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Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: June 25, 2006, 11:05 AM »
I hate the dry periods but its always fun to back a get some older stuff that I missed or passed on. But I snagged:

Hunt for Grevious pack - Quite dissapointed in that one) So much potential lost.
Sand Trooper
Garandian for customs

The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: June 25, 2006, 11:01 AM »
So the list on Rebelscum really knocked out a lot of the Fans choice figures:

1. Luke Jedi Knight (Final Duel version, remember Yoda said he is only a Jedi knight when he confronts Vader)
2. Quinlan Vos
3. Hermie
4. Galactic Marine
5. I bet that clone trooper is the Airborne one)
6. Kir Kanos

So with that being said we are that much closer to our Bespin Berry Blasting pal!

Come on Hasbro the line up will really be complete with the ICMG!

Here is my force prediction for this set:

1. Barris Offee - Kitbashed with new Head sculpt. But a good kit bash.
2. Yoda - Hmmm the ROTS one that they will shove down our throats again. (I am hoping for the AOTC Battle droid 2 pack version.
3. Luminaria - Same ROTS one with Jedi Cloak
4. Kitbashed Typho
5. Chameleon Droids x 2

I am betting the Snow Bunny Amidala will still be a Target exclusive. I hope I am dead wrong on this because if that figure stays a Target exclusive it will be a pain in the ass to get.

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: June 21, 2006, 05:03 PM »
Updated! Lots of new items on the trading block!

Looks like his head's taking a poop  :P

Its totally poop, the turtle is literally sticking his head out. Or bad constipation.


-More "set-pieces" as accessories...  Small bits, nothing huge, just little stuff really.  Dropping stands and "holographic minis" for something the character USES and is from his/her scene.  Not all figures need this too btw, just certain ones, but I'd prefer this stuff sporatically than stands and minis all the time...  I don't know about you.

-Re-releases use only the best of the best, and Hasbro tries to change things up and make it appealing for collectors too...  If they're going to be out in DROVES like the H&V collection has been, I think then that the figures need to appeal to more than people who just missed out in 2005...  The collector needs incentive to buy here too so we're not running into the problems with H&V we're seeing.  Smart choices and paint variances where it would "help".

try to kee optomistic for upcoming years on stuff, and I really hope things improve back to levels like 2005.  I really was loving Hasbro's work for MOST of 2005...  They trailed off towards the end some (Antilles comes to mind as them dropping the ball badly), but at the same time 2005 had amazing stuff throughout most of it...  Evne the waves leading INTO it had really good stuff for the most part (Cantina Wave still goes down as one of the greatest single waves of basic figures to me).


Nice list. Pure Poetry.
You are dead on. More "set-pieces" as accessories is the reason why I bought that  "new" Bespin Vader. Just for the boxes. The Figure will become a designated pilot for the new Starfighter when it hits, thats how I justified it. The background cache really bring the world and diorams alive. The Euro pit droid packs had really cool boxes and junk, Teemo had that really cool pod engine (which looks great in the Sandcrawler). I wish Hasbro would give us that.

And repaint where it counts is right: Saga Grevious - Loved it they should make that the norm for upgrading. Even the Boba with the VOTC legs and better paint job was a worthy rehash.

I also agree with the Tatooine wave being my favorite this year, very solid. I am optimistic with the 30th coming this should give Hasbro incentive to justify spending on new tooling in regards to articulation and acessories.

This can go on forever but I had to ask...........

5. Horn head dude from Cantina Labria

12. That white Funky protical droid who roams Mos Eisly CZ-3

Not Labria, the single Horned dude with the black eyes.
CZ-3, Got it, thanks!

Ok here goes this is my first thread:

Being that 2006 was somewhat a mixed bag for collectors what are your hopes and expectations for the 2007 line. What would you like to see from Hasbro?
And what do you expect they will do for the Anniversary press time blitz?

Let Hasbro know what you want and want improved.

