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Messages - jedi_master_sal

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I'm cool with neither coming with pilots. They're not hard to track down and fairly cheap to obtain. Besides not including them keeps the price of these vehicles down and keeps us from having duplicates we might not want. Again, if you want/need a duplicate pilot they are aplenty.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 27, 2010, 09:27 AM »
Wowzers, if this is the new AT-AT, then hells yeah, I'll be buying it. Is this a picture of a model? Looks familiar.

Definitely 2 for me if the price is right.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:47 AM »
Suffice to say this is creating a huge buzz in the SW collecting world.

Could you imagine if the AT-AT isn't being done at all? How disappointed would we be if come Toy Fair there is NO AT-AT?

I would hope then that seeing the buzz generated by discussion and even a "leaked" photo, real or not, that there is some merit to making this.

If the AT-AT turns out to be real (even if the one in the photo isn't), I think Hasbro is going to find they've made many fans happy. It's just the waiting that bothers the heck out of us. We all know Hasbro much prefers to release this information at official venues like Toy Fair and SDCC, but many of us still have the mentality of want to have it now. I'm guilty sometimes of that myself.

I think most of us would be satiated if Hasbro were to at least DIRECTLY confirm the AT-AT as a toy being released this year. Lord knows we can't trust then when they say no though. They tried to do that with the Falcon and AT-TE and it didn't work. SO they might as well just fess up to the fact that the AT-AT is coming out. Then we all can eagerly anticipate seeing it officially for the first time at Toy Fair.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: January 26, 2010, 10:38 AM »
...Perhaps if they issued more online collector-friendly case-packs, the collector community would appear to be more supportive of the lines.

Man, you hit the nail on the head there. I haven't bought a case of anything in a long time. I just refuse to buy a case of figures when half of them are repacks of ones I already have. Perhaps if they were evenly packed I could find another collector to go in on the case with me. Otherwise, forget it.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 25, 2010, 05:14 PM »
The photo looks like a custom to me. The head is virtually the same. So is the body. THe only thing really different are the inner coverings of the legs.  Again not accounting for the back hatch as I feel that's a custom to this old mold.

If this is the new thing then I think I can easily pass it up. Or at least wait for it to clearance.

While this needs to look like an AT-AT, it shouldn't look like the old toy. That one is so severely out of scale it is embarrassing.

...He also probably thought they'd back down.

That is what I think is the most surprising in all of this. NBC wanted Conan in that timeslot. Not Leno.

I don't see what NBC didn't try canning Leno first and stick with just Conan for a couple of months to see how things panned out. I'd make any guess without Leno, Conan's ratings would increase as he wouldn't have to compete against Leno and his fans in an earlier time slot.

Somewhere someone is saying, "The Tonight Show, a great show....for me to poop on!"

What's interesting... Conan said he'd rather leave than watch The Tonight Show brand damaged.  But in a few months he'll be competing with the very show he wanted to protect!  And given that he and Leno attract a similar audience (more similar than he and Letterman do), he'll have a hand in ensuring The Tonight Show has the worst ratings in late-night.

It's the 11:35pm timeslot that he didn't want to see changed. That is the branding of the Tonight Show. Not 12:05 as NBC had suggested to him.

If he happens to get a new late night talk show and is lucky enough to trounce any of the competition or at least take a share of it, good on him. It's really NBCs fault at this point for making all the changes it did.

I still feel NBC should not have moved Leno out to begin with. Barring that Leno should never have been allowed a new show and one that leads into the Tonight Show.

As far as the Tonight Show have bad ratings due to Conan, well more power to Conan. Yes, he got a fat paycheck to leave NBC, but in principle he was still screwed over. NBC deserves whatever bad happens in the late night wars.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Avatar
« on: January 25, 2010, 02:14 PM »
I cant believe I still havent seen this

Me neither.  It is tough for us to get out to movies much anymore since our daughter was born (no family especially close to babysit or any of that), and we just haven't gotten a chance to see this yet.  I have to admit, I'm curious - especially after the enormous success - but aside from that I'm kind of dumbfounded why this is such a crazy big movie as well.  A few months before it opened I didn't know if it would make its money back (since it cost so much), but it seems to have accomplished that just fine.  I know that inflation numbers aren't ever considered, but it stings sometimes hearing that Avatar (or previously, Titanic) were/are the number one movies of all time.  It was nice when Star Wars was at the top of that chart ;).

Brian, trust me, when you see this, you'll know. I saw it in IMAX, so I don't know how much of a difference there is comparing that to the regular 3D version. If you've got an IMAX theater nearby though, I highly suggest checking it out on that. It's more expensive yes, but man you'll be blown away by the effects.

There are many times you feel you're right in the movie. I saw many a people swatting away flirtering bugs or ash as it floated by. And just the sci-fi escapism you get with this movie. No doubt by now you've seen the floating mountains, while those are a sight to see and similar ideas have been in several stories of the genre before, there are many other things that take it to a whole new level. The luminous forest is awesome, the creatures are fantastical as they should be in a story of this kind.

Don't think you're going to see something in comparison to SW. Think you're going in for a new visual experience. Don't try and compare it, just enjoy it.

I like many other did.

The story itself is familiar and similar to stories we've seen in the past, just told from a different perspective. So don't look to that as anything ground breaking. Good old George himself "used" to say a movie with special effects and not a story isn't really a movie. He's come to recant that even if privately as evidenced much by the PT. Avatar is similar in that respect that the story while important isn't the driving factor. Though, if you don't feel at least some emotion for what happens in the movie, well I'd be surprised.

