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Messages - EpicGon

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy New Year!!!
« on: December 31, 2010, 11:28 PM »
Happy New year to all Jedi Defender team and readers!!

May 2011 be better.

Collect All 92! / Re: Bespin Security Guard
« on: December 31, 2010, 06:46 PM »
Something I liked during vintage time was the eyes paintjob, we could feel as this toy was the closest reprensentation of a black guy. Now, I realise bespin guards were the slimmers on the mold, perhaps their head a bit wide for their shoulders, but looking slim gave them elegance.

In the tlc black guard, Hasbro should have painted the borders of the cuffs: gold or black to match the movie, and to compensate the paintjob on the alien character.

But Hasbro is evolving the line, without doubt, and as said lines below Merril could be the white incarnation of the black guy.
In that case, Hasbro needs to keep an eye on paint job to please collectors.

Collect All 92! / Re: Bespin Security Guard
« on: December 28, 2010, 11:07 PM »
The vintage version demands an update with a similar head, or more movie accurate (mustache, beard)
As Hasbro releases more versions the shade of the uniform varies. This alien bespin guard spots a clearer uniform, but some updates as the golden borders of the handcuffs are welcome.

I think Hasbro should mind this for a further vintage update of the white Bespin wing guard:

Leave a collar area white, bellow neck to match the way the jackey is closed, showing the neck of the longsleeved T-shirt.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Merry Christmas Everyone!
« on: December 24, 2010, 08:52 PM »
Merry Merry Christmas to all jedi defender readers and staff

So this is Christmas.... (song)

Get inspired, light and hope to all of you

Pax et Bonum

The Vintage Collection / Re: "Vintage" Collection Wave 5 (2011 Wave 1)
« on: December 23, 2010, 08:39 PM »
Some new versions canīt surpass former ones
The potj 25 anniversary Luke death star escape was great, the sculpt, also the pose which the toy is in display, the correct depictionof the character using his grappling hook.

More of the vintage line action figures still need balance between sculpt and articulacion.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: December 22, 2010, 09:53 PM »
Picked today 23 12 2010 the SL tvc Snowtrooper. Figure with dice, stats card and extra weapons.

I think these tri packs offer slight paintjob or some sculpt variations to the figures; like wider or closer stance, applications of shades, wash color, perhaps silver to the guns.
What I suppose is that the boxes who wonīt be sold on Holidays would be opened to sellers of loose figures, perhaps by some speculators who pretend to raise the price of most wanted figures.

In a brief analysis I can tell, the speculators canīt won much profit from opening these boxes, cause they arenīt getting an extra piece like a build a droid part, a coin a slide; which they currently separate from the loose figure they sold.
They always sell the figure with its basic weapons, so let's imagine how they can made profit of the card.

In time of global crisis, when bussiness demands creativity, Hasbro strives to sell trhree figures at once, so the success depends on how desirable the character depictions are. Is very possible that in a short time Hasbro relaunches the  kenner baggies of the eighties, for figures they want to sell at a more economic price.

This would be appealing if baggies figures were sold at a considerable reduction from the current price, and if in the shops, toystores the speculators wonīt interfere spoiling the offer.

vtsc Luke Pilot needs an update: better torso definition, longer legs; he could reach the height of tvc Jedi Luke (Endor Capture), another head sculpt for him would be great. Hasbro must soften his pointy chin.

If they want to sell this in a single carded will be nice: UBP Luke pilot from Hoth, with corrected lightsaber and shin guards on his boots.

-Correct tac16 Vader with Obi cloak, replace his head for Shawīs.
-Do a new slave Leia based on tlc (this figure is cool) but could be improved with thiner shoulders (is like tlc Endor capture Luke torso and shoulders corrected a bit slimmer from 2009 to 2010). This leia update would be ok with longer legs.

Gentle Giant / Re: Gentle Giant Mini-Busts
« on: December 18, 2010, 11:15 AM »
that Lando with Bespin blaster doesnīt match Billy dee Williams likeness on esb.
Gentle Giant achieved great accuracy with the last Wicket Mini bust, wich is much close to an statue if his legs
would have been completed.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Three Discussion Thread
« on: December 15, 2010, 06:30 PM »
It would be perfect if Ashoka survives the dark side temptation, if not the tremendous effort of lucasfilm for changing her appearence would be wasted.
There are signs that Jedi will face more than one sith on this season, that is
if Savage Opress is not a full dark lord, he could be a chief of the sith assassins.
The dark sisters (sith witches) should have to fight in a lightsaber duel, at least at once with several Jedi (Ki Adi Mundi, Shaak Ti, Luminara, Plo Koon, etc)

I wonder, not assuming, that this Season 3 would reveal the interaction of several categories of the Sith hierarchy: acolytes, assasins, commandos, witches, etc), this fact will force Sidious to appear more on screen than previous seasons to define the ranks of those newcoming characters.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: December 6, 2010, 02:51 PM »
I like the way weequay skiff guy and rebel fleet trooper are depicted. For rebel fleet trooper it looks at last we will have a version which can handle the blaster with both hands.

Bastilla is great, cool evolution for a female body! I am not sure if she has knee joints, it seems they are only at elbow level. But if so, her legs are built the most naturally possible for the current action figures` technology.

Collect All 92! / Re: Lando Calrissian
« on: December 5, 2010, 03:57 PM »
During vintage time paintjob and sculpt could have been naif, but Kenner got the expression of the character.

I think a new vtc Lando could be a bit taller than the repack of the bespin alliance and perhaps include his comunnicator and wristwatch.

The Vintage Collection / Re: What is your Focus?
« on: December 4, 2010, 02:38 PM »
My focus is OT, ANH ESB ROTJ;  from EU I pick soldiers like the tfu troopers, Mara Jade, Thrawn (Characters from the rebellion era)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Is Palpy human?
« on: December 2, 2010, 03:56 PM »
He was always human, but his face changed drastically by the liberation of his true dark side power. The man got lots of wrinkels, lost his eyebrows and the humidity of his face.
He also was supposed to lose height and weight with age; in rotj he must be in his eightees.

According to SW cannon he is classified human; as in  the cardback of potf2 Emperor Palpatine with walking stick.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: November 28, 2010, 06:50 PM »
This white snowspeeder outfil Luke should be released as a running change for the tlc snowspeeder Luke, but in orange jumpsuit. Perhaps it is due to the fact, Hasbro is testing heads for the definite versions of esb Lukes.

The Han of the comic pack, looks as a kitbash, very predictable. The figure still shows very thin limbs.

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