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Messages - jedi_master_sal

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Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2010 Imperial AT-AT
« on: February 4, 2010, 04:08 PM »
So it's 12" wide and 24"+ tall? Anyone want to start petitioning now for replacement legs that are 6"-8" taller?  ::) :P

Completely agree. This should have been close to if not 3ft tall. I REALLY hope Hasbro, or someone else brings an old mold AT-AT to Toy Fair to show and compare the size.  My excitement level for this has dropped.

I'll still get one, but multiple purchases are deeply in question now.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Drop in Collector Interest/Figures?
« on: February 4, 2010, 04:01 PM »
They have to stop the Drought/Glut cycle of product, to me it's a major contributor of the decline. You cannot starve the average collector and hold their interest. You cannot expect them to run out searching for so much product while spending so much money in a short period of time. You take away the enjoyment of collecting replacing it with a feeling of being burdened financially and mentally.

Once again I agree completely. This is one of if not the biggest problems with the line to date.

Here's the thing, collectors (big "C" or not) collect all year around. So we need to see that product all year around.

Kids may very well buy into stuff all year as well, but traditionally parents by MORE in the fall to early winter in preparation for Christmas. This is a known fact.

I'm betting that if the Legacy stuff (and I'm talking the new stuff per case, not the crappy refresh cases with previous figures) were available all year around, Hasbro would have seen a MUCH better showing for sales.

but they chose the quick and easy path by going with Legends. No new tooling, no BaD part, same price, instant profits...or was it. Other than some figs for charity I bought no Legends figures for myself. All Legacy and a scant few CW. Hasbro can blame me for that as a collector.

Why on God's earth would I buy the same clone repacked when I already got him a year or two or more and for CHEAPER, in some cases significantly cheaper? My best example I can think of off hand is Commander Devis. This was just a clone commander for ROTS back in 2005. FIVE years ago. What were we paying for figures back then? About $5 to $5.50 per figure. Okay, so he includes a BaD part. That part isn't worth a $1, but let's say it is. The figure should not have cost more than $6-6.50. Yet, he was reissued as a Legacy figure for close to if not $8. Other clones are similarly done but in the Legends packaging. Again, $8? All we get more of are some weapons accessories that I'm betting a PENNIES to make.

If Hasbro is going to have a subline like Legends, then be at least FAIR about it. Have it packaged as a completely different look from CW and the realistic line. Sell those cheaper since the molds are already long done. Call it the "Armies of SW" or something, I don't care, but quit screwing the consumer. You, Hasbro, wonder why we collectors have started to buy less? Read this thread alone and you have your answers.

Honestly, I'm SO glad I decided to budget myself years ago. It's made it easier to buy less. But to add to that Hasbro's decisions have made it even easier than that. I'd buy more (since I'm still well within my budget) if they made the figures I want, made them available all year around and didn't try to wring every dollar from me.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Basic Figure Line
« on: February 4, 2010, 10:51 AM »
While I would love to see a good pack in I did not consider this Emo-generation, Yu-gi-Oh game **** appealing at all. If fact, they will do me a favor by not packing them in. I rather see the current high price stay the same, continue to invest in the line and still be at retail.

I do not buy this "so many collectors left spiel". Pegs are empty with Legacy not overstocked, this is the same story with Collectors across the country. They sound like a bunch of Politicians blaming everyone else but themselves. Frankly, I am getting really tired of it. Hasbro dropped the ball big time in a lot of areas. They need to fess up and suck it up. Stop pointing fingers and telling us to support the line more. I am out of room:
I support his line and then some with custom fodder. They need to take some responsibility, it's a real turn off.

Let's shine a light on what they contributed to the current mess:

- Comic Pack choices. (Waiter Wedge anyone?)
- Horrendous Distribution: 2 straight years of Drought/Glut
- The ARC/Y-Wing Debacle. They should have delayed the SKU instead of heading in with a $65 ARC. (They admitted the value was not there with the ARC and that was a filler spot until the Y-Wing production caught up. Now they blame inflation for the price. Again they are taking ques from Washington.)
- Figure Variants. Major ball drop here 4 times.
- The Organas. anyone could have seen those warm pegs coming a mile away.
- $50 for a Tie interceptor. Sorry inflation is not that bad...yet.
- Mighty Flopps. (When are they going to learn sub lines do not fly.)
- Ecliptic Tie. The King of Vehicle Dogs. You could not even give those away at $10.
- The Ancient and irrelevant 90's Crimson Empire Power Rangers with the reuse of the most ****** legs TAC could offer. Hell, even Academy Biggs had better gams than those with more articulation.
- Joker Squad. (Maleval and the Female Trooper were nice.) Weak overall.

So sorry, but screw Hasbro's finger pointing at the collector. I have my own middle finger to point at them.

Great points made JACK. I agree completely with this post.

