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Messages - shmashwitdaclub

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Amazon is saying according to this schedule that they are doing lightning deals on toys on 12/6 :

perhaps we will see a good price on the MTT then?

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: December 2, 2012, 09:32 PM »
desk of shame?

Still the 2 packs are the best routes to go imo.  If you don't go the 2 pack route you miss out on Ballin (or is it Dwallin?) and Tauriel. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: December 2, 2012, 09:29 PM »
Went to TRU this weekend early in the morning looking for new Skylander figures for my kids, no luck.  I did, however, find the Evazan wave.  Picked up a red bandana Kithaba & Nom Anor.  The best part was that they had the buy one get one 50% off deal.  I think it's the first time in like 6 months that TRU had anything "new."

nice score man!  I saw this case at TRU too.  i was hoping to find a red Kithana but they only had the brown one.  Not something I won't be able to live without getting since I already have the brown one, but I might pick one up if I ever saw it.

Other Toy Lines / Re: NECA Gears of War 3 3/4 scale
« on: November 30, 2012, 11:52 AM »
I'm not into Gears of War, but I hope this line is a huge hit for Neca and opens the door for more 3 3/4 inch lines. I would love some good 1:18 Terminators w/ vehicles, Prometheus (the ship and characters), Aliens Marines with an APC, and some cheap(er) Predators in scale with my GI Joes.

couldn't agree with you anymore.  My first thought at the news of this was I hope they make Predator figures in this scale!

Other Toy Lines / NECA Gears of War 3 3/4 scale
« on: November 30, 2012, 10:59 AM »
Yesterday NECA announced that they will be making a Gears of War 3 3/4 inch scaled line.  Thoughts?

I have all 3 of the games and have never played them  :P  (to busy being an adult and not having time to play games - yet for some reason I keep buying them...)

I do see this line as potential cool figures that can fit in as EU SW/GI Joe stand-ins or for good custom fodder.

Other Toy Lines / Re: NECA Predators
« on: November 30, 2012, 10:57 AM »
thought I would throw this in here - yesterday NECA announced that they are going to be doing a 3 3/4 Gears of War line.  My first thought was "SWEET, I hope this opens the doors for the possibility of their being a 3 3/4 Predator line!"

I am not certain how many 3 3/4 lines NECA has done, but I would think that if they are doing one for Gears of War, that there should be a connection for considering a Predator line in that scale since the 7 inch scale is so darn popular.

Other Toy Lines / Re: NECA Predators
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:37 PM »
yeah, the Jungle Extraction version looks incredible.

And yeah I feel ya on trying to resist these.  I had to cave in though, they are too, too awesome.   8)

HTS is putting a bunch of figures in stock right now   :)

Malgus, INC, Starkiller, etc

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Wolf Pack Ultimate Gift Set
« on: November 26, 2012, 05:32 PM »
got mine today from HTS

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: November 24, 2012, 09:56 PM »
@JediJman, I am thinking this is the regular price.  I am only saying this because I got my set on Wednesday and it was $25 then.  If it was just a sale price, then I would figure WM would treat this set like TRU did their vehicle 2 packs - $40 first, $20 for sale, I am presuming $40 tomorrow.

@Nicklab there were movie, no-helmet movie versions of both Iron Man and War Machine in the works, check out the set that never made it to retail:

you can nab War Machine all over ebay:

These versions of Stark and Widow have, for the most part, been no shows.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Mandalorian Troop Shuttle
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:35 PM »
I took my full priced one back today and had them do a return so I could rebut it using my groupon. I had to but something so it would be over $20 total but I found a new skylander that kids could use any way. I then used a $5 reward cash  ;D.  So basically I got my mando ship for $10!

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: November 23, 2012, 10:47 PM »
@Nicklab you can check that War Machine out a little here:

also, I didn't see, nor have I heard of anyone finding the Thor movie wave 3 or Wave 4 specific figures in these value packs - i.e. Sif, King Loki, Laufey.

the Warriors 3 and grey Destroyer dont count because they were carry forward figures from wave 2


another groupon at another location - I was able to buy another.

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