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Messages - DoctorPadawan

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The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Battle Packs
« on: September 18, 2009, 05:56 PM »
I really hope that the trend of "complete repacks" is going to be an ongoing theme for the BPs from here on out.  BPs are, by and large, the most poorly stocked assortment of SW toys on the shelves, mostly due to the huge bottleneck caused by the Jabba's Palace and B'omarr Monastery sets.  While I think the Yavin Hangar set is one of the best things to come out of the Legacy lineup, for every one of those, we get two more Jabba's Palace sets per case, perpetuating the problem at retail.   :P

I haven't even seen a Gunship pod at retail (a friend was able to get me one of them, and that was four states away from where I live), and I'm really wondering if the Gelagrub overpriced beast pack BP will show up here at all.  As long as I can get one more pod to put on the other side of my 2002 AOTC Gunship, I'll be happy.

Feedback / Re: Darth_Anton's feedback
« on: September 14, 2009, 08:48 PM »
Yet another smooth and fast transaction with Anthony.  He hooked me up with a loose Evolutions V-Wing Pilot at cost, thus saving me the trouble of buying another set just to get the one figure.  As always, the deal could not have been better.  Thanks Anton! :)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wedge Antilles' Red Two X-Wing Starfighter
« on: September 13, 2009, 02:00 PM »
I noticed 4 disappear overnight at a local Target. A bit odd.

Whenever my Target has a sale on anything in the toy aisle, the amount of stock seems to suddenly either drop by 2/3 or vanish completely until the sale is over, at which point everything reappears.  While I am willing to concede that some stock vanishes rather quickly if the sale price is significantly less than the regular price, I highly doubt that tons of Desert Tracker Ratchets disappeared on the first day of the Voyager class sale only to reappear the day after the sale is over.   :P

(Sorry to veer off into Transformers talk for a second, but it was the easiest and most recent toy that I could point to where this had happened locally)

Anyway, I picked up one of the 3 Wedge X-Wings at my local Target yesterday, and got it for the slightly decreased price of 46 bucks, which decreased even further when I used the 20 dollars worth of Beatles gift cards at checkout.  26 bucks plus tax isn't bad for this. :)

Two questions, though:

1-Is the yellow ladder supposed to connect to something on the side of the ship?  There are small slots on the back of the ladder, but no corresponding pegs added to the ship mold that I can find to secure it.  Since the side of the X-Wing at the cockpit where the ladder should theoretically go is angled with no real "ledge" to rest it against, I can't figure out a way to display it with Wedge climbing the ladder, as it falls right over.

2-Is everyone else's pilot seat assembled incorrectly?  I know that the photo on the box has it assembled incorrectly (and thus has Wedge's head hanging out in the cargo area), but the incorrect assembly on the actual toy is really bothering me.  Sure, Wedge can sit up just fine with it in the incorrect position, but it's the principle of it all that irks me.  The really irritating thing is that it does look like I can fix it without taking the entire ship apart, as the hinge tabs seem to be really long and might break should I force the issue.

Also, if anyone wants the "kill marking" labels, PM me.  I don't really get into the post-ROTJ EU stuff, so even though there's a film-based reason for the kill marks, I have no need for them myself.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Toys R Us (Or: Die, Dinosaur, Die!)
« on: September 11, 2009, 07:27 PM »
How does Wal-Mart plan on getting "friendlier employees?"  Are they going to force them to undergo Emergency Squiggley Dance brainwashing sessions until their will to be lazy dicks is driven from them completely, along with the will to live?

As for the "less clutter", it was once explained to me that the reason WM's aisles were so much closer together than other retailers (Target, TRU, etc) was so when the behemoths were standing in the middle of an aisle blocking access, you'd have to go to the next aisle over and come up the other side of the previous aisle, which would expose you to more products and hopefully increase impulse purchases.  Same deal with the main aisle obstructing kiosk things; the more obstacles you have, the more likely you are to choose an alternate route to your desired location, and the more likely you are to see something else you don't need that you wind up buying.

Long live Toys R Us!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Wedge Antilles' Red Two X-Wing Starfighter
« on: September 9, 2009, 09:51 PM »
After spending far too much money on something other than toys today (namely the Beatles remasters) at Target, I wound up with 20 bucks worth of gift cards that I plan on using on the X-Wing when it finally shows up around here.  I don't really need another X-Wing, but given the fact that the stickers all over my 1998 FX X-Wing are starting to peel a little, I'd like a non-swamp gunk covered X-Wing to display. 

