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Messages - Clone Hunter

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: The Gimmick that WOULD have worked...
« on: February 7, 2006, 09:18 PM »
I am totally with ya, but wishful thinking, I am afraid.

Yep, let the debate continue.  I want to see both a nice SA set of a basic line, and a 3-3/4" scale Unleashed line.  Not that they couldn't do the old 7" scale too, I never said to take that away.  But if they're going to go away from it, why not try something like that, so we can build our armies the easy way?

Just get rid of those damn Choppers and Transformers, they're taking up too much space and not selling worth a damn.  At least we know that an Unleashed style of 3-3/4" scale figures would sell.  I'd be willing to be that those against it would be praising it if it were done because you could have both SA figures for poseability plus you could have some for the extreme poses.  I'd be all for that if they did it with some army builders for expanding dioramas and a few movie scenes with a nice diorama base.


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Starving for SAGA
« on: February 7, 2006, 09:11 PM »
Wow, interesting that you found those first!  What retail chain was this, Walmart/Target/TRU or somewhere else?


A target, which previously only had a lone Bib AFIK

Modern Trading / Re: Wants & Haves for EUCustomMan
« on: February 7, 2006, 07:40 PM »
My friend is selling lots of Jawas here:

Modern Trading / Re: SAGA Holo Trading for all Members?
« on: February 7, 2006, 07:30 PM »
I have extra Darth Vader and Rebel Fleet trooper.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Starving for SAGA
« on: February 7, 2006, 06:58 PM »
Finally found something useful: Geonosis wave 3. Too bad I hadn't finshed Hoth yet.

I bought 2x Utapau Clones, 1x Sora Bulq, and 1x Yoda.

There were only 2 of each of those, which is why I chose those over

4x 3PO, didn't notice variation
4x Sun Faq
4x Poggle
3x Jango
0x Scorch

I wish I could have gotten more but it has been a bad sales week.

I need 1 ATTE gunner helmet, please?

How about red armor on a black bodysuit?

Modern Trading / Re: Let's Swap Stuff
« on: February 5, 2006, 10:45 PM »
I sent you an email and PM

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Exjedi's Customs: Update 2/5
« on: February 5, 2006, 10:34 PM »
Pure awesomeness. Any chance of getting you to make one for me?

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Starving for SAGA
« on: February 5, 2006, 02:56 AM »
So, since the first I went to about 10 stores (mostly walmarts, 1 target and 1 TRU)

I found:

1 ROTS Mon Motha, clearance $3.00 bought it
3 Bib Fortuna
1 Zutton clearance @ TRU

If this godforsaken state does suck??

BTW, I heard a KB in Brokton MA has Hoth wave.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Brent's Customs - Update 2/4-More KISS
« on: February 5, 2006, 02:09 AM »
Hey, that actually looks like Space Ace!!

BTW, damn I could used that Orn as a prisoner.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: Printing Death Star wall etc
« on: February 5, 2006, 02:08 AM »
When I would print out tech specs for Transformers, I used elmers white glue.

I would also use comic backing boards for strength. I put the glue on the board, then used a cutout of the tech with a 1/2 inch (1 cm) border. I placed the tech on the glued area. Then used a soda can to roll it as flat as possible. Be mindful that the excess glue that might get on the can does not accidently roll onto the paper.

Collections / Re: My small army.
« on: February 5, 2006, 12:18 AM »
I just noticed you only show 4 ATRT drivers, I got 4 more if you need some?

I totally dig the dead troops. I am jealous that I do not have the time or skills to hollow out helmets.

Modern Classifieds / Re: EE ASTRO MECH DROIDS FOR SALE
« on: February 4, 2006, 06:40 PM »
Do you have leftovers from what you sold to Daigo-Bah? I am looking for R2-A6 and R3-Y2. LMK

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