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30th Anniversary Collection / Re: The 10 Fan Choice Figures
« on: August 2, 2006, 12:55 PM »
I really could care less if they make Willrow Hood.

I really could care less if they make Corran Horn.

Besides the 5 officially confirmed here are my picks:
 Bastila Shan
 Commander Neyo
 Hermi Odle
 Luke Skywalker (ROTJ)
 Padmé Amidala (Ilum cold gear)

Willrow Hood - Ice Cream Maker Guy
Yarna D'al Gargan
Darth Malak

I think there is a shot for the 2 real fan favorites, not likely but ther is a shot I feel it.

Feedback / cohens4 feedback
« on: July 29, 2006, 12:53 PM »
I have the honor of starting his cohens4 feedback thread.

Excellent transaction!

Great guy to work with from my hometown of South Jersey!
Got alot of great ROTS figures for customs from him.


Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: July 29, 2006, 12:48 PM »
Big update!
Plus some bump action!

Look at his saggy butt! He rocks!
He is the coolest frumpy mongaloid alien, I would love to see him as a figure, he is just so useless! He would be a fine addition indeed.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: The "Final 22"
« on: July 27, 2006, 11:01 PM »
53 - Darth Maul - **** Training  - Turd
54 - Chewbacca - Cloud City Escape  - Turd
55 - Kit Fisto - Clone Wars  cool rerelease
56 - Holographic Commander Cody - Turd
57 - Clonetrooper 442nd Siege Battalion  Green version of the Utapau clone? cool repaint
58 - R5-A1 - Imperial Astromech Droid  cool repaint
59 - Clonerooper 5th Fleet Security zzzzz
60 - Clonetrooper Sergeant  zzzzz
61 - Super Battle Droid  cool repaint
62 - Battle Droid 2packcool repaint
63 - Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi  zzzzz
64 - Clone Commander Appo  zzzzz
65 - Kashyyk Scout Trooper  cool repaint
66 - Yareal Poof  b]cool rerelease[/b]
67 - Darth Vader's R2 Droid  cool repaint
68 - Arena Padme - Turd with too small of a head
69 - Clonetrooper (yellow markings)   zzzzz
70 - Kitik Keed'kak  zzzzz
71 - Kabe and Nabrun Leids  someone summed this up as if its before 2000 let it go!
72 - Labria  someone summed this up as: if its before 2000 let it go!
73 - Aurra Sing - cool repaint with a new head, gee thanks Hasblow!
74 - Maces R2 unit  cool repaint

Saga Collection '06 / Re: #61 Super Battle Droid (Island Camo)
« on: July 27, 2006, 10:50 PM »
While I am not jumping for joy I will get a couple, I can see these as Kysheek (Wookie World) Droids. I would rather have regular versions but at least its something new for the droids. I am so sick of clones, the novelty really has worn off. The blue strip one, the one with green I get it already. I would rather see this than more clones.

Galactic Marine, cool.
Airbourne trooper, cool.
blue stripe clone, not cool.
Camo droids, somewhat cool.

I came across the seperation of the twin packs once and thats the time I bought them. Never would have seen them again.

I hate Wal-Mart but being thats it is on my way to work I stop there every morning.(I do not have many choices and time to hunt anymore) They open at 7am and I am on summer hours right now so I have to be at work by 715. Anyway I get there at 6:55 every day and there are still guys that beat me to the aisle. They open the doors for them earlier, there is no way to compete with these *****. They buy everything out before anyone has a chance.

They all have the same look too, white sneakers with laces untied, khakis, pot belly, greasy hair you know the combo look that screams I never been laid. Its bad enough I am shopping at Wal-Mart, but to lose to real losers is the kick to me balls!

Store exclusives suck. Wal-Mart exclusives are even worse.

Feedback / Re: jedijaybird's feedback
« on: July 26, 2006, 09:05 PM »
Thanks Jason!

You filled the biggest hole in my collection, great price and shipping more than fair!
You rock! ;D

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Utapau Airborne Trooper
« on: July 24, 2006, 03:59 PM »
Very nice looking figure indeed. Nice to see real movie clones make the cut.

I am also not that keen on the non movie clones. The Green are ok, they look very Utapau but the Blue stripe ones..zzzzzzzz. I will buy 1 of those just to have one.

The airbourne I will probally go for 2-3, very cool indeed. It would be great if he cam with a PVC dying clone trooper accessory to tend to.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Exclusive Republic Commando 7-Pack
« on: July 24, 2006, 03:50 PM »
I ordered 2 from, hopefully they will do a good jobagain. So far I have been happy with their service and timing. Everything I ordered from there has been perfect.

The Lucas set for $16 is a good deal. I am sorry I paid the $25 for it. Its apparently cancer, no one wants it. It will finally move with the bundle sets.
I did not even bother to open mine, maybe I will.....

I want more of those sun fac repaint warriors they rock!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood Confirmed For '07!
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:26 PM »
Being realistic (I love the thoughts) is really pass on some of the over redundant repaints. The blue stripe and green clones are so lame. Its becoming like the rainbow the Jedi starfighters are. Do not buy 40 of them again. The Marvel crap other than the Han dont buy it. Pass on what you can really do without. Dont just buy it because its Star Wars.

Roran, you are right about those carded guys.

How the hell is the mini unleased continuing? Its rotting on shelves everywhere....
I have passed on the Han and Vaders in this last wave. I passed on H&V & I will be more picky in the future. Your not feeding me the same slop over and over again.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2007 Galactic Marine
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:08 PM »
While he suck he is an easy fix. Just get your #41 and cut the belt off then just swap gear and head and you have your perfect Baccara! No paint required.
Now you got the Platoon to smoke Ki-Adi!

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: The 10 Fan Choice Figures
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:06 PM »
No...I put down what I think will be the other 5...I'd like to see this:

6. Hermi Odle
7. Yarna D'al Gargan
8. Willrow Hood
9. Snow Bunny Padme
10. Padme Fireplace

I am with you! I want ICMG. They would shove a Maul in there.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Marvel Comic and EU 2-Packs
« on: July 21, 2006, 11:04 PM »
What utter rainbow crap!
I will only buy the Han and paint the helmet eyes black. I will literally melt the chewbacca. I HATE that sculpt! Hasbro can shove this were the sun dont shine. They make fun of the figures we want and they give us this.......

I usally buy everything but now I am in the Viva La Revalucion!

I said in another thread, I literally honestly truly believe that their "joke" slide was better than about 75% of their offerings for '07.  What a dichotomy, great stuff like the Kashyyyk clone, Parjai, and Marine, and then all the other ****.

I don't think collectors on the whole are discriminating enough, buying every piece of trash Hasbro puts out, beating down Target's stock room doors with DCPI numbers in hand, shelling out $13 for exclusives.  This is why Hasbro is not being held to a higher standard.  Because they are able to sell the majority of us any piece of **** they want, and name their price in the process.

As a group we really need to stop this.

You are 100% right. Lets pass on what we could really live without. Way too many rehashes.

Viva La Revalucion!

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