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Messages - Adam_Pawlus

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: April 14, 2008, 06:32 PM »
Will Hasbro ever make a Sail Barge?  I think it's doable.  The POTC ship was pretty big and was only about $60 at stores. 

It also had the benefit if being in three major movies in a very prominent role, plus was in the title of the first flick.  The Sail Barge, not so much...

My order is showing as "IN STOCK" but nothing has shipped yet...

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Millenium Falcon Upgrade?
« on: April 11, 2008, 04:11 PM »
2. I HIGHLY doubt this will be out in July, otherwise we would have heard something. No way Hasbro would sneak something like this onto the shelves.

That big wings white TIE Fighter went from rumor to available at a Toys "R" Us on my way to work in no time flat.  This is really impressive to see them pull off.

Hasbro absolutely can sneak something by the collector community if they have partners which can keep their mouths shut in the world of retail, and Target's a freaking open book.  If it weren't for the pictures at Galactic Hunter (or some other toy site if we just didn't happen to have them) and Target's ridiculously open systems, it's entirely possible this could have made it to retail under the radar.  Unlikely, given the size, but certainly Hasbro has proven that it is possible. 1996, nobody saw what POTF2 Dagobah Luke looked like until it hit Hong Kong about 2-3 weeks before the USA.  (We knew it was coming though, there just weren't any photos until final packaged product surfaced.)   It was a pretty big deal then, too, as aside from these two items, I can't name something that basically went from a mystery to part of my collection in such a short period of time.  Hasbro and the toy media together rarely can keep a secret.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU 2008 Big Wing TIE Fighter
« on: April 11, 2008, 03:13 PM »
I actually found and purchased on this morning on the Toys "R" Us in the Valley on Sherman Way.  (You know the one.)  $39.99.  I went there on Wednesday, and nothing.  Today, they had like two.   The funny thing is that the "lasers" are different than the tiny white one-- they retooled that area and removed the faux LED on the 85196 assortment one.  They left it on the big one, but it does have the new hatch and the 2004 TIE Pilot.

30th Anniversary Collection / TRU 2008 Big Wing TIE Fighter
« on: April 11, 2008, 12:20 AM »
Spies report that a new, all-white TIE Fighter with big wings will show up at Toys "R" Us.

Right now.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Expanded Universe Wave?
« on: April 10, 2008, 09:51 PM »
Seems like a decent list of choices to me.  I didn't much care for the Rakghouls, I was kinda disappointed that Gryph didn't make the cut.  (Or if he did elsewhere, I'm in the dark.)   I'd be sad to see Legacy come and go without Darth Krayt, so woo.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Millenium Falcon Upgrade?
« on: April 10, 2008, 08:39 PM »
can we pretty much confirm that it's going to be a Target exclusive given the track record of their "NO REPLY TO THIS ITEM CTRL-ALT-DEL ERROR!" responses regarding the Shuttle and UBPs?

There is absolutely nothing to indicate this item is an exclusive to Target.  Hasbro denies all sorts of things, like the Delta Squad pack for example.  It doesn't have to be a Target exclusive to warrant verbal smoke-and-mirrors.  Target will carry it, but they carry almost everything.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Millenium Falcon Upgrade?
« on: April 9, 2008, 08:16 PM »
I just ran and got a tape measure to get the dimensions of my POTF2 and OTC Falcons.

Length: 22 Inches

Width: 16 Inches

This new one has to be huge!

"Over 2 1/2 feet long!"

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Millenium Falcon Upgrade?
« on: April 8, 2008, 08:07 PM »
Anyone been to Galactic Hunter today yet?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Pegwarmers?
« on: April 1, 2008, 05:41 PM »
The Saga Legends Imperial Officer is the most consistent 2007 figure that's hanging in my findings.  A few Targets have two to three dozen of the various head variants, and 1-2 other figures in the mix.   Today, he seems to be the one that rears his head the most to the point where I have little doubt it's resulting in the store not reordering more Saga Legends.

...and a few stores still have pegs of Lushros Dofines, so go figure.

TAC seems to be doing OK overall.  If it's sitting, wait a week, it'll probably go away.

