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I tried the technique on my 4 it worked great. Cool trick thank you!
(After the new W6 Phase 1 Clone who wants this old one anymore anyway)

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:00 AM »
I love this wave! The new Phase 1 Clone and AT-RT driver make the old clones look like Galactic Heroes (Chunky). Once you get these two new clone tools in hand and compare there is just no denying the difference, it's night and day. These new tools will respark the Clone craze and I hope they offer the Phase 1 Clone in it's own case. Even the new weapons are screen accurate! I am dumping the old army fo'sure!

I will also be doing a boil and pop with the Lukes to make them movie accurate I will post some pics tomorrow.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 9, 2011, 05:29 PM »
I got my shipment yesterday from, a day quicker than BBTS...and a site sponser!!!! ;)

Cool, but I paid $16 less for shipping for two cases. That's worth waiting a day. (Can you tell I am pro BBTS?) Thanks for the reviews I cannot wait to get these in hand! I love the pace of the releases with no drought. Keep them coming!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 9, 2011, 12:17 PM »
Cool, I got my shipment notice from BBTS this morning. Time to begin the EP2 Clone Phase out...

I see they cheaped out and  did not paint the gun barrel...

I personally think the Steakhouse Waiter Wedge figure from the comic pack had the best likeness of the current Wedges. This new head is better than the Target one but falls short from the CP one.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 1, 2011, 05:27 PM »
I'm literally not buying any of the Wave 6 figures I want on HTS right now because it comes out to like $12 shipped.

That's just too much money for this. 
I got 8 figures for $77 shipped (w/ the discount) that is $9.60 a figure...same as Target with Tax...

I bought 5 figures and it came to $50.40, which is still cheaper than my high taxed state. Use the code and it works out great!

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 6
« on: March 1, 2011, 03:53 PM »
Buying a set from BBTS makes no sense for $20 more you get another 6 figures which you can return. I have 2 of this case on order from them but I did order the max HTS would let me on the clones x2 Phase 2 and x2 AT-RT Drivers. I also grabbed another Luke because I will swap some part with the SS version to make the colors consistent and I want to use that Head on the Luke Bespin figure.

Thanks for the promo code shmashwitdaclub !

Discover the Force / Movie Heroes / Re: New Packaging for 2012
« on: February 25, 2011, 04:20 PM »
They should have went with Sio-Bibble instead of Darth Maul. He represents EP1 so much better...

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:39 PM »
Jesse I honestly missed your post, I was typing as you posted, look at the times. Noted and no offense taken, same comes from me. I also was not trying to pick fights, especially if you read my last post, but some things cannot go unchallenged. Oil is the main culprit, it does not care what political party you belong to. I also do not care what your political stripes are either, people need to pay attention to all of them and not just sports/etc. My political references were not aimed at just one party or person, it was at both parties, they are both very guilty. So please do not over read into it. I also mentioned the unrest in the mid east so there are outside factors as well which do and can make matters even worse in regards to oil.

I was defending Hasbro from all of the "greedy" accusations, frankly it's reactionary. I have not seen or read balancing points of view for Hasbro, just insults and accusations. Just because they have no voice here should not make them the ultimate punching bag, I have friends there. (I knock them when they really deserve it) I also work in the Toy industry as you know, so I take this matter personally (maybe too much which I can admit) because I deal with this on a daily basis. I am seeing increases in manufacturing, material and transportation mainly from oil first hand. We as an industry cannot hold prices and have to raise them, retailers in turn must raise prices as well. It's a fact, I stand by that. My industry in under real threat because we are a luxury not a necessity. You know I am reasonable, I am opinionated but I base my opinions on facts and logic. I do not pick fights or interject just because.

Does anyone think I like paying more for figures? I do not but I know where the increases are coming from and they are not sinister plots. I will leave it at that not to stir anything in a bad way, that was not my intention at all. No one, including Hasbro wants to raise prices just because or to rip you off. They want you to be a repeat buyer.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 21, 2011, 04:52 PM »
JJ, This is not spin, it's reality. 2010 profit is great to point out but gas was a lot cheaper than it is this year. Also Labor costs were lower in 2010 than 2011. Starting in 2011, China instituted a 20% increase in manufacturing. In the Toy industry you negotiate pricing on a yearly basis.

