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Messages - Scockery

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: November 3, 2017, 01:58 PM »
The problem with that plan is that reanimation occurs whenever the script calls for it.

Yeah, the Saviors like to narrate, like the guy explaining how hard it is to wet yourself.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: November 1, 2017, 03:03 PM »
Ron Howard Reshot Nearly all of Solo for twice the budget.

If this films flop they'll put a price on Ron's head so big that he won't be able to film a youtube reaction video.

Rogue One / Re: Rogue One 3.75" Wave 3
« on: November 1, 2017, 02:58 PM »
That's a shame, they should dump them at 5 Below!

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 4
« on: November 1, 2017, 02:59 AM »
They've got 10 episodes left to make this show mean something. It's not THE CLONE WARS of the Imperial era. Of course it never had the budget or episode orders to be that.

I feel the whole show could've been saved with an appearance by Meebur Gascon and D Squad.  :P

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 4
« on: October 31, 2017, 01:43 PM »
Patton! Right. I was thinking the Joker vs Batwing in BATMAN.

The Occupation
was so-so. Once again Rex and Kallus are sidelined.  We learn that Old Joe is dead  :'( . And the most irritating thing, that the Imperial March is music within the Star Wars universe itself (people have beat that wonderful theme into the ground).  Lots of running around tunnels and Stormtroopers not hitting anything. Yay.  Ryder's resistance is what, two people?

Flight of the Defender
The better of the two over all.

Puts some sting back into the TIE Defender.

Of course Ryder and Zeb are on the sidelines so the underused duo of Ezra and Sabine get the focus.   :P

Sabine takes out some but not all the fighters...nobody's perfect. She actively tries to kill Thrawn.

Odd the Imperial Gunships are piloted by AT-DP pilots.  Were they before...I can't remember.

Then things get weird with the large semi-talking wolf that no one else sees. Spoooky.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: October 29, 2017, 11:50 PM »
Who's surprised that Gabriel and Negan weren't in the second episode? Probably no one.

Rick did manage a plan to get more Alexandrites killed. I'm relieved, I was beginning to lose faith in him.

Jesus saves...his enemies. Tara questions Jesus...blasphemy!!

Mara got killed...she was the savior leading the people who were sitting out in the open for some reason.  CHOMP.

CGI Tiger is back. SHEBA'S GRRRREAT!

Hey it's that guy we...forgot about from season 1. There was no one else to bring back. He was the only one who didn't die after crossing paths with Rick, but they'll remedy that soon. What are the odd they'd meet again...good, cuz it's a like a tv show. Even Morgan suspects he's on a tv show, and know he can't die and goes on a  RAMPAGE.

RIP Benson, making fun of Krause in heavenly coffee breaks.

Other Toy Lines / Re: Funko 3.75" Action Figure Lines
« on: October 24, 2017, 03:52 PM »
The Disney Afternoon figures look fun...ko.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: October 23, 2017, 11:51 PM »
Dumb decision...again...when Negan came out the door, why didn't they just pump his ass full of lead?  I mean, somebody should have had their weapon trained on that door to smoke him when he came out.

Odd after Rick's "Only one person has to die!" monologue.  I guess it wasn't Negan, must be that one sentry he took out. That was the guy.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: October 23, 2017, 07:34 PM »
Negan: "Rick, I hope to hell you're happy, because there are people covered with glass in here!"

Rick's plan didn't get anyone killed? What happened? Oh, there's more to the plan...

Rick's speeches probably even make Ezekiel think "he's such a ham."

Rosita was frawnt pawrch sittin' cuz the actress was preggers. Tara still seems well fed for the apocalypse.

Cut the hair, Coral!

Lot of survivor activity in this region for that random guy to not have seen anyone for awhile.

Savior: "Hey, Rick, yeah, you just stabbed me...I saw you begging like a little baby girl before, Rick...LOL....and hey, don't cut that zombie loose to eat me....arrrrgh!"

Everyone was on Talking Dead and each one got to speak for maybe 30 seconds.

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 4
« on: October 23, 2017, 12:56 PM »
In the Name of Love The Rebellion. SPOILERS

I don't understand why you'd fly your damaged fighters through the atmosphere where their electrical fires or whatever can get more oxygen, then attempt near crash landings. Why not stall in space and wait for pick-up?

Agent Kallas in rebel attire....oh, but he doesn't do anything.  :(

Mon Mothma tries to talk reason to Ezra. She forgot the stick required to BEAT IT INTO HIM.  ::)

Chopper kills some people.  8)

Edrio Two Tubes...yay!

Goodbye, Cmdr Bronchitis or whatever.  :'(

TIE Defender menace almost immediately neutered. Odd they'd be assigned to a light cruiser, anyway, as they aren't common supposedly. (This is putting more thought into it than the writers.)

Ezra and Sabine get most of the screen time in part two. As if they didn't just get it in the previous 2 parter.

Multi-alien techs, alas they resist the urge to make the Ishi Tibb the ROTJ rebel Ishi Tib...I think?

Female Death Trooper Cmdr. Interesting.

Big piece of kryptonite!

Another Star Destroyer totaled. Rebels tradition of conking out enemies or stunning them, only to leave them to die on an exploding ship continues!

It was an okay two parter elevated by Saw and Mothma's appearances, but a little underwhelming, as it's another tease for the Death Star. We know more than the characters, and that's not that fun anymore.

You must do what you think is right, of course.  ;)

I'm of the mind that if someone spends more than they feel they should and/or buy things they don't like (for whatever reasons) that will lead to burn-out.

I'm also the guy who would not support a figure sub service unless I got rich. I understand why people would get rich but I don't get enough (whatever it is) out collecting action figures anymore to routinely spend $20+ each on them.

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 4
« on: October 19, 2017, 04:46 PM »
I don't even understand how they control the jetpacks.

Spoilers comments:

Sabine's dad the non-warrior...surprise....kinda, but still just *shrug*

The consequences of the Empire using Sabine's weapon were tossed aside by having no named character die from it.

Jet-pack using Mandalorian and Ezra taking out TIE Fighters?

They didn't even do the cliche of having the doubting pro-Empire Mando defect to  the rebels.

Frying the imperials was stooping to their leveling, instead Sabine just blows up the entire Star Destroyer with virtually no time for the Imperials to escape.

You might think Bo-Katan would mention she's been handed the weapon that was used to kill her sister!

TV-9D9 / Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 4
« on: October 18, 2017, 11:18 PM »
I found Heroes of Mandalore 1&2  underwhelming, but then...Mando culture doesn't interest me.  They don't have the budget to show the Clone Wars version of the wastelands.

Star Wars Anthology / Re: Solo (SPOILERS)
« on: October 17, 2017, 11:58 PM »
That's so low...

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