Get a qualified babysitter as soon as you can, because this movie will not translate on the small screen as it is on the big screen. This is a must for a theater going experience.

I thought it was a nice send off on Friday as well, although I really wish this whole thing wouldn't have happened.  Like others have said, I can understand the ratings issue - especially for a network struggling like NBC - but I guess my wife and I have always enjoyed Conan's comedy/sense of humor, and liked seeing him get a shot at the "big time".  I do hope he lands on another network (like Fox), and we'll follow him there.

I personally don't get the appeal of Leno really, never have.  Prior to this whole issue with Conan, I thought Leno seemed like a nice enough guy but just didn't seem all that funny to me.  Now I think he's sort of a heel for taking over the Tonight Show again.  The guy obviously has plenty of money, and could have stood by his friend Conan and said "I'm not doing it either" and see what NBC would do there.  Of course, it is easy to say this as an outside observer, but he just didn't come off looking all that great in this to me.  We've always preferred Conan and Dave to Leno anyways, and we'll continue those viewing habits.

I think Leno has been a quiet ******bag in all of this. He comes off as if "Oh, it's the network's fault." True enough NBC came to him more than 5 years ago and told him he would lose the show to Conan. That was NBC's first mistake.

But then NBC gives him a show and one before Conan? Nothing really changed except for the time of the shows. Conan never got a fair shake at the Tonight show specifically. Had Leno properly retired as Carson and the other hosts of the Tonight show did before him, then NBC could have seen if it really was Conan's fault for the ratings or their decision to keep Leno on the air.

Had Leno retired fans of the Tonight show would have either stayed with the show or gone somewhere else (Letterman, etc.). But no, noone will ever know because that didn't happen. Depending on your comedic inclinations Conan is edgier while Leno is safer. Neither is wrong persay in their style. But for Leno not to step down at all was a bad move for all involved.

Really, NBC should have just recanted the offer to Conan about having the Tonight show and kept him at Late Night. Leno was kicking Letterman's butt in the ratings before all of this. It was ludicrous to change it all up. So to me it's mostly NBC's fault, then Leno. Coco doesn't have much to blame in all of this if you ask me.

What's ironic in all of this is that the biggest reason for NBC moving Conan to the Tonight Show was to not lose him to another network. Good call NBC... Looks like that will happen anyway.

For all the bad blood this has created, I'm betting Leno will never fully recover all of his fans. Some people will stay loyal to Conan. When Conan does get back on the air, if it competes with Leno/Letterman, then we may have yet another ratings war on our hands, and I'll be front and center of my TV for that supporting Conan.

While we don't know the intimate details of his contract it appears that he is barred from hosting a show, so guest appearances may be permitted.

Where'd you hear that?  Every indication I've seen is that he'll be hosting someplace else by the fall...

Fox ready to swoop in on Conan

Yeah, I knew not until September 1st. But by now I guess I thought everyone else knew that too.

Kind of hard to miss it, it's been in the news too much.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: January 25, 2010, 01:14 PM »
Yeah, I have to agree with the two just above my post.

I'm not really feeling another Wedge. We already have that figure in various modes. Okay so we didn't really need the dinner party jacket Wedge and the buff ones are outdated.
Still, there are so many characters that haven't been done yet or others that need a serious upgrade.

I'd agree with Evazan needing to be upgraded first before Wedge. I'd rather see other pilots before Wedge again.

While we don't know the intimate details of his contract it appears that he is barred from hosting a show, so guest appearances may be permitted.

I too thought it would be great to see Coco on another show as a guest. Letterman would be near perfect for that. I know I'd tune in for that one.

And yes, I'm not going to be watching Leno when he comes back. I didn't care much for him before finding him to boring most of the time. Leno is too "safe." Conan was a bit more risky, but ultimately more entertaining, IMO.

When Conan does come back, I really hope he can find a way to bring back certain characters from the show, albeit in a different format.

Masterbating Bear? How about a giant masterbating chicken instead?
Triumph the Insult Comic Dog? How about Conquest the cagey cat, or Manny the pissed-off Poodle?

I just think it sucks that some of these characters in essence have been written off. While individually they may not have been the greatest, collectively they made up a fantastic ensemble funny tidbits.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Basic Figure Line
« on: January 22, 2010, 02:32 PM »
...and hopefully in the future are spread throughout the year a little more.

That's another thing that is really hurting this line. If the realistic figures are collector oriented, then they should be made available to us all year, not mostly in the last quarter.

Many of us are still scrambling trying to catch up. I still have not one figure from the ESB wave. Yet I'm hearing that there are sightings of yet another CW wave.

And here's a thought, when kids don't have CW figures to pick up, don't you think they are picking up OTHER toys. By other I mean, NOT SW. By having at least the realistic line available all year, the kiddos may be roped into collecting them too since they are SW. I'm just sayin'....

I agree that the absence of Paratus is a letdown, but to me everything outside of the Evo Poop Trooper and Translucent Shadow Trooper is amazing... count me in for at least two of each set. 

Chewie, if you don't want the Phasing Shadowtrooper, I'll buy it from you. (The more clear one, not the blackish one.)

If Hasbro makes another set, they could easily give us Paratus, reissue Kota just now blind (easy headswap), Stormtrooper Captain, one of the alien henchman (Rodians or the like) and another of the apprentice in a different costume.

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