Some stuff I would love to see get some plastic love:

1. Luke Bespin
2. Han Bespin
3. Walrusman
4. Gammorean Guard
5. Luke Stormtrooper
6. Yakface
7. Zuckuss
8. Jawa
9. Admiral Ackbar
10. Leai Poncho

Basic Figures
2. Yarna D'al Gargan.
3. Tonnaka Sisters
4. Dr. Evezian
5. Horn head dude from Cantina
6. SA Qui-Gon
7. SA Mace Windu
8. Cin Drallig
9. Mr. 90's himself Dash Rendar
10. KOTOR: HK-47, Bastilla, Revan, Malek, Mandalore
11. Generic ewoks repainted a few times
12. That white Funky protical droid who roams Mos Eisly
13. Black Bespin guard and Foo man Chu version
14. Rebel mechanics
15. Roran Corobb


1. EVO ROTS Anakin
2. EVO AOTC Anakin
3. EVO Maul
4. EVO Sidious
5. Grevious Body gaurd from Arena set
6. MYO
7. ROTS Plo Koon

Rebel Troop Transport
Bespin Cloud Car
Hanger set with Xwing ladders, fuel station

What I really do not want:

1. Blue Holograms
2. Lighter on the rehashes
3. No UGH
4. No more ROTS Starfighter after the next 2. You milked it enough.
5. Same goes for the Gunship, give it a rest.
6. No more way jacked up exclusive pricing. Be fair.

Modern Trading / Re: Jackoftradze's Want and Trade list
« on: June 14, 2006, 10:34 PM »
Updated! :D

The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:07 PM »
How can anyone "Hate" him. He is better than alot of past figures. While I am not jumping for joy, he is great for customs and background fodder. Count me in for 2-4!

Something about him makes me want to slap a Rodian head on him.....................

He just might be a prelude to ICMG.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TRU Exclusive Endor AT-AT
« on: June 14, 2006, 08:05 PM »
While yes its overpriced and comes with a sucky old POTJ Scout trooper, I have to support this.  Yeah ,I will feel like a new prison inmate for a few moments but If this sells well we might see someting big and new.

After 15 years of collecting, my SW room is getting really full but I sure as hell will make room for an AT-AT thats meant to step on Ewoks. I will make room for anything cool ReHashbro dishes up for that matter.

The POTF2/EP! clearence will not happen again, Hasbro learned its lesson make no doubt. They will play conservative and make more if demand is high which would take time after the fact.
I have not seen the CW gunships sitting yet but knowiing TRU they will not mark it down. Xmas is not that far away, they will be gone by then. Same goes for the AT-AT, sept is perfect timing for this item. A big box on xmas is always a kid pleaser.

We do not even know if they took out the light up veers and sound box in the inside yet.  I am assuming they did. hopefully some new sounds like trees being crushed will be put in. And Ewoks screaming.........

Modern Trading / Tons of additions! Wave 9 and more great parts!
« on: June 12, 2006, 10:54 PM »
Trade with confidence see my eBay feedback! Look up member id: Jackoftradze
JD Feedback Thread:

:DI have the following for trade or sale. :D
MOC SDCC 501st Stormtrooper 
MOC Saga2 Sandtrooper x1
MOC Saga2 Sandtrooper
MOC EU Mara Jade
MOC EU Emporer Clone
MOC EU Leai Jedi
MOC Saga Yareel Poof
MOC Holo Obi Wan
MOC Death Star Gunner x2
MOC ROTS Crab Droid (some shelf wear)
MOC POTF2 Gammorean Guard
MIB/MOC George Lucas Stormtrooper

ROTS Battle Pack 501st Quick Draw Troopers x 3
ROTS Stass Allie Barc Speeder (No Stass)
ROTS Quick draw CloneTrooper
Saga2 Darth sidious from Senate Battle pack x2
Saga2 H&V 501st Trooper x2
Saga2 Boba Fett (No Flames) 
Saga2 Camo Super Battle Droid
Saga Jango Fett (No guns)
Saga2 Scorch
Saga2 Sun Fac
EP1 Holo Sidious - RARE!
POTF2 Comtech R2 with restraining bolt (No holo leia no commtech)
POTF2 Commtech Vader with Innter Droid (No commtech or saber)
POTF2 Buff Luke (No weapons)
POTF2 Buff Chewie (No weapons)
POTF2 Death Star Trooper (No Helmet)
POTF2 Nabrien Lieds
POTF2 Rebel Fleet trooper
Vintage IG-88 (No weapons)
Vintage ROTJ Mushroom Head Jabba ban memeber with flute
Saga Ashla and Jempa missing one saber
Saga Break Apart Geonosian from deluxe pack
Saga Battle Droid white x2
Saga Anakin dooku Duel and Tatooine attack (No weapons for both)
Saga Han Endor no weapons
30th ANNV Rebel commando
30th ANNV Tatooine Sandtrooper
30th ANNV C3PO

Parts list (If you do not see something send a want list, chances are good I will have it. I have so many spare parts its not funny! Trust me.)

