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Messages - jedi_master_sal

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Other Toy Lines / Re: Halo Toys
« on: February 3, 2010, 09:51 AM »
(i apologize for filling thread with so many pix)

Shoot, no apology need dude, these are awesome pics.

I love this stuff. This is one area for which I have a degree in. (Industrial Design)

I love seeing how people make scratch built models. Looks like a lot of vacuum forming was done.

The Banshee is definitely out of scale with the rest. It's a much smaller craft than the Tank. My statement of it being a $30 toy should be understood as, "in scale, this toy should retail for $30." So apologies for not making myself perfectly clear. Of course if McFarlane were to include a figure to pilot the craft then tack on another $10-15.

poodachoo, if you've got more pics, please post them, or at the least, I'd be happy with links so I could check them out myself. Again, thanks for posting these.

Yeah, I'm not too crazy about the color scheme either. I'd like to use him as a squad leader, but, ewwww.

More like "squat" leader. Looks like someone or something took a dump all over his armor...

Other Toy Lines / Re: Halo Toys
« on: February 2, 2010, 09:01 AM »
ok...where the hell did you get those from? lol
Those are awesome.

That tank is huge. If it were made into a toy, I'd guess it to be in the $150 range. While I'd buy one, I don't know if there is enough of a fanbase (of buying fans) to warrant it being made.

Now the Warthog though, that is a different story. That would be much less expensive, I can see it being in the $40-60 range. And McFarlane could easily make both the Turret and Gauss canon versions at the same time. In fact they could include the parts for both to allow us to choose which version we want to display. Though see how toy manufacturer operate, I would see McF releasing the Turret one first, then the Gauss later, possibly as an exclusive. Oh and then there is the artic deco version.

That Banshee is sweet. That's easily a $30 toy.

Damnit why did you have to show these? lol I wants them, I wants them! heh heh

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: February 2, 2010, 08:49 AM »
No glut locally but we got bombarded with this wave about 2 weeks ago, and every WM locally seemed to get 2 cases in, and some seemed to restock as well once they sold through one time.  THey're pretty much all gone now except for repacks and a straggler here and there.  I saw a lone AT-AT Driver yesterday and nabbed him, but out of 6 WM's I visited that week they all had at least 2 cases worth out and of the 3 or 4 I've visited since last week, they're all pretty well cleared out except that random AT-AT Driver I spotted at about 2 stores.

Heh, where are you shopping Jesse? None of my WM's got these or they were out the door quick. When you and some of the other local guys started reporting finding this wave, I upped my visits to the stores and still never saw any of them. I hope they haven't totally dried up. I would really like to build the HK and want a couple of those Concept Snowtroopers. Just a couple, I'm not army building anymore.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 1
« on: February 1, 2010, 11:18 AM »
Okay, maybe I'm just not as into this as some, but does it really matter if they call him Veers or just AT-AT Commander?  We're getting the same figure either way and most of us are openers, so I don't get the heated debate on whether he's a generic commander or a specific character.

True dat

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood
« on: February 1, 2010, 11:17 AM »
Has the massive glut of this horrendous peg warmer begun yet?  It's not quite three months since he first showed up in the U.S. so I can't reasonably expect him to be in Canada yet but someone must be wanting help clearing this off the pegs, aren't they? 

Glut? I've still not seen him or any others from this wave yet.

No glut in my area.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Halo Toys
« on: January 31, 2010, 09:34 AM »
I already knew there would be figures from the game. What I'm more excited about are the vehicles. Hopefully we now get something bigger than  mongoose. I really hope this opens the door for the warthog.

If so, I can see them makign the "Falcon." No, not the Millenim Falcon, but the Halo Reach Falcon. This the mini-Pelican VTOL aircraft seen in the REACH trailer.

Thanks for posting the link.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: January 29, 2010, 04:54 PM »
Here's Prime & Megs  Prime looks like a winner, but yeah...

I guess the WM Legends Devastator has been found in the state to my right (WI) so I might start hunting that down this weekend.  $32

Yeah, I'll pass on the WfC figs.

but wow anyone see that custom painted Devastator? (And yeah, I'll get the Legends Class one)

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 1
« on: January 29, 2010, 04:50 PM »
I just want to know if that armor comes off as well as the helmet and if there is a cap to place on the figure's head. While I'm not enthralled with the "angry eyes" Imp officer, he'd make a decent army builder. A quick head swap would do. And a small whittling away of a set of pips would make him a different rank.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:44 PM »

Prototype Juggernaut.

