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Messages - speedermike

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: January 26, 2011, 02:28 PM »
I hear ya.  I don't watch much TV either.  I  never watched alot, but when the kids came along I began watching less.  I do see some stuff with them, like Scooby-Doo or Spongebob, but CW and one or two ther shows are the only things I "must see."

In fact, I think my wife and I are the last people in the U.S. with a tube TV. I just can't see spending 500-1000 for a HD tv when the one I have works fine.  I also don't want to make TV any more appealing to my kids than it is already.

And, yes, I still dig the realistic figures as well, but I do really like the look of TCW.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: January 26, 2011, 12:24 PM » don't watch the show?  Even if you hated the prequel films, you're missing out on some great SW.  The show, at it's best, is exciteing, funny, well-designed, fast paced and smart.  At it's worst, it's a little talky.

Do yourself a favor and rent the second season DVD set and watch the Geonosis arc.  Great, Star Warsy fun.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: January 25, 2011, 02:31 PM »
This looks cool, but this is a difficult toy to figure out.  It looks like the back opens up and has some room for playable features, but when the wings go up they are going to cover the openings...

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: TRU "Battle of Endor" Pilot 4-packs
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:04 PM »
I saw these last night...and I just couldn't buy them.  I've really lost my enthusiasm for much of this stuff.  The sets just looked like too much of the same.  I could swear I have a pilot in each of those uniforms.  And if I don't, I no longer care.  They look like ok sets if you're just getting into this stuff, but...I don't know.  I would have liked the R5 unit, and the Bat Helmet...but I just couldn't pull the trigger...

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:51 PM »
In the article that confirmed it it says "it has two modes of an attack-base playset, and a vehicle" so they are really goinfg for the BMF, TT, AT-TE vibe.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2011
« on: January 18, 2011, 10:48 PM »
I was just reading that Star Tours is opening up again in May with the new design.ride update.  I wonder if there will be any figure tie-in, and is that something we'd see at TF?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 4 - AotC
« on: January 18, 2011, 03:15 PM »
ugh...the Spring dryspell.   I forgot all about it.  Does that mean it's going to be like August before we get that awesome Weequay?

Seriously...did wave 4 actually hit?  Did I miss it?

I think this wave will sell, to tell the truth.  Luke, Yoda, Han, will move fast.  Clones, oddly, are slow movers in this line.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: TRU "Battle of Endor" Pilot 4-packs
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:58 PM »
You guys shold put this screw up on the front page, and try to get the other SW sites front page's active too.  It would be horrible PR for TRU.
I know we're a small community but if enough sites have it on their front pages, TRU might take notice.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: January 15, 2011, 12:25 PM »
Looks like this is confirmed  (on RS) as the next BMF type vehicle/playset.  Should be cool.  Toy Fair should show is more.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: January 15, 2011, 12:19 PM »
Savage was awespme before he was pumped up.  He almost beat Ventress.  He's a Frankenstien.  Not skilled, just a brute.  He's going to be unstable.

I liked that Ventress made him kill her brother.  We need to remember that she's evil.  One think I always liked about SW is that the villains kill people.  It gives it a bit more danger.

Exclusives are hard to judge as it's always different region to region.  I saw some Slave 1 sets for a few weeks leading up to Xmas, and haven't seen any since.  Never did I see more than 5 or 6 on a shelf.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:33 PM »
A very good new speeder bike makes a ton of sense.  Hasbro could release one with a Biker Scout, one with Luke, one with Leia, and a white one with that snowtrooper/scout combo.

I'd even like to see a sand colored one with a biker scout that has a sandtrooper backpack and orage paldron.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 13, 2011, 05:02 PM »
Who knows...maybe there's some crazy Sandcrawler story arc in the Clone Wars fall season.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: January 13, 2011, 10:10 AM »
I think we need to look at this list in a new way...

Queen Jamilla
Barris Offe
Darth Sidious Senate Duel
Hoth Leia
Admiral Ackbar

Sarissa Jeng
Jar Jar Binks---He's coming 2011, right?
Naboo Pilot
Tey How
Ratts Tyrell---Isn't he in the same TPM wave a Jar Jar?
Adi Gallia
Padme Episode I
Hoth Luke
At-St Driver---We did get one, just not on a card.
Sim Aloo
Nien Numb
Death Squad Commander
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Walrus Man---He's been just about confirmed, correct?  To go with Evason
Dr. Evason
Bom Vimdin
Yerka Mig
C3P0 with removable limbs
Rebel deck officer
Adimeral Ozzel
Cloud Car Pilot---He came out in TVC
R2 with periscope
Cliegg Lars
Widdle and Ochee
New SA Yoda
Vintage Bespin Guard
Han in Carbonite
Aurra Sing---Could have been TCW figure
Rebel Taun Taun Handler
Torryn Farr
Commandy Cody
Lt. Sheckil
Danz Borin

I don't doubt that any of these figures could actually be happening.  When is the issue.

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