Kenobi, I generalized without going to far in the fine details of all of the factors I mentioned so I did not go too Pitt. I just wanted to mention enough to get the point across. And I do agree with you on China (All manufacturing over there did increase by 20% nationwide too) However  the main culprit for all of the increases including commodities is oil/gas. As I pointed out in my last post it clearly it touches the Star Wars figure you buy at several points before it even reaches the pegs. It costs a lot more to make and get it to the shelf. Transportation and shipping is at an all time high, it touches every single aspect of our lives.

My main point was that after reading the comments here and on Yakface all I have been seeing is the bashing of Hasbro calling them greedy without looking into the real culprits of why we are paying more. Believe me Hasbro would love to sell these cheaper so they could move more volume, current conditions will not allow it. All of the unrest is only adding to the problem.

Take a look next time you fill your tank, it costs you more just to get to work or hunt for figures. Translate that into the supply chain of goods and services. Costs go up and they are passed on to us. We all lose.

The Vintage Collection / Re: How Much is Too Much?
« on: February 21, 2011, 03:10 PM »
Reality check guys. You are all smarter than some of this finger pointing.

While it's easy and convenient to jump to default mode with the emotional rhetoric of the lemming thinkers that like to demonize the "Greedy & Evil Corporations" have you noticed commodity, food and gas prices lately? Plastic has oil in it. Factories need energy to power them and they are powered by oil. Trucks that take the goods to the dock run on oil, ships and planes that deliver the goods here run on oil. The goods have to go back on trucks to be delivered to stores and if you have not guessed already they run on oil too. Oil costs money and oil is getting more expensive. So when oil goes up everything does including the goods we like to purchase like SW figures.

If Hasbro is losing money on the brand they will no longer make them. When costs go up the company can only absorb so much so they have to raise prices based on supply/demand. Stores need to charge more as well because they can only absorb so much too. I work in the Toy industry, China raised the price of manufacturing everything by 20%, no joke. It's devastating. My company and all companies have no choice to raise prices.

So instead of blaming Hasbro I suggest focusing on the temporary politicians that have passed horrible moratoriums, legislation and over regulating laws that is making the cost of energy, food and goods rise. These same people have spent so much an accumulated so much debt that the Dollar is dropping therefore it's worth less. When it's worth less it costs even more to buy stuff.

This is economics and business 101. Too many people know about sports and Star wars but not the very people who affect their wallet. Please, pay attention to politics, their actions have finally penetrated the bubbles of the A-Politicals Americans to the point where they are seeing their action come home to roost. It's only when wallets are affected that this happens.

Sorry for the rant but I am so tired of the Evil & Greedy Corporation spiel, it's loser talk. The majority of Companies are not out to get you, they want to earn your business and have you come back for more. They are not out to screw you.

Modern Trading / Re: 2/21 H: Vintage, Montross, DCU & more!!!
« on: February 21, 2011, 10:35 AM »
Bump with updates!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Top Ten Most Hated Figures Ever
« on: February 16, 2011, 05:56 PM »
Even the figures seem embarrassed that they exist....

I read a few Clone Wars rumor/wish lists that had Papanodia listed... I can't believe anyone wants this guy again, let alone that Hasbro would make him. The set was clearanced out for what, $5.00?

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

The Vintage Collection / Re: Top Ten Most Hated Figures Ever
« on: February 16, 2011, 05:38 PM »
Remember it's the most hated figures not necessarily the worst made.  They can still count but what figures do you really hate? If it was just the worst 90% of the AOTC line would be automatic shoe ins.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Top Ten Most Hated Figures Ever
« on: February 16, 2011, 03:26 PM »
I am very happy my worst of suggestion was taken up, it's too funny of a topic not to take up.