While I'll state I buy less due to room for all of this stuff, and having bought a home recently, there is a lot of blame to pricing, choice of characters made, availability.

If the price is too high, we're not gonna buy,
If the characters made, don't fit the grade,
If it's lack of availability, it's actually quite silly,
we ain't gonna buy...

Corny as that "peom" may be, it rings true for many of us. Price is way to high. Taking away what is the best pack-in to date and keeping the same price, just isn't going to fly with us. Constant reissues, or unneeded upgrades over previously never before made characters, or characters that DO need an upgrade (Ponda Baba, and Dr. Evazan for just two examples), keeps us from buying. And number one...if these are produced in lower numbers not only is it going to make it harder for us to get, but of course the numbers will look lower.

Cut back on the damn Legends line! ramp up production on the Vintage line. And for the love of gawd, do NOT include Legends line in the vintage line. Keep those two lines SEPARATE! It's the only way we can easily show the difference to the store clerks and tell them exactly what figures we want. Otherwise, Hasbro, you're just going to keep perpetuating the same problems all over again. And worse, you'll blame we collectors not yourself for it.

I like MANY other collectors have spent thousands if not tens of thousands on this stuff. Show some damn respect for us. We ARE your core base for the realistic line. Trounce on us and yes, we'll leave. Not make the figures we want, yes we'll leave, complain about the complaints we have, yes we'll leave. Granted some of our complaints may seem frivolous, but WE are the consumer. It's OUR money you're after ultimately. If we weren't buying form the likes of Wal*Mart, Target and Toys R Us, the you wouldn't have a leg to stand on for this line.

I may be but one person (who in just the last 15 years has spent well into the tens of thousands for just your stuff alone), but add us all up and we make a formidible force that you just plain can not afford to lose.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 13 - Expanded Universe
« on: February 4, 2010, 09:46 AM »
What a drag. At least when they hit, we only have to go to one store to look.


The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: February 4, 2010, 09:28 AM »
I can definitely agree that the Shadow trooper set could have been pulled instead.

And I was REALLY looking forward to the Deliah Blue set as well as the Jareal set. Female figures are harder to come by and those two figure prominently into their respective comic book titles. Shame on you Hasbro!

Those damn repacks came to bite you in the arse didn't they? We told you so MANY times and yet you refused to listen to us, stating that it saved money on tooling and would be more of a profit because of that reason. Now you finally see the error of your ways and what do you do? You CAN the NEW figures and continue wit kitbashed CRAP. You really only have yourself to blame Hasbro. Bring out the characters that are desirable to us, not what is going to save you in tooling cost. Take the Legends line for example, sure it's cheaper to produce, but you are kidding yourself if you think Legends outsells Legacy. Most of us can't find Legacy on the shelves and when we do it's scarce and we usually buy those few figures up. Legends is plentifula dn CLOGGING up shelves, much as the repacked comic packs.

While I used to be a trooper army builder and no doubts would have (and still will) buy one of each of those sets, if they were never made, I would have been okay with it. Strike that, had they never been announced or made, I'd have known none the wiser. But with the Deliah Blue and Jarel sets, again as I stated, those are integral characters to their respective stories and rare female figures in a male dominated line. They would have been much better choice to keep. Heck you even pulled the female pilot.

What is it Hasbro? Got something against women do you? I dunno, just sayin'...

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 13 - Expanded Universe
« on: February 4, 2010, 09:13 AM »
I started thinking about this all last night. I feel bad for those who don't have a TRU by them. I've got several within a 15 mile radius.

In the meantime, with Hasbro stating this wave won't be available at retail (TRU) until May, we've got plenty of time to catch up on any of the rest of the stuff. I'm not too far behind just needing the Chewie from the ANH wave-with orange droid part, and all of the ESB wave. Still, that gives me about 3 months to find it. I'll be on the lookout for the EU wave and will help out where I can for those figures.

I'll be very glad when the Vintage line comes. Our understanding is that the Vintage cardback will not just be different but significantly different than the Legends and/or CW line. This really should help. At the least it's a great visual for when we need to ask store clerks about figures. We can easily show them the difference. If they don't "get it" at that point, they are either "intellectually challenged" or playing a game at our expense. (Which I wouldn't put past some of them.)

If we as collectors start asking for that Vintage style over and over again, stores are going to get the point that they need to order more of that stuff.  Well, at least we can hope so anyway.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 13 - Expanded Universe
« on: February 3, 2010, 05:08 PM »
Legacy sales have been so far off the mark - and retails have enough inventory - that even the EU wave has become a Toys 'R Us exclusive in May, with some online retailers having access to the last of the run in June. Once we start fresh with Vintage, we will be able to manage the line to the new collector baseline and make tight releases to keep waves flowing regularly.

Typical Hasbro these days.

