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Messages - aka DaBigKahuna

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Midnight Madness Experiences! Share!
« on: April 3, 2005, 10:46 AM »
To all:

Well I made it through my first midnght madness!  I thought I would take a moment to share my thoughts.  I spent about $250 and had a memorable time. 

Went to Walmart and got 1-32 fine and had no problem getting the Lava Vader at the target a block away from my house. 

Scalpers were out as I heard them talking about selling stuff.  I understand the concept of free enterprise, but doing so at a release date where others will miss out iritates me.   

I went there later in the afternoon to return army builders as I got too caught up in the hype.  Also, here is what else I bought from a rescue mission yesterday...our first family dog.  His name is Sponge.

I hope you all had fun!


Revenge of the Sith / Re: How much??
« on: April 2, 2005, 09:26 PM »

It would have been $165 dollars more, but I returned army builders today realizing that I got too caught up in the hype. 

I used that money towards my two boys adopting our first family puppy!


Revenge of the Sith / Re: 2005 Red Metallic Darth Vader @ Target
« on: April 2, 2005, 03:07 PM »
I rolled my tired body out of bed and roamed to the Target a block away.  There were two guys ahead of my wife and I at 6:30 AM.  We went and got some donuts and coffee and came back at 7:30 AM.  We were about 6th and 7th in line and got ours fine.

There were 36 at my Target and the store supervisor just started handing tickets out.  An older gentleman just looked at his and handed it to my wife ;D!

I have noticed that the bubbles all have a ding or two.  What was the condition of the Vader or Vaders you all got?

By the time I went to the register 15 min. later all the Lava Vaders were almost gone.  I stopped by two other Targets today hoping to swap mine out for better cases and no dice!

All in all it was a neat experience!


Modern Trading / Re: MOMC Red ARC non-animated for Lava Vader?
« on: April 2, 2005, 10:29 AM »

I was able to nab you a Vader.  I sent you a PM.


Modern Trading / Re: MOMC Red ARC non-animated for Lava Vader?
« on: March 31, 2005, 04:30 PM »

I will see what I can do.


JD Sports Forum! / Re: NBA 2004/05
« on: March 31, 2005, 10:03 AM »
Went to see AI and C-Webb play the Suns last night.  Man C-Webb look lethargic!  Even without Amare the Suns handles the Sixers.  Nash and Marion sat out some of the 3rd quarter and all of the fourth. 

If they would have played the Suns most likely would have eclipsed the 120 point mark.


Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Product Leaks: Already?
« on: March 28, 2005, 09:17 PM »

I did not even know there was a variant, what was there was an even split between the two collections.  There were roughly 75 figures to make 3 full sets.

All that was there was the blue version on the Royal Guard, 3 of them.  In my panic I forgot to grab Obi and Bail.  I imagine those will not be too difficult to nab later.

By the time I realized it, the remaining 50 figures were all boxed up by the employees.


Sweetness, Matthew...  ;D

Is that a blue Royal Guard I see there? I haven't heard many reports of that being found, they've mostly been the red variant.

Also, would you say they had more of Collection 1 or Collection 2 figures? Or an even mix? I'm hoping Target will be the place that stocks more C2 than C1, as they have tended to do in the past.


Corn Pops and a few other cereals marked with the saber inside.  There are three colors available red, blue, and green.


What are these spoons of wich you speak?

Where might I be able to obtain them?

Thank you.


Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Product Leaks: Already?
« on: March 28, 2005, 05:27 PM »

I took a vacation day today and went shopping at my local  Target in Airzona and low and behold there was and endcap at the front of the store full of ROTS Figures 1-24.

I purchased 25, store management was watching me and as soon as I left the staff broke down the endcap and put the remaining figures back in boxes.  I was waiting for someone to approach me and advise me they could not sell the items prior to 4/2 but that never happened. 

I even tried to use my $1.00 coupon on each figure unsuccessfully.  The cashier advised me to return with the coupon and receipt on 4/2 and they would refund me the $25.00, we shall see.

I was not too sure I was going to collect these but since I got most of the initial release figures in one swoop it made it worth it.

Man, I do not know where to start with the ROTS threads.  Excitement for the movie release date has set in!!!


Other Collectibles / Re: Clone Wars Poster(s)
« on: March 27, 2005, 01:54 AM »
Well, the poster I inquired about is being given away for free at the Wharehouse when you purchase the Animated Clone Wars Volume 1 DVD.


Here is an Animated Clone Wars Poster checklist:

1) Teaser (white) - available at the 2003 Comic Con and on

2) Season 1 - Very hard to get!

3) Season 2 - Equally as hard to get as the Season 1 Poster.  This poster was available only for a day or two  on, apparently created for the crew of the show. 

The picture of this poster is the small thumb image on the left, for a close up click on the "Pics" link in my signature.

3) Volume 2 - the current offering from

4) DVD Release Poster 

5) DVD Release Poster (The Warehouse)

Other Collectibles / Re: Clone Wars Poster(s)
« on: March 22, 2005, 04:12 PM »
Anyone know the dealio on this poster???


Other Collectibles / Re: Clone Wars Poster(s)
« on: March 14, 2005, 04:07 PM »
The poster is finally up for sale at


Other Collectibles / Re: Clone Wars Poster(s)
« on: March 14, 2005, 03:12 PM »

Well the good thing is if they mess up will send you a replacement or at the very least refund you so you will at least get a non-mint one for free.

I am leaning towards getting this poster of series 1 below as it is more in the style of posters #2 & #3.  Also, poster #1 is a weird size so you will have to get it matted to fit in a frame.

The series #1 Poster below is 27X40 and there are several on ebaY currently.  Apparently these were only sent to Comic Stores.

Still no poster up at >:(.


I really like the look of the Season 3 poster, and hope to pick it up.  I'm a bit wary to order posters off of though, with the experiences that some have had.  I had hoped to order both this and the ROTS poster through there, but maybe that isn't the best idea.  I'd like to pick up the older Clone Wars poster that is available there as well, I really like the artwork and this series overall, and I think the posters would look nice.  If I only had the wallspace for all of these ;).  I still want to get the Special Edition posters as well.

Other Collectibles / Re: Clone Wars Poster(s)
« on: March 14, 2005, 11:10 AM »
Adam hooked me up with the Season 2 Poster, thanks again Adam!

So who is looking forward to the season 3 poster?  It is still not up yet at and I have my fingers crossed that it does not come in the condition that most of the posters come from them in :P.


Kubricks / Series 4
« on: February 28, 2005, 06:10 PM »
There is not anyhting left unsaid about this new series.  Napoleon could sum it up best...Sweeeeet! ;D

The Vader is long over due and the more I think how anoying another Han is because there are so many figures that have not been done, I think again because that parka is dope.  Bespin Lukes fatigue's look great too!

Yet anothe nod to Medicom for the excellence of this line.


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