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Messages - Adam_Pawlus

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The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:49 PM »
It's funny, since we have mentioned pilots Adam has not responded. Coincidence? ::)

Probably.  Adam's weird like that, sleeping in one the weekends and not checking the forums and all. :)

Just look at it from where I sit.  At this point, I really am in no position to give any additional hints.  Even saying "mmmmmaybe" or "no, try again!" would be more than I can do.  Sorry I can't say more!

Here's hoping you dig it, etc. etc. 

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 29, 2008, 06:32 PM »
       Can you point us in which corner of the universe this may be from?

I'm actually trying to *not* do that due to the planned Comic-Con reveal by Hasbro.  There's a hint in the image, but odds are it won't help you in your guessing.   At least one of the figures in the shadows is indeed part of the set.  The others, not so much.  Trust me, if I were in a position to tell you what this is, I'd be telling you. 

If you like the kind of things we've done so far, I'd say you will probably like this one.  I'll also say that nothing in the set has been revealed/leaked yet to my knowledge, as the Twi'lek female Rebel pilot's place in the line is still a mystery to me.  (Aaaand if I didn't already say it, I did have input on this one.   Biased fanboy seal o' approval here.)

If you pre-order the set and don't like it after it is revealed, you can always cancel your order with no penalty, or return it.  If someone wants to be in that very first shipment of every item ever made, well, here's the chance.  First-come, first-served.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 29, 2008, 05:20 PM »
Yep... and wouldn't it be to their benefit to reveal what it is regarding pre-orders so they don't end up with having them on back order again like they did with the Mando sets?  Maybe it will be revealed at Comic Con at least.

Yes, it will be revealed at Comic-Con.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 29, 2008, 12:36 AM »
...and can you verify that these match existing 3 & 3/4" figure styles?  Want to make sure these are not Clone Wars Animated figures before ordering.  Thanks!

That I can verify.  These are not animated-style figures.   As far as I know Hasbro will be limiting that style to Clone Wars for the immediate future.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:54 PM »
A boxed set of protocol droids would be pretty dull, especially in light of this year's offerings.   E-3PO and U-3PO are both pretty similar to previous releases, so while I personally wouldn't hate seeing them, it wouldn't make for a thrilling boxed set.  Not to poo-poo it, but it doesn't strike me as something collectors, kids, or casual fans would jump on with any sort of fanatical rage.   (And I *love* this stuff.)  Hopefully the final product will tickle your fancy, it's plenty neat.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Target TFU Battle Rancor
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:51 PM »
I got mine over the weekend and I really dig it.  It's obvious Hasbro decided to go with the "repaint" of a movie Rancor before the regular ROTJ-friendly release comes to pass.

The little Felucian is fun-- it's really weird but I like it.  I'd buy another one if Hasbro stuck it in a battle pack down the road.  It's like some tiki alien thing, which I dig.

The Rancor's saddle doesn't sit too well on mine, or I'm too dense to make it sit correctly.  It looks good, but doesn't work as well as I'd like it.

The Rancor is freaking gorgeous.  Awesome sculpt, wonderful pose, great articulation.  I'm concerned about long-term stability-- it's mostly hollow, and it's big and heavy.  I have a feeling the summer heat and gravity might combine to bring him down off a shelf after a short period of time.  It's quite possibly the most bootiful "creature" Hasbro has produced for the line, I can't wait to do a big writeup on it because it's just so wonderful.

The downside, of course, is that it has blue stripes on it.  But this is also an upside.  I like it.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 28, 2008, 04:27 PM »
Read his first post again.

Droids is what I'm guessing he's hinting... but that could mean just about anything... so what's really been revealed?  Yeah, there's a big "droid factory" theme this year, so I suppose it makes sense to do more droids, but I hope it's not astromech related again... I really don't want to see more astro droids at all... 

I do want more droids however, but am more interested in the KOTOR type models... maybe we'll get lucky and see some new sculpts thrown in here. 

I was specifically referring to the original poster's comment that in our previous 2006 exclusive, "droids aren't a theme."  I say Droids are a theme.   YMMV.   Droids may or may not be in this set-- I'm not at liberty to discuss specifics.   Sorry if I wasn't clear earlier, I was just responding to the poster.

...but yeah, no KOTOR.  Not a big fan.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 28, 2008, 02:41 PM »
Who's to say something hasn't already been revealed?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 28, 2008, 01:36 PM »
Is it a "themed" set like the last one?  The Droids are only themed in that they're all droids, but otherwise they were tied by nothing (well, for the most part).  But the last set was obviously Clones with Clone training Mandalorian Instructors.

I dug the themed thing for the last set...  Is it more like that then, in that there's a backstory tying everyone in the set together?

A bunch of the same thing is still more or less a theme, they're all creations manufactured by the in-universe company Industrial Automaton.  The other sets also had themes-- we did a box of Clone Troopers, a couple of Holiday Jawas, and a mix of Mandalorians to train a Clone army.

