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The Vintage Collection / Re: Willrow Hood Confirmed For '07!
« on: July 21, 2006, 10:50 PM »
They show us a boat load of repaints after the slide, the real waste of time is the Marvel paint jobs. I hope they clog shelves like no tomorrow. We begged for Han stormtrooper and we get the rainbow version and in order to get him you have to get that lame as chewie again! Green Tarkin?????

Real nice.

Whoever made that power point at HASBLOW - YOU SUCK!

Is anyone else a little pissed about the 4/1/07 slide?
I was so excited that they were going to make all of those figures,  I saw the pics and the type of how they were listening.

Then gives the official notice that it was BS. If you are listening Re-Hashbro make something new. More than half of what you showed is the same stuff! A new head here and new head there.
O-Boy a new cockpit for the tie fighter! Great more Jedi starfighters and clones with a few stripes.

You suck. You will waste time on the naboo loser but not the King of Losers we love -ICMG. He won the fans was rigged. :'(

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: July 20, 2006, 08:47 AM »
Update! ;D

Feedback / Re: tonphanan's feedback
« on: July 19, 2006, 11:33 PM »
Bought a boatload of stuff from him. He rocks, very fair pricing!
Very happy with the transaction would buy from again!

Speaking of which what else do you have..........

Saga Collection '06 / Re: George Lucas in Stormtrooper Disguise.
« on: July 17, 2006, 11:43 PM »
Got my 2 Beardo troopers with pristine shipping boxes and outer clamshells.
The shipping force was with them!

Really nice sculpt on the head, I was impressed and quit pleased with him!
Well worth the wait.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Saga Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter
« on: July 17, 2006, 11:40 PM »
All right Hasbro!
Way to test the rehashed product before you throw it out there.  Maybe, just maybe they will alter the seat.......................dont hold your breath.

I just closed my account with Amazon, I am so sick of there unreliable service, they have let me down one too many times. They gave me the free next day shipping too. They know very well that they would not be delivering this item and the gunship. They are desperate to keep our buisness, they know where you are heading -
I found this at a TRU store and cancelled it with them before they could do it to me. I knew they would eventually.

I am so pleased TRU has their own site now. I just placed my ATAT and Xwing order. Screw Amazon, they cater to scalper like Brians toys!
C'mon cancel your amazon accounts with me and send them a message. :P

I must say this set was a real letdown overall. The shoulder pards are flattened, the arcs are lame CW versions, the paint jobs on the helmets are wrong and Fordo does not have a antenna. Your not missing much if you did not find it yet.

Modern Classifieds / Re: Wants and Haves lets trade!
« on: July 17, 2006, 03:43 PM »
Mega update! ;)

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: July 17, 2006, 02:52 PM »
Loads of updates!
FYI - Send me a want lists. I constantly have trades coming in with extras! :o

Modern Classifieds / Re: Huge New For Sale List!!!
« on: July 16, 2006, 03:18 PM »
PM sent! :D

The list is awesome!
Hopefully it will be food for thought on Hasbros part and have some smidge of influence. I am happy to see ICMG is on  there............

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 'Scum's 2007 report... Oh my!
« on: July 14, 2006, 08:51 AM »
To busy is an understatement. I will also hold to make my final judgement but right now I am not likeing it at all. I really liked the space element of the some of the previous cards.
This is truly a carded collectors nightmare. Unless this has a clamshell, this will not hold up well in stores.

I really do not like the fact that I have to tilt my head to read what going on. The best design is always simple. too many thoughts going on with this. It does not scream 30th at all, it screams transformers packaging rip off. (Even though the almighty beards in house design team came up with it. Hasbro did not, they follow a style guide.
For the 30th Iwas hoping to see classic artwork like whats on the new DVD 3 packs.............

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Who wants resculpts?
« on: July 13, 2006, 10:07 PM »
Mace Windu
Jango Fett
Dash Rendar
ROTJ Emporer
Dr. Evezion
Walrus Man
EP1 Obi

Rumored to be coming but really want first
Han Bespin
Luke Bespin
Luke Final Duel
Luke Ceromony

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: July 13, 2006, 12:59 PM »
SOTE was definitely the choice that came to my mind first too OCB...  Tons of stuff that basically replaced the basic line for a time, and for a failed multi-media event...  The comic, game, and novels weren't ever really hot for SOTE when they were out and the toy line failed with them I think...

I think EU has its place, but I definitely think it loses steam when it starts replacing the film figures...  I'm surprised they're doing such secondary characters first instead of trying like a "Luke in...." outfit.  Like NJO Luke perhaps, or some such.  EU that's still got an OT tie-in or some such, but what do I know?

I am a dinosaur and I  think that this dinosaur has a better argument. If they go overboard with the EU stuff (I am not at all opposed to a lite sprinkle of EU) it will SOTE all over again.
Valin, you were 8 when SOTE came out so you did not see the Havoc it wrecked on pegs and that was when demand was high, the line was still new.

With the marvel 2 packs being more OT movie based thats a good thing, pleases even the diehards. Vos way cool I am in. Too many characters like the Youvon Zong or however its spelled, is not good for the pegs.

As you get older you will learn the sad unfortunate truth that history repeats itself. The only smart thing with Hasbro's EU strategy has in place is they are doing most of the EU stuff in 2 packs seperate from the standard line. So if it fails that SKU will go away.

Lastly, like the Star Trek franchise spinoffs, EU is not the absolute future. EU will always be a pale but sometimes complimentry carbon copy of the original.
People will always flock to the original real thing.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Saga Kit Fisto's Jedi Starfighter
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:40 AM »
The real kick in the sack, is that Kit cannot even fit inside. I like building my fleet but c'mon mix it up a little. How about rehashing stuff in this price point people really want like:

1. AT-ST
2. Geonsian fighter
3. Dewback with new Sandtrooper and an extra rehash of the POTJ version
4. Jabba with Throne dias 9Even though i painted a killer version of the old one. See my customs page link)
5. Tie Interceptor

But lets look at this from Kit's point of view..........

I can see the look on Kit's face when Mace told him about his purple ride and his Purple Clone posse.
Kit had to do something to protect his staus on the council and impress Aayla.
So like an old Impala car, he bought an old Jedi Starfighter and tricked it out.

Take that Windu! He is green and so is his starfighter! Purple my ass.

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