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TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: March 18, 2011, 11:01 AM »
I just watched this episode last night, I liked it overall, Tarkin was enjoyable. The the story arc was good but like others posted it was a little long in the tooth. 2 episodes would have been enough (I felt they needed more time on the Opress arc). I also have to agree on how this show is disregarding the existing story canon. They are really killing the continuity of EU, Even Piell was present during operation Knightfall and survived Order 66. He was the Master of Jax Paven who owns I-5YQ (Hasbro made a figure of this cool Protocol droid). He died in that series, so they basically threw out the entire series of novels. Are they going to pull a Dallas to explain this? Star Trek was always so much better at their continuity.

For a season dubbed "Secrets Revealed" they have revealed nothing but incompetence in their handling of this season. Piell tells Asooka something secret but we the viewers could not hear it? During the Opress episodes it would have had more impact to reveal Maul in person than an image of him in a crystal ball image. Secrets revealed my arse! This season was overall pretty weak, they bounced back but not enough. I do not care if the Chewie episodes are great they wasted too much time on politics and long winded episodes.

When we think of CW season 3 we do not think of "Secrets Revealed" we think of tainted soft drinks in the Mandalorian public school system.

(FYI - My BP sets are pure collector indulgence)

Imperial Curfew on Mos Eisley 
- Ackmena
- Y'Bith
- Ket Maliss
- Solomahal

Officers of the Empire

- Scanning Crew with V2 Head and Crate
- Admiral Ozzel (Needa body with a new head, choke hand and badge)
- Death Star Trooper (Gray + New head)
- Imperial Officer (Scanning Crew member in all Black)

Shadows of the Empire
- Vintage Luke Jedi with new Vest
- Leebo
- Snoova
- Lando in Imperial Armor
(Assuming the RS Curto Confirmation rumor of Guri and Dash coming this year)

Yavin Ceremony
- Leia Ceremony
- Luke Yavin (New head and actual skin color)
- Chewbacca (Screaming Tin pack version witout Snow deco)
- Han ceremony (Corrected)

Fighting Facial Hair of the Rebellion
- General Bob Hudsol
- General Jan Dodonna
- Porkins
- Biggs Pilot (On taller SA X-Wing body)

Life Day

- Chewbacca (early bird) with soft goods red robe
- Lumpy
- Maala
- Itchy

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 17, 2011, 03:33 PM »
Chewie I would love that pack! You do not even need to retool Leia's arms just use the ones from the Medical Frigate Leia, they are ball jointed. I just swapped heads heads to update my ANH Leia. I would prefer the retool the ANH head, it looks nothing like Carrie Fisher and way too young. The Medical Leia head has the most spot on likeness in my opinion.

Maybe if they retool Dodonna they can make the "Safari Joe" looking General and the others with the body so they get more mileage out of it. If Q&A's ever come back maybe we can ask/seed the idea to them.

I normally do not order from Brian's Toys but there is a $15 off code on orders of $75 or more. I purchased x8 AOTC Vintage Clonetroopers. To find 8 of these in one shot will be difficult at retail so it was worth it to me. Since I am rebuilding my army I need to find ways to get these in bulk.

Code: 15OFF

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 16, 2011, 05:32 PM »
Or that Hasbro was going with a younger/generic sculpt and possibly Lucasfilm got on them to do the older trooper or something.  I hope we get both though...  I prefer the younger to the older, but getting Pello would be nice for sure.

Either way as long as the body is great there will always be heads from other figures to fit onto it. I am really looking forward to this figure and the rest of the wave! On side note they need to redo Captain Antilles too...

Other Toy Lines / Re: Modern Masters of the Universe
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:48 PM »
I have to order the weapons rack next month, not looking forward to it but I am glad it seems easier to order. I love this line and I am excited about the mini comic battle Ground Teela. I am a sucker for Barbarians, she will look great with Vikor!
The only upcoming figure that i am on the fence is the Faceless One.  I have no choice to buy him as I am a subscriber.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:38 AM »
Where did you hear that?

Wow, I missed this! It's the Saga2 head, i am very cool with this. Good eye and thanks for the head up. This one slipped past me.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 15, 2011, 05:54 PM »
Happening with the ROTJ Rebel Commando so why not?

Where did you hear that?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: March 15, 2011, 05:52 PM »
Can Hasbro be giving us two heads? Running change maybe....

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 15, 2011, 02:46 PM »
Fired  :o. What are old clones to do in this job market?

I never even fired my POTF2 Stormtroopers, in fact I picked up 5 more last year at a yard sale.


I still like this rifle the best. I still use it in my collection with my Legacy EU Spacetroopers. It looks great with them!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 15, 2011, 11:53 AM »
Wow this thread got fired up, I love it!

Proportionally and detail wise the new Phase 1 Clone smokes the old one in screen accuracy in my opinion. I want to point out another edge the new one has is the armor has a slight molded texture that gives it a flat and more realistic look. It no longer looks like shiny plastic like the old one, the old clone has a really shiny chest/torso. The Phase 2 clones were not as shiny as the old Phase 1 but it still had a plasticy look.

As I said the old clone is still a great figure but he is very action figurey when compared to the new one (I am using the "y" ending thing for a lot of words today). He is thicker and look heroically muscular like a kids toy. (Yes, I know it's still a toy but let's face it the Vintage line is geared more for adult collectors) FYI -The old AT-RT driver looks like the chubby younger brother compared to the new one. I do like the old Clones shoes better, the sole with the traction looked cool, that my only "complaint" on the new one. I will take better pics tonight, I was up really late last night so I rushed them.

My old clone army is fired. I already began selling them. Please Hasbro, sell these by the case to an online retailer. I would by 4-6 cases.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 15, 2011, 02:12 AM »
I took some quick pics before I head to bed, I will read through the previous conversations and reply tomorrow. In the mean time here is some more fuel for the fun debate fire:

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 14, 2011, 04:53 PM »
I will not argue/debate personal preference of which clones ones prefer but the new Clone is more screen accurate in every regard, even his weapons are. Just look at the sculpts below with the movie shot, there is no denying it, event he proportions are more realistic: (DISCLAIMER TO ALL JD MEMBERS - IN THE STUPID AGE OF OVER SENSITIVITY MY POST IS NOT MEANT TO BE A FIGHT, TO BE RUDE OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN PERSONALLY. I AM JUST STATING STRONG OPINION BACKED UP BY COMPARISON EVIDENCE

In regards to this figures height he is a smidge taller than the old one. The stance of the legs is wider on the old clone so the height difference is so minor it could actually be the same. I was blown away by this figure and the AT-RT driver, they looked like they walked off the screen. The articulation is so well hidden to boot. Again, I am not trying to rub anyone the wrong way but when you actually get this in hand you will see the details are spot on when you compare with old one. The old one is still a nice figure (I still love the 442nd clones!) but if you are like me and want the most screen accurate figure the old clone does not cut it anymore.

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