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Messages - JediMAC

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Darth Broem!
« on: April 12, 2007, 04:35 AM »
Buncha lazy bums 'round here...  ::)

Happy Belated Birthday wishes goin' out to Darth Broem, who celebrated the big 33 yesterday...  Hope it was a great one, Brian!

- M

Nice set up there, DK.  I've been collecting this line (complete) since the beginning, but haven't cracked open any of my ships yet, I'm embarrased to say.  But your pix there inspire me to get my ass in gear and get mine on display soon.

Brian, not sure what to say about playing catch up at this late juncture, but pretty much all of the ships have been in plentiful supply, with the possible exception of a couple of the Chase pieces, so hopefully you can still track down the ones you still need.  I know I've seen some pretty old ones still floating around at some stores 'round here, but if you're all tapped out in that respect, I guess you may want to take a gander at eBay.  I've seen some decent sized Titanium lots for sale, all for less than retail (though shipping's a bit much due to their weight).  If you put a list of the ones you're still looking for in here, I'll keep an eye out for ya'...

Has anyone been finding the B1G1 Titanium 2 packs at KB?

What's KB?  :P

Seriously though, now that the Panarama KB is gone, there are none that are close by enough to stop into anymore, other than the Ventura one when I'm up that way, which isn't often.  Not sure if Anthony ever pops into the Sherman Oaks one near him, but that's the only other one nearby.

P.S.  I've found several of the classic Cylon Raiders the past couple weeks.  Very spiffy looking, especially next to the Viper.  First non-SW collectibles I've picked up since about 1980.

Hey James, welcome to ye olde JD!  Glad to have you stop on in.  Hope you enjoy the cozy, friendly vibe in here, and stick around for a while - even if you're a vintage snob.  ;)

Holler if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions on anything.  We're here to serve.  Looking forward to chatting with you around the boards...

- Matt

Other Collectibles / Re: Unleashed Battle Packs
« on: April 12, 2007, 03:04 AM »
Found Wave 2 today at Target.  Of course it hits just a few days after their dollar off BP sale last week, but I guess that's what price rain checks are for, eh?  ;)

Sloppy paint job on the Sandtroopers faces (again), and I really wish they'd thrown a white-pauldroned trooper into the mix, instead of 3 blacks (and 1 orange).  Also, the Tusken's "horns" barely protrude from their noggins, and a couple of their faces are seriously mispainted, but otherwise not too bad...

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: March 23, 2007, 02:23 AM »
If it's admittedly a photo that she took, and not a photo of her, perhaps it's a photo of a sibling.

I believe you meant cousin, right Rob?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: March 22, 2007, 08:55 PM »
Toy Fare's prices are a joke.

No kidding.  I didn't realize anyone actually used that magazine for pricing.  Just look at the completed eBay auctions if you ever want to know the real going market rate on something.  As for those R5s, I see them all over the place.  $6 - 7 each.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: March 22, 2007, 08:45 PM »
What about on the pages of her friends?

Uh-oh...  :-X

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replica Scaled Helmets
« on: March 22, 2007, 04:45 PM »
PT would be fairly limited too, yeah.  But considering the insane amount of Clonetroopers available to pick from in ROTS, who knows...  Scary thought, if they played it like Hasbro's doing right now.

I can't see droids being done if it is a helmet line. Those are not helmets.

Sometimes definition goes a long way, and exploitation is something else.

Yeah, I wouldn't think the droids should be a part of this line, but if MR re-uses Riddell's 3PO mold and puts that piece back out, it certainly opens the doors to more droids.  I certainly wouldn't consider 3PO's dome a "helmet", so it'll be interesting to see if MR ditches that particular piece in this line.  I almost hope they do, 'cause it'd break from the theme to include it, and potentially add another 10 or so "helmet" options to the line.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: March 22, 2007, 04:38 PM »
I can't remember who the detectives were here that "Unmasked" GNT... I'm surprised you guys don't want to stand up and take a bow (although I can understand why you don't, because GNT would sue you...

I don't think the folks who solved the "World's Greatest Mystery" have ever tried to be secretive about it.  Heck, one of them was even chatting with you about it that night, as the events were unfolding, Josh.  Remember?  But really it was mostly just one person who solved that puzzle.  I was just along for the ride, and to offer my moral support throughout the project.

The funniest part back then wasn't the picture itself (he's a normal enough guy)...


...The easiest way to diffuse the whole thing would have been to just post a real picture if that wasn't him, but he chose to threaten people with lawsuits, call for bannings and invent cousins with the same name.

Well, not quite the same name.  Please don't forget that he also went into his high school's website later that night, and changed the spelling of all of the "Gregg" names attached to his picture, to just "Greg".  That was my favorite part, and certainly the most concrete evidence against him.


Other Collectibles / Re: Playskool Galactic Heroes Thread
« on: March 22, 2007, 05:40 AM »
Looks like the next four sets are hitting now, according to an RS report.  Considering they're all OT, I'm looking forward to adding them into the mix...