I put some thought behind my choices so here goes my top 10:

1. POTJ Fode and Beed
If there is one figure I absolutely despise it's Fode and Beed. Hate takes effort but this guy is worth the energy. I remember cringing in my seat the first time I saw him in theaters (and on the pegs). This character is so Lucas indulgence it's embarrassing. The design is so half-assed and so non SW looking, it looks like something that crawled out of the Croft Puppet universe. Seriously, this thing came out of a bad 70's acid trip. He voice is also so Hanna Barbara ridiculous that when you look at the whole package I think he has truly earned the title of "Worst SW Character EVER!"

2. Joh Yowza
Like that two headed Croft puppet above I cringed the first time I saw this bad CGI cartoon in theaters during the Special Edition blitz. I hated the fact that they changed the Lapni Nek song. We began to see the E1 warning signs here as the flannelled one decided to stuff in so many dreadful characters into the Max Rebo band. Kenner thinking fans would embrace these new abominations made figures of most of them. They flopped, even on the recent rerelease. I bought this figure because I was desperate for new stuff in 98 and I hated him ever since. I just purged him a few months ago so I am happy to say I am Joh Yowza-less.

3. Rappertunie
Why Lucas, why? A pot bellied Kermit that's way too colorful and puppety. Bad CGI or bad puppet, what to choose…..
Please redeem yourself Lucas remove this scene in the Blue Ray and go back to basics.

4. Female Tusken Raider
I hate this figure and the entire premise of it, it's too far from the look of a Tusken Raider. It's also too much information. When it comes to SW leave some things to the imagination. I did not need to see, let alone get a figure of, a Female Sand person. Ahh Sand People babies that want to club your brains in. Ewok babies YES! Tusken Babies NO! It's just dumb all around and this figure is a Salt n' Pepper shaker to boot. I have so many more reasons as to why I despise this figure but I rather move on.

5. Graga
Like Fode and Beed this friggin Muppet gives me flashbacks of cringing during my first viewing of EP1. (These two characters embody what was wrong with EP1.) This alien design is so dumb and Muppety. It has chicken feet/legs, old lady bat wing arms, a Bom Vidam walnut embedded in it's noggin, a puppety mouth and says Whoopi Whoopi. The figure is a Pepper shaker and should never have been made. (This is why it boggles my mind as why anyone would want Ben Quadrous.)

6. Every Blue & Purple Holo figure
STOP! Please, just stop. No more blue or purple holo figures just keep them as accessories. (Make all Force spirits like the 2004 Obi-wan.)

7. Bespin Guard "Schnozarelli" from Carbon Freezing chamber set
So we were given an inaccurate but very detailed decent Bespin Guard figure in the modern line for the first time in 2001. He was quickly followed up by this kit bashed Bespin Guard that looked like one of those naked people with an outfit painted on their body. Too boot his nose is huge! Why did they not just put a new head on the 2011 Bespin Guard?

8. Exploding Grievous
I get kid oriented figures, sometime the features are neat as long as they work. When you have a figure that falls apart if you breathe on it takes the fun away. You also need an adult to reassemble him. Many kids cried when they opened this figure and it's a safe bet that this one will never be released again.

9. Marvel Tarkin (Stormtrooper gets an honorable mention)
Just look at this figure. I do not need to comment any further.

10. Lucas Family
Now this is the item that actually got me to join Jedidefender. I hated this set so much I needed to vent so I joined my first forum in 2006. I trashed it so harshly that I did not give the best first impression with the members here. Jesse James came to my defense and gave me some good advice on forum posting. I will not go harsh as I did in 2006, I learned how to write a lot better and forum ettiquite so I will just leave my comment at this set being a major Lucas indulgence with a huge touch of Hasbro groveling.

Honorable Mention: Spirit Anakin
It's like a forgotten figure from Princess of Power. This sparkling Goldmember enchants those who lay eyes on him! Why is he gold? I have no idea but it always surprises me why they do not match all Spirit figures like the 2004 Obi-Wan, he still looks amazing to this day!

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