I'd listen to Brent, since I think he's even experienced a couple of World Wars in his day.

Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: April 21, 2007, 03:46 AM »
I was curious, I saw awhile back that there were a few sightings of the Han/Boussh, Luke/Vader, Royal Guard/Imp Gunner, and Walrusman/Snaggletooth wave - but how many of you have been seeing these at retail?

I just saw this wave for the first time at a couple Targets tonight, Brian, so I'm sure they're just in the "trickling out" stage at this point, and should start hitting in greater abundance pretty soon here.  Only one Vader/Luke set, but plenty of the other three.  But yes, the GH line really dried up at most Targets over the past few months, to the point where it was really hard to find ANY of them, old or new.  But in the past several weeks, I've started seeing them build up on the pegs a little bit again, and with more waves being released lately than had been in previous months, I think we'll start seeing their availability go back up to more normal levels again soon.  I've definitely been seeing a lot more of them at Walmarts of late though, so that may be a better option than Target at this point (as repulsive an option as that may be).

I'm definitely digging this new wave though.  Nice to see them getting into some more popular secondary characters for a change, and OT ones at that.  Pretty sharp looking wave here, with pretty good paint apps on most of the ones I saw, which is an improvement.  No complaints, other than Vader obviously looks a little silly dueling with his helmet off...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Virginia Tech tragedy
« on: April 21, 2007, 03:09 AM »
Yes, let's not.

You actually expect me to read page 2 of this thread?  ****.  Instead, how 'bout you try to summarize your thoughts more cohesively, in one place, rather than spilling them sporadically all over the thread.  Thanks.  But since I was attending a history lecture tonight with a fair amount of discussion on Lincoln included, I still get credit for coming up with that one on my own, dammit.  Wild Friday night, I know...  ::)

What if I don't?

I agree.  April 4th was stretching it a bit.  My bad.

I wholeheartedly concur with your Joey Lawrence inclusion however, despite it being lost deep within page 2 there.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Virginia Tech tragedy
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:12 PM »
What is it about the middle of April that makes all the crazies finally flip their wigs?

OKC bombing - April 19, 1995
Columbine - April 20, 1999
V-Tech - April 16, 2007

And also the Waco Branch Davidian thing, that was on April 19, 1993.  Not exactly the same as the others, but it's still a bizarre, entirely unnecessary incident worth mentioning.

Let's not forget April 14th, 1865: Lincoln's assasination.

(plus, April 4th for MLK's assasination, if you want to stretch it out a couple weeks earlier)

And now a gunman has barricaded himself inside NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston.

CNN's reporting 2 dead there now.

Buncha ******' psycho idiots out there...

Kubricks / Re: 2007 Medicom Collector Club Box Set
« on: April 20, 2007, 08:22 AM »
I was having a hard time finding the new 5 pack pics, but I found them in the Minnesota kubrick section. Has anyone heard of a ship date for these? The BBTS site still shows an April release

It was supposedly due out some time this month, but it's obviously looking like it's going to probably be a May release at this point, unfortunately.

(I merged your post in here Dan, btw)

If you are still looking to buy this check out

Thanks for the tip on this, Justin.  I've been sitting on my lazy ass for months regarding this set, as well as the Republic Commando set.  So I hustled on over to Newforce after catching your post here and grabbed two of each, finally.  I barely snuck in there in time, as I apparently grabbed the last of the Death Star double-sets (though they're still available individually).  I stuck it in my cart, but when I clicked "Back" a second later to check the shipping quote, the "2-pack" was listed as sold out (the last one was sitting in my cart, apparently).  Fortunately, Rick at Newforce told me my order came through just fine, so I guess I'm in good shape.  For a change, I don't even have to pay the sales tax on these, as I would've at EE where I was planning on getting them.  I guess the shipping offsets that (since EE is 15 minutes away), but the prices at Newforce were obviously way better (saved just over $42 total), so I'm glad I popped in here and caught your post.  Thanks for the head's up!

I actually only saw the Death Star Conference room in person for the first time yesterday, coincidentally.  Nice looking set, of course, though an OT/better Tarkin would've certainly been a plus.  As would a real table and chairs, with articulated knees on the figures, which obviously goes without saying.  But with 4 all-new figures in one set, each at less than regular retail prices, how the hell can you go wrong?!  Excellent set, and excellent value.  I'll probably nab a third set at some point, if I see any for even cheaper later on down the line...

The only Titaniums that were exclusive to WM was the very first wave of 4 ships which were all re-released later on everywhere, like Mike just mentioned, PLUS any vehicles that were unique to those WM exclusive 5-packs, which I don't recall off hand.  I know there were at least several in those sets that didn't hit anywhere else.  Don't recall if that applies to the three King just mentioned though.  Do you know if those are single carded ships, King?  If so, then they definitely would've hit Target/TRU at some point as well...

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