The argument can be made that sales of Legacy were not as strong because they have the same SKU as Legends and Legends doesn't sell anywhere near as well as Legacy. But since Hasbro could save money with already tooled figures, they wanted to pack them in Legacy cases.

I really don't see this as the fault of the collector. We bought up Legacy like it's going out of wait, is it? I rarely saw figures peg for any length of time. Heck even the pink chick from the cantina whom I thought would pegwarm isn't found too often and certainly not in pegwarming numbers like we've seen figures form past years.

I really hope with  new SKU for the Vintage line Hasbro will see the error of their ways. Taking away the BaD part is going to hurt some sales, but only packing vintage together and not mixing them with Legends is really going to tell the tale.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave ? - RotS
« on: February 3, 2010, 02:59 PM »
Funeral Padme with floating coffin
Vader and his medical pod oh wait, no pack-ins... or do accessories count?
Dooku's pilot droid.
Fembot (seen in some of the council and opera scenes)
Bail Organa (Airspeeder pilot outfit)

I dunno, just don't think there realy are too many characters I "need" from the movie.

Maybe some of the Speratist leaders not already made.

Oh, the OTHER Utai wrangler!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Basic Figure Line
« on: February 3, 2010, 02:56 PM »
These cost way too much with or without a cool pack-in! lol

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave ? - AotC
« on: February 3, 2010, 02:53 PM »
Zam definitely needs an upgrade.
Cliegg would be nice, but you know Hasbro would just say, "He's not action oriented enough."
Boy Wonder Boba Fett would be a good consideration for this.

I can see Anakin and Obi-wan though as reissues, so long as they are the best articulated versions.

Damn, I can see me getting sucked into buying 2 of each of these, one to open and one carded....My wife is going to LOVE that...(sarcasm alert).

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2010 Imperial AT-AT
« on: February 3, 2010, 02:49 PM »

I'm glad that Hasbro confirmed this ahead of time. Now the rumors can be put to rest and we can eagerly anticipate seeing the pics. Oh and PLEASE, take dimensions. Height, width, length. If possible, take an old AT-AT with you if they'll let you in with it, to compare sizes. I know that's asking a bit. Maybe shoot off a message to Hasbro and ask them if they'll have the old mold there to compare against so you don't have to trudge one about.

I'm very happy about this and the price is right on the mark!

I'll gladly get a new one. And maybe 2 more when it clearances...

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection
« on: February 3, 2010, 12:35 PM »
Only thing I can think of is if Hasbro makes this with a removable Helmet. Not needed as we never saw them like that in the movie, but it would get me to buy at least a couple of them.

I too am discouraged by the number of unneeded resculpts when either completely new or much needed resculpts could and should have been done first, imo.

Like the OTC version had?

I for one am all for a new version. The pre-posed arms of the OTC version need addressing for sure and the knee joint articulation of old is not nearly as esthetically pleasing as today's figures. Bring on a new CC pilot I say.

heh, I'm getting old, I completely forgot about that...

Okay instead of the head with the under-gear on it, then a new head, maybe include a cap? I dunno. Just not excited about a new CC pilot. As you deftly showed, the previous one is most certainly good enough. For me they will just be sitting in the CCs, so added articulation isn't necessary for my needs. I'd rather see an all new, never before made character.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection
« on: February 3, 2010, 11:40 AM »
So over at Yakface their new Q&A got confirmation of a new CC pilot coming this year. This is another head scratcher as the 2004 sculpt is great and did not need a resculpt at all. Rereleasing him makes sense but redoing him, this is a wasted slot of the few we are getting this year in my opinion. Between the AT-AT Driver, CC Pilot, somewhat the entire first wave (I am glad they went for 3 of the 4). I hope this trend does not continue.

I am 100% in for resculpts but only for those that desperately need it(Ackbar, Yakface, **** even Lobot needs it more). The CC pilot is going to sit in a vehicle does he nee to be SA. The 2004 was has pretty good articulation already.


Agree completely.

Only thing I can think of is if Hasbro makes this with a removable Helmet. Not needed as we never saw them like that in the movie, but it would get me to buy at least a couple of them.

I too am discouraged by the number of unneeded resculpts when either completely new or much needed resculpts could and should have been done first, imo.

Yeah but there's no way any suckers would fall for that and keep buying them so Hasbro could continue doing it forever.

Yeah, absolutely no way!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: February 3, 2010, 09:54 AM »
Greensburg, Monroeville, the 28 Corridor, and up into the North Hills.  I was more on a tear for clearanced stuff but that one week every store I hit was getting at least 2 cases and still have remnants.  I see the Snowtrooper fairly routinely right now and Bacarra as well with the HK-50 parts. 

I haven't seen a replenishment though.  I'd expect one soon though.

Which Snowtrooper, the regular one or the concept? I'm not looking for the regular one, but I'd sure like to get the concept one.

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