Heads, Helmets, & body parts
ROTS Plo Koon hands set
ROTS Sae See tin Head/Hands set x2
ROTS Obi wan Pilot head
ROTS Mas Ameeda staff
ROTS Jedi Starfighter Headband x2
ROTS Luminaria Head
Saga2 500th Darth Vader Head x2
Saga2 Han Carbonite head
ROTS Kit Fisto Hand sets x6
ROTS Kit Fisto Legs x2
Saga2 Naboo Soldier head
ROTS EVO Anakin EP2 Head
Saga2 Lando Skiff Head

POTJ Qui Gon cloth poncho

POTF2 Stormtrooper Small rifle gun x4
POTF2 Commtech Han Solo Blaster
EP1 Darth Maul Bracer x2
ROTS Evo Palps cane
ROTS Evo Palp Lightning hands set x2
ROTS Evolutions Maul Binoculars x2
ROTS Evolution Darth Maul Sith Droid with stand
ROTS Padme gun x2
Saga2 Boxes from Darth Vader besin confession x2
Saga2 Garindan gun x 2
Saga2 Luke Tatooine saber chest from obi wans hutt x2
Saga2 Luke Tatooine Hats and Binoculars x2 sets
ROTS Clone Commander Mini Guns x2
Saga2 Han Carbonite Block
Saga2 Han carbonite staff
Saga2 Death Star Gunner Blaster x2
EP1 Royal Starship R2 droid holder
POTF2 Han carb block from Slave one
EP1 Boss Nass Staff
POTF2 Commtech Stormtrooper rfilE
POTF2 Hoth Rebel Back Pack
POTF2 Luke Stormtrooper Helmet
POTF2 Flashback Beru Droid

My Wants:
They all can be Loose but they must be mint/complete:
Darth Vader Unmasked****
Unleashed Stormtrooper

Saga OR Battle Pack Deluxe Slashing Anakin (with or without geonosian)
Saga Garindan
ROTS Shaak Ti
ROTS Luminaria
ROTS Aayla
ROTS Ki Adi Mundi
Evolutions or Tin Darth Maul
Evolutions or Tin ANAKIN EP2 or EP3
Evolutions or Tin Dooku
30th Tin Blue Clonetrooper
Council Scene Eoth Koth with Bendy kness
POTJ Eoth Koth or just his skirt

Specific parts
Cloak from ROTS Mas Ameeda
Darth Maul cloaks (Any: Cloth Accessory pack, Evo Plastic cloak or Speed bike one)
POTJ Purple Lightsabers from Sae see Tin
EP1 Purple lightsaber from Ki Adi
Evolutions Clonetrooper weapons - just looking for Rifles or DC-14 guns
Lightsabers any
Stands ROTS or Saga1 only. No Saga2 please. Real Stands for modern work too

I am willing to trade, sell and buy!
PM me with other wants, I always have stuff coming and going!

I returned one of my 2 Grevious Demises after seeing how they are rotting. iIopened one and he is not worh $14. They could have at least thrown in a hologram and base. Its pretty rude that the standard figures have more than this "High end" figure...who is a semi rehash to begin with.

The Senate packs are rotting too. I will wait until they are in the clearence isle to get more pods/shocktroopers
As I said in other threads lots o rehashes, less articulation and price increases...not the ideal formula for fun. :P

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Weekly Q and A
« on: June 12, 2006, 03:09 PM »
I know this is not where to post this but:
My next batch questions for them. I give them high kudos for attempting this.
Talking to rabid passionate fans is not an easy thing to do. Their marketing teams is really trying to connect with us.

Dear Re-Hashbro (Could not resist)

1. How about re issueing items fans will really clamour for on your website like:
The Rebel Troop Transport
Mini Rigs (Vehicle Energizer, skiff)
Death Star Playset

2. When is the Toyfare Fans choice going to be announced?
(This is way over due)

3. It seems the Target exclusive formula is not performing that well any more. Like the Lava figures, Demise of Grevious are stacked high as well as Skirmish in the Senate set.
Do you think it has anything to do with the veri inflated price and overly reused figures?

Hasbros' shipping will quickly wash out the lower figure price if they even are lower at all. Its nice they are offering this mediocre exclusive.
The new Sandtrooper is the bomb you can make all the VOTC Stormtoopers you want. A little paint thinner cleans the up really nice and its have the price with worthwhile extra parts.

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