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Messages - JediJman

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The MCU post Endgame.
« on: November 5, 2021, 04:40 PM »
Gong to see Eternals tomorrow.  Not really sure what to expect from this one, but I trust in the Marvel team's plan...they've been well so far.

Saw it last night and it was just so-so.  They did a good job misdirecting the plot, but you could tell kind of early on that not everyone on the team was on the same page.  I don't want to say more than that for plot spoilers, but I'll add that for me they never really come together as a "team" the way the Guardians and the Avengers do. Lots of plot holes in this one and it frankly just felt like a long set up/introduction to me.  I did like the battle scenes and the side characters like Dane.

Also, for anyone that uses Marcus Cinemas, they have a deal going through the weekend where you get $15 for buying a $50 gift card.  Not hard to use up between this and Spidey 3 on the horizon.

Anybody still monitoring this thread?  I was looking over the site today and discovered that Yahoo hates me.  I was projected to go 2-12 following my draft.  Now that I'm 7-1, the site has revised the projection and believes I will finish 8-6.  Not looking forward to losing 6 of my next 7 games...  ::)

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 2021 HasLab Black Series Rancor
« on: October 25, 2021, 05:30 PM »
I don't know why Hasbro hides any of the unlocks for Haslab projects.

Control freaks.  They're ridiculous about making sure they are the ones to release the news when where and how they want it released.  I'm with you - I'd rather see it all up front.  If I know there is a stretch goal I want, I might be talking friends into it, budgeting to afford it, or even just rolling the idea around in my head longer to convince myself its worth it.  Instead, they keep it all hidden for a later surprise!  The only advantage is spreading out the news/buzz to keep it top of mind, but I'd be surprised to find that you gain a lot more sales that way than with just showing all your cards right away.  Heck, I'm sure some people would buy multiples if this was the only way to get a 6" Oola and Rancor Keeper or other exclusive items.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Legends
« on: October 25, 2021, 05:24 PM »
Another nice showing from the Legends team at PulseCon today, which is saying something considering how much they unveil on a weekly basis throughout the year. Plus they are very enjoyable guys who really seem to enjoy their brand. Cool things include an anniversary line for the beginning of Legends with all new Cap and Iron Man figures (Toad and Hulk are rumored to complete that original wave), retro carded versions of Scarlet Witch and Vision, MCU updates/re-releases of Endgame Cap, Falcon Cap, Winter Soldier, and another retro 4” wave. Plus, coolest of all, X-Men Animated Series figures that come in VHS tale style boxes. Wolverine and Jubilee are the first announced.

I can't find the info on the new Marvel 4" Retro wave.  Who is included?  I see a listing for a 2 pack with Marvel Girl and Wolverine, but that's it. 

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 2021 HasLab Black Series Rancor
« on: October 23, 2021, 06:09 PM »
The Rancor passed 3k backers already.  I'm holding out to see the incentives.  Curious to know how those work.  I'm sure they've come up with them in advance, but do they lower the targets if they're getting less orders than forecasted?  Or is the target even higher to force people to order multiples?

Pretty easy ordering on all of these this time.  I'm not sure they made improvements or if I was just in the right window, but I found this easily enough on EE with free shipping along with the set of 4 TPM figures.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Walmart TVC "Original 96" Exclusives
« on: October 23, 2021, 06:04 PM »
Glad it worked!  I have a hair dryer in the bathroom near my Star Wars cave and its sole purpose is fixing toys.   ;D

Did I read the summary incorrectly?  I thought the 4-packs were Pulse exclusives

The Black Series 6" Figures / Re: 2021 HasLab Black Series Rancor
« on: October 22, 2021, 03:23 PM »

Up to almost 1k backers already, so I don't think they'll have a hard time hitting 9k.  Still on the fence myself - I like it, but I don't love it.

Wow, nice game Scott.  97.14 to 96.69.  If it makes you feel any better I lost in another league 137.26 to 137.34, so I literally lost by less than a yard.

I ended up with all 6 at regular price this time around. 

2 Purple through Pre-Order
2 Yellow though Site to Store
2 Green, 1 Red, 1 Purple in-store finds (all at one Target)
Traded Local 1 Purple for 1 Orange
Traded Local 1 Purple for 1 Blue

So I have a spare Yellow and Green if anyone needs help.  Tempted to just open those though.  I'd love to get a second set and try to build full color editions through boil and pop.  Has anyone tried that on these retro figures?

I love the vintage style of these and would buy them all regardless of what order they came out in.  I'm just happy they're going slow with the retro stuff - its hard enough to keep up with TVC and Black Series these days.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Walmart TVC "Original 96" Exclusives
« on: October 18, 2021, 09:27 AM »
I have run into this several times over the years.  Just take a hair dryer on high and point it directly at the join you want to loosen for 30-45 seconds.  It softens up the plastic a bit but doesn't melt it or hurt the paint.  you can then typically move the joint a bit to loosen it up.  I've also used this to fix wonky knee joints or accessories with bends in them.  Loosen it up, set it the way you want it, and let it cool.  Boiling works too, but a lot more work to set up and then you're literally boiling water into the cracks, which I feel like could come back to bite you over time. 

I don't understand why these exclusives are so hard to find in MN.  Seems like lots of success away from their home market, but new stuff is impossible to find here in the twin cities where we have 50+ stores around the metro.

I ended up with Purple, Yellow, Green Doubles if anyone is looking to trade.  Still need to the Blue torso version.

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