There's a blurry picture going around from UK toy fair with a new 3.75" scale Colossus, Archangel, Juggernaut and a couple others. 


Man, I feel SO behind in these though. (I know I'm not too far behind, but still have never seen Vision, Jean Greay, Sunfire and Warbird, not to mention the new comic packs.)

Juggs looks good though. My wife will be happy to hear of this. She's a big X-men fan and this size looks great with the Legends Sentinels. Looks like the helmet is removable too.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Transformers
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:41 PM »
War for Cybertron?  Any takers?  Prime & BB look pretty nice for the most part, but Megs is a complete mess.  Sal? Bob? Carl?   :-\

Links please. I've only seen one that I recall. I dunno, I prolly will pass. Just need to ratchet (pun intended) down the old budget. I've only been collecting Movie TFs, with a RARE other TF. I'm not likely to get into another TF subline.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Apple iPad Thread
« on: January 27, 2010, 02:40 PM »
I like it.  

I've been searching the net for other details from the "unveiling".  I haven't seen any pricing structure annoucned yet.

EDIT:  Just saw on Yahoo that it will start at $499.

Yowch. I gave a slight thought to this, but after seeing that price, forget it.  It's not like I really NEED to have something like that.

iPad...gawd, I can hear all of the jokes now.

The Bullpen / Iron Man 2
« on: January 27, 2010, 12:08 PM »
Wow, very cool lineup of basic figs.  Interesting to note that there is a Movie Series line and a Comic Series line...I wonder if they will ship in different assortments.  I'll definitely grab most of the IM figs.  My only complaint is the lack of non-armored characters.  It would be nice to get Tony in a business suit, Fury, Potts, Black Widow, etc, (I think BW is coming in the Universe assortment though).  thanks for the link Brian!

Yeah, I agree. This is a great looking line. I dig the Deep Dive armor and am very glad to see Crimson Dynamo. Whew, and War Machine, sweet! (Though I still don't like Don Cheadle replacing Terrence Howard.)

Anytime I can get Scarlett Johanssen! Er, Black Widow, lol.

I agree there should be at least a few non-armored characters. Col. Rhodey would have bene nice. BUt not the Don Cheadle version. So if they make Rhodey, I hope they'll consider making the original one as well, since they'd likely make the Cheadle version first. And what about Jeff Bridges? lol

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 27, 2010, 11:52 AM »
I believe that is the Master Replicas AT-AT.

Actually, Conan made more than $33M on the deal and his staff got around $12M. So not a bad deal at all for them.

I still think it was a bad idea to change any of it. Barring that Leno should have just retired for good and not had a 10pm show. Though I do understand Leno wanting to have a show. Afterall he was number 1 in his timeslot. So it wasn't like he or his sow was performing badly.

Programming for the 10PM timeslot is all but locked up now. They have Law and Order filling in some of those spots, plus there are a couple of new shows already in production with episodes ready to go after the Olympics.

I'll be interested to see how well Leno does though. I suspect he'll get back a good portion of his viewers, but getting number 1 back may be a little tougher.

Ultimately he probably will get number 1 back, but should Conan get an 11:30 show on a different network, I think he'll give Leno and Letterman a run for their money. I know I"ll be sticking with Coco.

ABC doesn't want to get rid of Nightline, nor Jimmy Kimmel. So I don't see that as an option for Conan. Fox may seem like the best prospect but with Fox cancelling shows long before they should be, the future is not so bright there for Conan.

I personally would love to see Conan get the slot after Lettermen on CBS. Yes, I know there are a lot of Craig Ferguson fans out there, but I don't think they outnumber Conan fans. Besides the ironic continuity of "Late Night" hosts going to CBS would be intact and Letterman and Conan could share barbs against both Leno and NBC.

In any event, I enjoyed the last show of Conan. Freebird was a great choice of song. I'd have loved to have seen him do Bohemian Rhapsody too.

I look forward to Conan returning, hopefully sooner than later. It would be a loss for us all if he didn't return to late night TV, IMO.

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