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Messages - P-Siddy

Pages: 1 ... 174 175 176 177 178 [179] 180 181 182 183 184 ... 330
I ordered Evazan, Nikto, Tarkin and Kithaba (not sure which version I'll get, but hope it's red bandana) off of Amazon. 

With the 3 orders, I got Evazan alone and he came in a small cardboard folded box and he was quite protected.  Tarkin, Wedge and Kithaba came in a big box with a bit of packing and there was some creasing on Tarkin.  Kithaba was brown headband variant, so I might send him back.  Nikto was sent separately in a bubble mailer with squished bubble. 3 orders, 3 different results.  I'm an opener so it doesn't matter too much to me, but I do like to have nice cards since I keep them.

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2012
« on: July 5, 2012, 08:33 PM »
You know, if they do cancel these on the vinty cards, people are gonna be pissed that they will be missing some ##s in their TVCs... kind of like Salacious Crumb and the Mouse Droid from last year's exclusives.

With my luck and how NYC sucks at getting anything new (and the lack of places to find it), I ordered Evazan, Nikto, Tarkin and Kithaba (not sure which version I'll get, but hope it's red bandana) off of Amazon for $12.99.  They had the EU stuff up there (Malgus, Vizla, Starkiller, Nom Anor etc.) for the same price when I ordered, but now looks like they've sold out of those figures for that price.  I'd say keep checking back.

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2012
« on: July 3, 2012, 04:44 PM »
Have them build a Walmart in NYC.

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2012
« on: July 3, 2012, 01:08 PM »
I have a feeling that, if at all possible, Hasbro has axed those on vinty cards... 

I'll be upset if that's the case since I avoided those so I could get them on the vinty cards since that was my preferred method of getting them.   :-\  But I totally get that.  I'm tired of finding all 12 TPM figures pegwarming.

The Vintage Collection / Re: SDCC 2012
« on: July 2, 2012, 09:27 PM »
I'd like to know if Hasbro is going to still rerelease some of those WM exclusive TPM figures on Vintage cards since all that is warming the Vintage pegs are those dreaded TPM figures.

Waterloo, ia walmart.  Of course, being in the area, I hit the other one nearby since I had just been at the one two days ago and didn't expect any refreshing any time soon.  :P

1. Uncle Owen (Comic-pack repaint)
2. Tonnika Sisters
3. Aunt Beru (resculpt)
4. Bannis Keeg

5. Princess Leia (SA) (Tantive IV)

6. Death Squad Commander (Vintage Deco)
7. Senator Romodi (Death Star Conference Room) Bald Imperial
8.  Unnamed Imperial in attendance at the Death Star Meeting
9. Officer Evax
10.  Lars' Power Droid

Feedback / Re: ZevZev's feedback
« on: June 30, 2012, 01:23 PM »
Thanks for hooking me up with a few new figures the other night.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Re: Target 3-Packs
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:39 AM »
Why not a bronze Death Star Droid?

That's the only one not done yet with the BAD parts, so that'd make sense.  Plus that would fit with a Tatooine theme... but it appears it could be a vintage theme (if only the deco on the Gonk was blue),

Modern Classifieds / Re: Kubricks for sale
« on: June 18, 2012, 05:17 PM »
extras- I'm afraid my Kubrickitis is terminal, but fortunately not fatal.  :)

Damn... you have some I want (vinty TIE and Leia), but they are all tied up in the set.  Plus, I have three of Dlx 4 coming from Justin... if I didn't, I probably would just pick up that set.

Can't wait!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: June 18, 2012, 10:53 AM »
Since we're on the Alien topic, I love the avatar, Eric.

I have yet to see Prometheus, but I've been spoiled, so no biggie to me.  I read somewhere that the Engineers were using the humans to spawn the xenomorphs so that the Engineers could figure out how to defeat them...  whether that's accurate or not, I don't know.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: June 17, 2012, 03:55 PM »
Guess we are all agreed this really DIDN'T come out as someone claimed above?

Yes, I think everyone agrees that Joe Colton has not been found at retail.

Nor can he be found in theaters.  :P

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: June 16, 2012, 05:19 PM »
Shaw running around healed is more of a suspension of disbelief requirement than a plot hole (it's the future after all  :P ).  What are some other examples that people had problems with?  I thought it was pretty solid.

So it could be more like Luke in a bacta tank.  Quick, painless healing.

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