Question, though:  are the stripes and details painted on (as with the Dagobah X-Wing) or are they pre-applied stickers? 

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 9, 2009, 09:47 PM »
Found the Y-Wing and the two new "Rookies" exclusive two packs at one of the local Wal-Marts today.  While I had initially planned on ditching the Rex, the episode-accurate Rishi eel goo on his hand and wrist changed my mind.

As for the Y-Wing: WOW.   :o

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Walmart CW Octuptarra Droid
« on: September 8, 2009, 08:52 PM »
I found this earlier today at one of my local Wal-Marts, and it's every bit as impressive as the photo Ghost posted makes it out to be.  Very tall, very sturdy (at least initially), and the action features (firing guns and "cockpit") don't detract at all from the appearance.  I try to restrict my army building, and I've never done any army building with a "vehicle" before, but between this and the Vulture Droid, it's really hard not to do so.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008/2009 Evolutions Sets
« on: September 2, 2009, 07:01 PM »
Anybody with the Imperial Pilot set know if the Body of the Tie Pilot is different than the Biggs Tie Pilot body?

Nope, same body; the only difference is in the coloring, as this version has a grayish bodysuit, as opposed to the total black bodysuit on Biggs.  The second belt (the one underneath the belt accessory) is also painted on the new TIE Pilot, so it looks like he has two silver belt buckles. :)

Is there anyone who has found these yet who hasn't had a major ordeal with the WM employees?  I won't go into details on my own experience trying to buy these, but long story short, it took me 30 minutes total across two trips, dealing with six different employees, a manager who refused to come out of his office to enter the UPC on either occasion, and some amazing evidence that the concept of evolution is fact, and it happened to pass over this particular Wal-Mart entirely.

Joe Defender / G.I. Joe Toys Thread
« on: September 1, 2009, 10:00 PM »
I saw (but didn't get) the Wal-Mart exclusive two packs earlier today.  I'm probably going to pick up the Tunnel Rat/Monkeywrench set for the latter and the accessories, but the Gung Ho/Copperhead and Night Creeper/Shockwave sets didn't really impress me at all.  Wish they would have given Monkeywrench the ridiculously oversized pitchfork gun instead of the Eel gun, though.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008/2009 Evolutions Sets
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:58 PM »
Anyone know what the price is on these?

$21.76, so they're not really any more expensive than the regular Evolutions sets have been over the last few years.  Given how the Droid Factory two packs went up to 17 bucks, I was fully expecting to pay 30 for them.   :-\

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:56 PM »
Picked up all three Wal-Mart exclusive Evolutions packs today.  $21.76, plus the Governor's drapery cleaning share.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 1, 2009, 09:53 PM »
Found and picked up the first two animated Wal-Mart exclusive two packs earlier today (Thire and Rys; Yoda and Jek).  Nice figures, and a decent deal (especially when compared with the Droid Factory two packs) at 13 bucks after tax. 

Has there ever been any explanation from Hasbro as to why Agen Kolar continues to include a green lightsaber, despite all film evidence to the contrary?  I kind of understood the 2005 ROTS version coming with a green blade ("we were working off production stills"/"color hadn't been finalized"/etc), but at this point, it's a rather glaring mistake (albeit one steeped in admitted nerd minutiae), and I'm surprised that it hasn't been picked up on by either Hasbro or LFL.

To add to the list of "Who's Head Will Fit on the HRS Body?", I found that a Spacetrooper head (Joe Johnston) will fit on the peg perfectly, and vice versa.  So, if you're army building both, you can get a little bit of diversity going on, and get a clean shaven HRS to boot. :)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars ARC-170 (Imperial Deco)
« on: August 23, 2009, 02:51 PM »
The one Wal-Mart in my area that did what it was supposed to be doing (i.e. reset their action figure aisle) had two of these on the shelf Thursday at the aforementioned price of 64.98.  Needless to say, the first time I see the Y-Wing, I'll be buying it, because with the glut of ARCs that is already out there, it's going to be a nightmare finding the Y-Wing.  Especially if Hasbro pulls one of their typical case pack moves and ships the ARC again with the Y-Wing.

I find the fact that there have been no other announcements for this assortment either before, during, or since SDCC to be quite telling, especially given Hasbro's semi-apology for the ARC's existence in the first place. 

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