Vader/Jedi Luke
Royal Guard/Impy Gunner
Boushh/Carbonite Han
Walrus Man/Snaggletooth

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replica Scaled Helmets
« on: March 22, 2007, 05:02 AM »
BUt I do know... I would stick with OT.

Definite "ditto" from me there.  I usually stick to OT with the stuff that's relatively higher-end (though I did bite on all the mini-sabers), and as I've seen with the Clone bust insanity in the GG line, there's no way I'm going to let a non-Hasbro licensee lead me down that dark path.  There's a relatively "limited" amount of possibilities with OT helmets, so hopefully this line doesn't continue on indefinitely like some of the others.  So what kind of possibilities are we looking at here for the OT?

Boba Fett
TIE Pilot
X-Wing Luke
X-Wing Wedge...
X-Wing Biggs
X-Wing Porkins
Darth Vader
Rebel Fleet Trooper
Death Star Trooper
Death Star Gunner
AT-AT Driver
AT-AT Commander
Cloud Car Pilot
Lando Skiff Guard
Scout Trooper
Endor Rebel Trooper
AT-ST Driver
Royal Guard
A-Wing Pilot
B-Wing Pilot

I think that's about it.  24 x $50 = $1,200.  Ugh!  Did I miss any likely/obvious ones?  Hopefully MR just sticks with actual helmets, and the less obscure ones at that, and doesn't broaden the line to include things like droid's noggins, but if they did, you'd obviously expect to see 2-1B, IG-88, 4-LOM, EV-9D9, 8-D8, 3PO repaints, etc.

The line certainly has potential, if the price point is acceptable to the majority of potential collectors.  That was the downfall of the Riddell line though, I think, though I believe their's were originally even higher IIRC, at around $75ish SRLP.  Granted, they were all easily attainable on eBay in the $20's not too long after their release, aside from the Stormtrooper, of course.  Not to mention that line was probably a little before it's time, as one of the first, if not THE first, "higher-end" collectible lines for Star Wars.  It'll be interesting to see what MR can do with the line now...

Yep, nice find Anthony.  Sounds like Jesse James found the 4 new Star Wars vehicles tonight as well, so wave 2 is definitely trickling out now.  I'll definitely be picking up both the SW and classic BSG ships from this wave.  I haven't followed the BSG line at all, but are they making that Cylon command ship/city thing?  No idea what it's called, but it's like two diamond shaped things stuck together, where that Imperius Leader dude resided.  That's really the only other main "vehicle" I recall from BSG, other than the Viper, Raider and Pegasus, so I'd probably take one of those too, if they ever made it...

Other Collectibles / Re: Master Replica Scaled Helmets
« on: March 21, 2007, 04:44 AM »
The MR scaled helmets are the same size as the Riddell helmets. MR bought the tooling from Riddell...

Just what I was going to mention, Bruce, as far as what I recall hearing on this line.  I'm really going back and forth on collecting these, as they're a bit on the pricey side (got my 4 Riddell helmets for less then $25 each), and this could be one of those lines that goes on for quite some time adding further to my problem with display space.  Of course, I loved the brief Riddell line (and no, Brent, I never got the Stormtrooper, so shut up!), so I'll already be forced to deal with a couple duplicates from MR from the get-go.  I dunno...  I'm sure that damned C4 exclusive Wedge helmet will pull me in.  But if I miss out on it at C4, then my interest in this line will probably be over before it even begins.

So for those that already have the Riddell ones, and plan to collect these MR ones next, what are you going to do with the Riddell versions?  Sell them?  Just collect the all-new ones from MR?  Or grab what's essentially a duplicate?  Just curious...

Granted, I collect the .45 saber/blaster minis, so I suppose those are right in line with collecting these helmets.  These definitely look sharp, no doubt.  But $50 sharp?  Not so sure...  Ugh.

I came across 4 or 5 cases of these tonight at my local WM, and grabbed a couple out of an already opened case, before the manager came and pulled them all back into their warehouse citing their Saturday street date on the TAC line.  Much shorter and thicker than the usual BPs.

EDIT:  Is this a WM exclusive (just re-read this thread title)?  If so, I didn't even realize that.  Makes me feel even better about finding these then...

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: ROTJ rebel meeting diorama
« on: March 18, 2007, 04:30 PM »
I hate to sound repetitive, but WOW.  Brilliant work, as always Greg.  I hate it when you and a couple other talented fellas show off your wares, 'cause it makes my collection feel completely worthless since I can't make cool scenes like you guys!  Very jealous, I am.  :P

That's an interesting suggestion there by Nick too, on the CG Endor planet and holo Death Star piece.  I'd be quite interested to see how those look together (Nick, got any pix?).

Looking forward to seeing the Briefing after your polishing touches with the last few figures you add in Greg.  Keep 'em coming.  I always love (and hate) admiring your work...

- Matt

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