I went to 3 Targets on Saturday night (8-ish) and only one had exclusives out-- and that one had already sold out of the Kashyyyk sets.  This morning I hit 2 more, one of them had everything and one had nothing.  Only 4 of this set left (now 2), but I gotta say it's pretty amazing for $20, given we paid $10 per Vader and Stormtrooper and about $5-$7 for the Wookiees as preview figures.

Did anybody else notice the retooled Stormtrooper arms?  Like most non-VOTC VOTC-based Stormtrooper figures, these have the "R" and "L" molded into the shoulders.  I dig the whiter-white plastic, except for (I think) the torsos.

How many generic Wookiees does this bring us up to now?   Like 7 uniques?   I really like these guys.  I need to compare them to my Wookiees at home but it looks like the paint used for the mouth and teeth is much cleaner and sharper than  before, they really do look nice.  (Although I really would have liked to seen a unique staff, hat, helmet, or some other obviously "new" element.)

Cannot freaking WAIT for the crazy striped Rancor next month.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Your Dream Wave?
« on: March 20, 2008, 05:22 PM »
Someone give evenflow a cigar, he's got awesome taste.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC AT-AP Pod Walker
« on: March 19, 2008, 05:41 PM »
The toy does a pretty good job of being a toy-- the limited leg articulation is not a flaw as such, just something Hasbro elected to not do.  You can still sit figures in the vehicle, move the legs at the "hips", and so on and so forth.  My POTJ AT-ST has sagged to the point of falling over due to the extra leg articulation not being up to snuff, so I'd say there's a chance this toy might actually be slightly better off since it has sturdier legs with less articulation.  (Granted, better articulation designs would be better still, but considering these things spend most of their lives on a shelf on one of two poses, I think Hasbro did a pretty good job.   Better to make it stable, really, I hate to see toys sag or fade or otherwise start to fall apart a few months after I get it.)

I will say, though, that the big missile totally sucks.  It barely clears the barrel.  You push the button, and it just sort of sputters out in a pathetic whimper.   If it worked, hey, great, but a lot of these larger rockets just don't function properly as a toy.  Stomping legs or some sort of blast damage deco would've been nicer. Or some cheap-o electronic sounds or something, as long as it was functional.   

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 3 - Repaints/Repacks
« on: March 13, 2008, 03:38 PM »
I actually kinda dig some of the repaint waves.  There are some figures fans keep asking Hasbro to do, so this lets Hasbro check off a bunch of figures at once.  Sometimes we get something kinda cool (red Naboo trooper, R5-J2, various Clones) and sometimes Hasbro gives us what we ask for with mixed results (R2-B1, 2006 Kashyyyk Trooper-- which for the record I totally dig.)

And for the "I wish" portion...
-  Boba Fett redeco.   Either a full-on, slime-free Marvel version of a "proto" version with the yellow gauntlet, brown gloves, and other pre-release wackiness.
- Han Solo in Carbonite.  I liked the 2006 Carbonite, but I want it in non-melty colors.  I don't want another Han though, so let's have fun and package it with a red repaint of Bar2-D2.  It's hard to see but there's a red serving droid working for Jabba the Hutt in ROTJ.  I don't know its name and I have no reference handy.  If no droid, maybe a Gamorrean repaint would be nice since he's been out of circulation since 2004.
- Red Stormtroopers.  Lumiya had a bunch of Stormtroopers in red armor which were, I believe, Royal Guards.  As such, I also want a set of these.  And a Lumiya to go with it, but I'll take the troops for now.
- Geezum.  SOme pictures look like you MIGHT be able to fudge one by sticking a Snaggletooth head on a Tusken body, perhaps with swapped arms.  Hey, I'm dreaming big here.
- Yoxgit.  Ugnaught head on Snaggletooth body.  Let's get this one over with.  Heck, pack it with the Carbonite too.
- Fan's choice.  Let fans vote on the repaint.  Why not?   It'd be fun.

I'll be happy as long as they don't try and pull out Trax Bonkik.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: 2008 Clone Wars Preview Figure?
« on: January 28, 2008, 02:49 PM »
Has anyone noticed that the markings on Rex's head are similar to those on the Mandalorian Clones in the EE packs?

Yup.  They're all based on early concepts for Boba Fett from the late 1970s-- they're mining a lot of those old concepts for new figure opportunities.  (I digs 'em.)

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