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Messages - Jabba the Slug

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:24 AM »
As for the Night Sisters Trilogy, the head Sister (I can't recall her name) and Nightsister "Ninjas" (for lack of a better description) would also make excellent figures, as well as open the door for a unique version of Ventress.

I'm crossing my fingers for new sculpts for both of Asajj's new outfits (revised gray jumpsuit/skirt outfit and Nightsister outfit), but being that she's a female character, I wouldn't be surprised if Hasbro only made the Nightsister outfit, being that she wore it more throughout the arc.

Qui-Gon's also pretty high on my list too, Hasbro can even pull off doing Vader in animated style for a convention exclusive if they choose not to do basic figure format.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 4 - AotC
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:11 AM »
-Zam Wessel...  For me I kinda thought this would be my favorite of the wave, and she sure didn't let me down. 

I've said it billions of times, I love the Zam figure, I'll gladly put down the $11 for this figure. And it's also worth it, this is probably one of the few TVC figures with tons of accessories!

Hasbro should have given Mace ball-jointed hips, I'd rather Kit Fisto got the swivel hip joints, mostly since Mace is a primary character. But this figure really is great though.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 5
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:05 AM »
The 212th helmets blew me out of the water.  It looks like a gold nugget or something.  I don't see how any of those are going to sell at all.  It actually needs to be recalled and redone.

Even though they seem to be common, yesterday I saw for the very first time a ROTS Clone Trooper with a deteriorating helmet (I always find them with white helmets/armor). The helmet was turning gray, it was terrible.

One gripe I have is that for $11 now, Hasbro should have included at least an extra rifle, or carbon scoring, ANYTHING, at least make it worth the extra money - not that they're worth it anymore.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: February 22, 2011, 01:00 AM »
An interesting video pertaining to the Carbonite stuff in last episode...  It didn't address the Hybernation Sickness though. 

I thought it was really funny the way he addressed it, he sorta sighed and said something like, "Something fans have problems with is...". I personally didn't think he addressed the issue well enough, he shrugged off the Ugnaught being there as, "Ugnaughts are the best carbon freezers in the galaxy."

Just saw the episode today, wow!, it was great, I can't believe Even Piell is voiced by a woman! :o It'd be interesting to see what she looks like...

Something I caught interesting was when Anakin said that if the Separatists caught ahold of the Nexus Routes (the hyperspace lanes that were so important), then they could gain access to Coruscant. If Filoni plays his cards right and ends this arc with the Separatists getting ahold of those routes, then it'll tie in directly to the original CW series and ROTS with the Separatist attack on Coruscant... seriously, I hope that's how this arc ends.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:38 AM »
I hate to say it, but Hasbro's situation is understandable - but it just straight-up sucks for collectors. >:(

How is a 25% increase in the retail cost understandable?   ???

I mean, in the way they're raising prices, but for what they said is "labor costs", right? Something like that. Now, if they're only raising prices to compete with other brands or just for the hell of it, then hey, that's not cool, but from what I heard it had to do with the factories and stuff.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Wave 22 (Spring 2011 Wave 3)
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:34 AM »
Those freakishly... er, freakish, I guess... brainworms were a surprising add. I thought Hasbro would include one small tiny worm that maybe you could plug into her nose :P but I guess they can also be worn as a weird outfit, too!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:31 AM »
Hell yes.

I'm with you there, Savage is just such a cool character. It'll be interesting though to see if he gets both the lightsaber and the vibro-axe in the same basic figure release, or if there if each weapon will come with individual sculpts.

He had 2 different outfits in the Nightsisters Trilogy, right? I reckon we'll get a "Dooku's Apprentice" version (w/ armor and lightsaber), and a "Pre-Freakishly Mutated" version.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:27 AM »
At this rate, better the Han/Luke set was cancelled, since the upcoming TVC Bespin Han is loads better.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 5
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:26 AM »
I haven't caught any of this wave out in the wild - along with the AOTC wave. It's sad, really. Nothing but Clones in one store, Bespin Pilots, Dengars, and 4-LOMs in the other. It's like they never restocked after Christmas.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: February 20, 2011, 03:25 AM »
I also didn't know Even Piel was russian.   :D

And according to the Official Site, "he" is also played by a woman! :o

TV-9D9 / Re: The death or disappearance of Ahsoka?
« on: February 19, 2011, 02:48 PM »
I'm with you there, I think they really underplayed the danger that goes into Carbon Freezing.

I'm definitely caving in for the TPM set, for that khaki-colored Battle Droid and the Maul (STILL don't have that Evolutions Maul). I already have Qui-Gon and Obi.

I'm considering the ANH set for Luke and Obi. Don't really need another R2, but I do need a "definite" version of him. I could really care less about the Sandtrooper.

It'd be cool if the eventual soft goods "towel" on the figure includes the 'Star Wars' logo.

Hopefully Hasbro also sculpts 2 all-new guns (as seen in the picture), as opposed to just repacking the weapons seen in the films.

The Vintage Collection / Re: TVC The Phantom Menace thoughts
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:16 PM »
An upgraded Darth Maul is my #1 choice from this movie. He's always demanded by fans and collectors, so I'm really hoping we'll see him in the TVC line up. I was disappointed as it was that we didn't see an upgrade sooner on a TLC card.

Other than that, I could do with a Theed Battle Padme and Aurra Sing - I wouldn't really care if we got an all-new Jar Jar.

I wonder why Hasbro avoids TPM so much, when it seems that that film in particular still has so many character choices.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 16, 2011, 09:02 PM »
I hate to say it, but Hasbro's situation is understandable - but it just straight-up sucks for collectors. >:(

It's a shame that with TVC is doing so well, but it could start to slip with these outrageous prices. If anything, Hasbro should cut down on realistic-styled clones and fill the slots with in-demand characters for better sales.

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