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Messages - Nirvana

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 15 16 17 [18] 19 20 21 22 23 ... 65
Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Rebelscum
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:13 PM »
Way to go on the double post, and by the way, you're not allowed to have pics in your sigs.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC White TIE Fighter
« on: June 25, 2006, 10:08 PM »
I might pick this one up...I'm a little bummed on the POTF2 Pilot though, when they have the far superior SAGA TIE Pilot...

I was in and out of the chatroom, I was there at 9-10 then about 1130-1230. Towards the end there wasn't really any topic. Maybe next week will be more organized. It was still fun, though.

Fan Art / Re: Darth_Deastron's Graphics
« on: June 25, 2006, 03:21 PM »
I like your style!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :) :) :) :) 8)

Fan Art / Re: Darth_Deastron's Graphics
« on: June 25, 2006, 03:20 PM »
Nice work!

Yours did too DN, as I know a lot of the guys from West Mifflin/C3, Robinson, and out 60 and stuff found them... So did the N. HIlls guys... IT wasn't just an eastern half thing.
Well, that's interesting...I never saw them...but, then again, I never really looked for them and towards the end of the year my Wal Mart completely stopped getting new figs still hasn't recovered.

I always wondered what a Stormtrooper (in this case, Sandtrooper) would look like when he was off-duty. Being that I just finished my Imperial Prototype Sandtrooper (see above), I figured I'd do him up in a Tattoine-esque style.

Here is an Imperial Sandtrooper back in the barracks after a long day in the dunes.

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

I know what you mean, Ryan. It's people who do that all the time that really make me mad. Most of the time, it's only users at RebelScum. It really annoys me.

It's either that or people who post without capitalizing their 'I's when it's in the first person. Like this:

i picked up a sandtrooper at walmart last night. i think it's really cool, in fact, i want more.


Well, I redid him a little bit...swapped out the legs for something mor SW-ish, and changed the headsculpt around. Dirtied up the arms a bit, and swapped out the belt for a webbing belt.

Gunnery Sargeant Delmon Aljek (Designation Number FR-264)- 79th Mos Vaspi Garrision

Head, Torso, Arms- BBi Afghan Spec Forces
Belt- BBi WW2 Paratrooper
Helmet- SAGA2 Veers
Upper legs- SAGA2 ATAT Driver
Lower Legs SAGA2 VTSC Biker Scout

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

That looks really good, SP, the scupting looks awesome. I wish I could sculpt as good as you, lol. Did you sculpt the wrist armor also?

See, now this is one time that regional distribution f-ups worked out in PIttsburgh's favor, and other areas actually were SOL for once.

Well, maybe your half of the city lucked out, Jesse. I never saw them at all in stores.  :)

As I said in my earlier post, I picked up a BBi Spec Forces Marine (as well as some others for gear and such) and just made this as a skill building custom- nothing fancy, just practicing with paint and different styles of weathering. I think it came out pretty nice.

After the Empire experienced failure with the Stormtrooper armor on arid and sandy environments (One such example was Tattoine- sand and grit destroyed the suit's mechanisms), they developed a series of combat-ready fatigues that were practical, effective, and easy to maintain. Slated for a early debut, the project was scrapped after they needed the funds to rebuild the second Death Star. Here is the prototype uniform after a test cycle on Tattooine with the 79th Garrision.

Gunnery Sargeant Fenn Ocheron (Imperial Desgination Number JU-0616)

Well, I hope you like him. LMK what you think. Thanks for looking.

Other Toy Lines / Re: The Official 21st Century Toys Thread
« on: June 22, 2006, 10:21 AM »
I just picked up the Afghan Spec Forces and WW2 Medic Paratrooper for customs...I actually love the Spec Forces fig, the lack of wrist articulation is a minor setback, as well as the non-removable hat...the brim is too low and you can't see his face.

The Paratrooper was okay...I mainly bought him for the headsculpt and the gear...I didn't like that his arms couldn't hang down at his sides...they kinda hung out at an angle do to the sculpt of his jumpsuit.

Also picked up one of their earlier Marines, the African American version for the boonie hat and beret.

I'm pretty sure I can. My mom is pretty supportive and it's only a custom. In fact, probably the customs I do will just be donations. I'll ask her tomorrow and get back to everyone on the subject. This is a really great idea and I'd love to be part of it.

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