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Messages - John C

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: May 9, 2007, 10:51 AM »
Your guess is dead on.  Micah is needed to rig the election.  I think Ted is the exploding man because I can see him losing control when Sylar comes after him and starts cutting away.  Or maybe not.  Like I have said, part of the fun of this show is guessing what will happen next.  Peter and Hiro need to hang around Ted for a while to protect him from Sylar.  It is possible that the exploding man is someone we haven't seen yet, though. 
I have been thinking that maybe Hiro's dad has the real sword Hiro has been chasing and the one Linderman had was a copy.  Maybe we will also find out that the samurai who had it possessed the super gene and that sword has some of his power left in it.
I also agree that Hiro lets Sylar go because he really wasn't ready to kill.  I was at first thinking that maybe Sylar's TK protected him, but it looked like the mom fell down when Hiro took a swing, so time must have started up again.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: May 8, 2007, 01:09 AM »


Now we know why Sylar is crazy.  He's just like his mom.  Interesting how they tried to humanize him, like he really doesn't want to kill but it looks like the power gets ahold of him and makes him do it.  He was losing it when he turned his mom's place into a snowglobe, then came back when he saw he scared her.  Now he'll be a loose cannon from here on out apparently.  I think Molly's virus will be used by Mohinder to take Sylar's power, and possibly craziness, away.  At this point I don't think Peter is the one that blows up.  I think it's Ted.  Peter will obviously get ahold of himself next week and then learn how to control the radioactivity/EMP power, and he can just fly away or teleport with Hiro's power if he loses it.  Now we are certain that Candace is an illusionist.  DL and Jessica are going to bust her @ss.  It looks like Sulu will somehow fix Hiro's sword next week, but that was really the only thing that stood out from the previews.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: May 4, 2007, 06:27 PM »
Bennett talked Hana into helping him in the online graphic novels.  He convinced her that he was trying to go against Primatech to save Claire and possibly others.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: May 4, 2007, 10:45 AM »
Another funny episode.  Creed is one of the best.  Kelly makes me laugh, too. 
"It's not me, it's you."
"I'd buy Angela a heart.  I'd buy Kelly a brain."
Funny, funny stuff.    ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: May 4, 2007, 10:43 AM »
Molly was the little girl Parkman found under the stairs earlier.  What she can do is a mystery, but it sounds like she has a really useful ability that can help stop Sylar.  Not sure what the "e-mail girl" stuff is about, but that was Hana/Wireless that was shot in the head.  Sylar is somehow immune to Hiro's ability, so how will Hiro not get his head sliced open?  That is my biggest question mark for Monday. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: May 1, 2007, 09:05 AM »
Apparently Future Hiro is not in the same timeline as Present Hiro.  He would have remembered meeting himself, being captured and rescued and seeing himself getting shot and probably killed.  He also would have known that he hadn't killed or even met Sylar at that point.  Do we know how localized his time stopping ability is?  And why didn't he just stop time and rescue Present Hiro when he was captured?
So Nikki does get rid of Jessica and learns how to use her strength.  Good for her. 
Peter should have stopped time and killed Sylar when he saw him.  I guess he really wanted to fight somebody.  He could always stop time if he needed to. 
I was wrong about Nathan.  That theory I read was spot on.
Isaac's paintings/comics seem to contradict.  He painted the destruction of the city, yet in his comic, Sylar is the bomb and Hiro kills him.  We have not seen any mention of Peter being the bomb in his art that I know of.  Someone correct me if I am wrong.  We just have Peter's dream, and in that dream, Isaac and Simone are there when he explodes. 

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Wave 4 - Jabba's Palace
« on: April 30, 2007, 11:00 AM »
The good thing about the Luke is that they took out the hard plastic lower tunic that hindered movement with the Saga version.  I will most likely buy one, but I will have to see it first.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: April 30, 2007, 10:53 AM »
There were a ton of funny moments in this last episode.  Jim "mirroring" Dwight, Andy's G/F, "Beer Me", Dwight returning the favor to Jim, Michael's "apology" to the client, "B-a-n-a-n-a-s", Creed getting the woman fired, getting her a card, then tossing it and keeping the money.  Solid episode.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: April 30, 2007, 10:43 AM »
Just another reason Fox can suck it hard.  They rarely give new shows a chance.  This one had potential like so many others they have squashed.  Last night I noticed they were putting on an old House before 24 and I was thinking I wouldn't like the reason why.  This morning my fears were confirmed.  Hopefully we will be able to watch the last two episodes like they promised. 

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Holiday Pack for '07!
« on: April 27, 2007, 09:30 AM »
Did they put a different head on that Luke? 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: April 27, 2007, 09:19 AM »
I know I won't be sad if she goes.  Part of the fun of this show is speculating about what will happen.  I think that if something does happen to Micah, either that will make Nikki totally lose control and Jessica will go nuts and kill a lot of people or Nikki will reign in Jessica and never let her have control again, but she will have access to her strength.  It might explain why Peter and Nikki/Jessica were together in the previews for next week's epsiode.  There also seemed to be a shot of Peter walking through a wall like DL.  I wonder if DL will also die?  I hope not.  I like the character.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Heroes on NBC
« on: April 26, 2007, 10:34 AM »
Future Nathan probably becomes a hard man because of the blast and because that's how he needs to be to become President.  The painting was most likely the same one Isaac made, but with less talent.  I have read speculation that Sylar gets ahold of the shapeshifter and takes Nathan's place, but I don't think that happens.  The newscast did not say Sylar was a hero.  It just said America Remembers, kind of like we have seen with that nutjob who shot up Virginia tech.  Usually we see a picture of him when that event is mentioned on the news.  We know Isaac is gone because Hiro went to the future and found him dead in one of the first episodes and because he painted his own death.  No question he is gone.  His clues to kill Sylar were either in the last issue of 9th Wonders or in that sketchbook he gave the courier.  I don't think Hiro will fight himself.  Future Hiro wants to stop the blast, so he will help Current Hiro learn all he can about it so he can shut it down.  He knows something is wrong because Claire was saved, yet the blast still happened.  From the previews for next week, Future Peter sounded like he said he was the bomb.  In the online comic for this week, Future Hiro thought about how he tried to stop Sylar from blowing up the city and he almost did by cutting him up with the sword, but because Sylar had taken Claire's power, he regenerated and still blew up.  Every time I think I have something figured out with this series, more questions come up.  The writers do a great job. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: April 12, 2007, 02:16 PM »
I'm glad to see Andy is back.  He and Dwight are comedy gold together. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Television Thread
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:24 AM »
Less than two weeks for Heroes to come back.  It's been a long wait.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Your Loyalty?
« on: April 11, 2007, 11:15 AM »
It really wouldn't matter who was making a Star Wars line.  I would buy it no matter what.  I have no loyalty to Hasbro.  I am no longer a completist, either.  I pick and choose with the product they put out. 

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