I'd say there's a good theme behind this new one.   And it is just one-- a box of six figures, not multiple boxes of several figures like previous exclusives.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: May 28, 2008, 01:56 AM »
Just curious, is there any reason all of you are trying to guess the pictured figures? It's been proven a couple of times already that the silhouettes EE posts have nothing to do with the final product. Might as well save yourselves some time.

Sorry if I come off as an ass.

You didn't, as a matter of fact, you nailed it.  There's truth to be found in the shadows, but any actual truth in the shadows in that picture will be revealed during Comic-Con.  Blah blah blah "stay tuned"  blah.  (Sorry.)

...but I will say it's not a KOTOR set.  Or a McQuarrie set.  If you liked our previous sets, you'll probably like this one.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Holographic General Grievous?
« on: April 21, 2008, 03:30 PM »
Lame figure? Grievous is the best animated figure of the wave. :P

Assuming that this is an animated figure, of course.

Just got mine.  Did anybody else notice the Commander has two grey Biker Scout pistols and not the usual little Clone blasters?  Those things really don't fit into the holsters without using some force.  I have to hand it to them, they did a great job with the battle damage and I love the bright red visors.  Their bodies aren't just black, they're like really super-dark blue with some dark paint over them.  It's an added, unnecessary step but at least you can see a little extra deco was put into them.   (Still not a great price, but at least it wasn't more...)

(And the box copy... "posing as bounty hunters"?  Bugwha?)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC General Grievous\\
« on: April 18, 2008, 06:58 PM »
Does anyone have any opinions of Grievous' starfighter?  I've seen it at retail a couple of times, but I've kind of been on the fence with it, so I've passed so far.  Is it worth picking up?

I absolutely love it.  The landing gear is a little tricky-- at first it seems like bad, saggy landing gear, but the truth is that the legs have to be pulled out until they essentially click into place.  It's not so much a bad design as it is bad execution, as it almost feels like you need to employ Excessive ForceTM to make it work properly.  Oh, and it has this folding down fin thing on the back that really doesn't add anything to it.

The seating area is perfect-- you can remove part of the console to fit larger figures.  I had no problem getting in the few Obi-Wans and Grievouseses that I tried.  The pull-out firing cannons were pretty neat, although I just leave them hidden, and the deco is great.  It feels good for what you pay for it ($25ish) and I can say that unlike some vehicles, I'm not sorry I own it.

That said, it doesn't do much.  You have some landing gear, seating for one, and some pull-out firing cannons.  It doesn't do anything a Jedi Starfighter doesn't do, the mean reason to pick it up is if you think it looks cool.

As far as new ship molds since 2007...
Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator < AT-AP < Grievous Starfighter < V-Wing

If you're the kind of person inclined to like vehicles, oh yeah, get this.  If you're not a vehicle fan, this isn't going to convert you.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Expanded Universe Wave?
« on: April 18, 2008, 06:43 PM »
From about 7th grade, until about a year ago - I must have read 50 Star Wars novels full of characters I'd be interested in buying figures of.

But all Hasbro seems to want to make is comic book and video game figures.


Since I was in the 4th grade until... well, now, I've read the entire Marvel/Dark Horse run of Star Wars comics-- and yet people keep wanting to make figures from the novels. 

Why? :)

Ah, the fun of the hobby.   If we could fight to the death to decide who does and doesn't get made, surely we would.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: April 14, 2008, 10:00 PM »
Well, you never know-- the Sail Barge could end up being prominent in The Clone Wars.   If a Clone touches it, I'm sure it'll turn to gold.  Eventually.

In ROTJ, the sail barge didn't do much-- a fat guy was choked on it, and some stuff happened on the top deck.  There aren't a lot of neat rooms or compartments like the Falcon/Star Destroyer had.  I'm not saying I wouldn't like one, but there really isn't all that much to it that came from the first 30 minutes of ROTJ.  You've got some fighting on the upper decks, a place for Jabba and his cronies to sit, and maybe something to go swing to a skiff.  Oh, and some gimmick to allow Luke to crawl up the side and throw a guy out, plus at least one giant cannon on top (that we already have).  If they can find a way to stuff a pair of skiffs inside, now that'd be pretty significant.   It's awesome but lacks "oomph."   Hasbro's shown such poor support for The Mighty Jabba since 1995 that I'd be genuinely astonished to see this item come happen without having significant TV-era support expanding its role (and capabilities).  

Or you know, giant fan outcry, which is always good to have. :)

It really is a shame more big ticket ships didn't get more screen time in the six movies.  I mean, there's the Star Destroyers, and some of the fighters, but beyond that most of the big ships were blink-and-you'll-miss-it creations.  I blame the flanneled one for not giving his art department's awesome hardware creations more screen time.  Here's hoping television gives all these classic ships the support they need to make our next obscene toy purchase.

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