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My Guess - Repack city:

500th Vader
Commtech Leia
VOTC Stormtrooper
Rots 3P0 & Saga R2 (They will break the rule of 5 with this since its crap!)
Repack of the Ultra escape pod

My guess:

-Palpatine ROTS (New Sculpt with Knee articulation)
-Mace Windu ROTS Repack (maybe new arm with Removable Hand
-Anakin Repack (Evo, most likely slashing with Hasblows track record)
-Kit Fisto ROTS Repack
-Palps Chair/Desk


Saga Collection '06 / Re: Han Solo
« on: July 6, 2006, 01:53 PM »
I prefer the 04 Han, both are good though. The 3 biggest flaws with the 06 Han:

1. Shiney/Glossy belt (The 04 Belt looks more real)
2. Loose Belt (easy fix)
3. Fat upper torso to get the upper body articulation.

He is still a good figure overall. I just hope they get the upcoming 07 Han Bespin Right, he is my favorite most want figure.

Dont forget the Demise of Boba Fett so I would not expect any other than Luke figures from that pack in this one. My picks:

Luke Jedi with Hand burn deco
Gammorean Guard or Pote Snitkin
Sgt. Doallyn
Slave Leai
Mr. Crumb
R2 D2

I just hit the 5 mark with 2 more for trade.
I may pick up a few more but I want to see that Tarkin/Stormtooper EU 2 pack first before I commit too much more to this paticular figure.
If that set is a cool as it might be I might have a lot of imperial officer customs.......

Damn! You beat me to that one.
We share the same thought on that list!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: July 3, 2006, 03:59 PM »
Eh,I'm starting think the next choice will be either Yarna or Willwrow....Pegwarmer galore!If Mual whens,I'll be disapointed.Now that I think of it my vote was a waste(for Neyo). :-\

I would buy 6 Willrow's and 2 Yarna's. I want my Willrow!
He will be great for customs too! So he may not warm pegs as bad as you might think.....even Gummy Mundi, Derlins and Lushros move eventually.

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: July 3, 2006, 03:51 PM »
Updated! ::)

Modern Classifieds / Re: Tonphanan's collection reduction
« on: July 3, 2006, 03:42 PM »
PM sent! ;D

Modern Classifieds / Re: Wants and Haves lets trade!
« on: July 3, 2006, 03:30 PM »
Cool.  :)
Here is the link to images so you can verify. (I will also send you a PM.)

Thanks for checking!

Updated list with new items!

Feedback / Re: Clone Hunter's feedback
« on: July 3, 2006, 03:14 PM »
Completed my first trade with CW with no problems.
Currently in process with 2nd trade. Great communication! :D

PM sent.

PM sent

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Why no Battle Droids?
« on: June 30, 2006, 12:09 AM »
I can't believe they haven't done a Blue Battle Droid aside from the "Mini-Rig" pack-in.

Word! They could have easily made simple repaints with the H& V crap, but no we get straight up rehash.
Battle Droids sold way better than the Super Battle Droids in CA, NJ and IL. I lived in all 3 states, but I am not surprised by this move.

But there is EE hinted about an exclusive we could not live without thats coming up after Kir, might it be Battle droid packs like the Clones/R2 Droids? :o

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: June 28, 2006, 08:35 PM »
PM back at you! ;)

Updated the list with some new figures!

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