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Messages - Daigo-Bah

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 16 17 18 [19] 20 21 22 23 24 ... 83
I'm really pleased with the Han head; while a minor change to the entire figure, it sure is a big improvement!  My disappointment with the set is that the R2 tools are a part of the electricity accessory.  I don't like to display "effects" in my dioramas (like blaster firings, lightsaber deflections, and electricity).  But I can find a use for all 4 figures, so I'll buy a set.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 3 - Repaints/Repacks
« on: September 17, 2008, 01:53 PM »
For those that have built it already, how does RA-7 hold up to the previous mold?  Is it more accurate, do you think?  I like the shiny black vac-metal look of the older one, and I think that may be more film-accurate...

The Legacy Collection / Re: Target Jabba's Palace Rancor with Luke
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:03 PM »
No doubt in my mind that the photo is doctored a little, but I'm confident it'll still be painted well.  Definitely a purchase for me.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Book Club: What Are You Reading Now?
« on: September 9, 2008, 11:33 AM »
I just read the Last of the Jedi #4 by Jude Watson, and am now reading The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: Black Dossier (which has a lot of narrative to go with the comic book portions).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Terminator the Series
« on: September 9, 2008, 11:17 AM »
Loved that ending!  Didn't see it coming at all.  That was the lead singer of Garbage, was it not?

TV-9D9 / Re: Clone Wars Movie Reviews - SPOILER Thread
« on: August 25, 2008, 10:01 PM »
I saw this yesterday with my little girl, and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it (though since severing post-OT from my canon, I like just about everything since it never "really" happens  :P).  Ziro was hilarious!  I loved the animation; I thought it was beautiful, like a digital watercolor painting.  I didn't read everything in this thread, but has anyone mentioned about when they said Admiral Yularen?  As in Wulf Yularen, the white-suited Imperial officer.  Neat little tie-in there.  I'll be there for the TV show for sure.

Edited to add: I think the "problem" Lucasfilm has with this is that it's clearly a kids' show with a serious theme.  The LFL of the past would have made a cartoon about podracers, or padawans in school, or gungans, etc.  To make a kids' show about war and with the complexity of the prequels and clone wars mythos is just counter-intuitive.  The characters and situations are for adult fans, the storylines are for kids, so you have adult fans disgusted with how it was handled and kids exposed to gay Hutts and decapitated bounty hunters!

The Legacy Collection / Re: TLC Millenium Falcon
« on: August 23, 2008, 12:03 PM »
Scum is reporting a $25 off sale at a WM in Washington.

Well of the Souls / Re: Recent Purchases
« on: August 21, 2008, 11:48 PM »
Surprised to find the Cairo thug 2-pack at a WM tonight!  Should look good among the Cairo scenes.

Those home-made decals may be the single best thing of these perfect displays!

These are gorgeous as usual.  I never really noticed how many customs of yours have some portion painted baby blue!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: August 18, 2008, 12:02 AM »
I wonder what they're implying with "generously proportioned physique"?  He's not fat, right?  His clothes are a little baggy...

I'm thinking Hasbro wouldn't have the cajones to release a new Malakili in this wave and not a new Palace Klaatu in the same wave. 

Quoting myself now that we have confirmation of Wooof!  I knew they would do it!

This was in Hammond, LA, which is about a half hour east of Baton Rouge.  They've had big clearances like this in the past too.

A WM I visited today had the Droid factory 2-packs for only $3 each, several Naboo yellow guys and Kitiks for $3 each, and the Lando/Stormtrooper comics pack for... $3 each!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Daigo-Bah's Customs (8/12)
« on: August 15, 2008, 12:31 AM »
Well, another cantina patron with only parts I had lying around!  Actually, the parts are fairly accurate except for the head, which'll suffice until I find a better one.  He's made from a Rebel Fleet Trooper body with a POTF2 Ponda Baba jacket and a TAC A-Wing pilot head (some hair sliced off the forehead).  A few pics including in the cantina:

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