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Messages - P-Siddy

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 [20] 21 22 23 24 25 ... 331
Oh no! I debated with myself too long and forgot to vote. Results are luckily for me pretty close to what my list would have been. Really can’t go wrong with figures from these movies.

With the holidays and weather conditions and the fact that I was in Costa Rica for 2 weeks, I didn't manage to get post a 'get your lists in' notice until the day before.

That’s 19.  Was there a tie for 20?

You're right.  Just tired after New Year celebration to verify the count.  I rectified it and Even Piell came out on top.  Pretty much everyone from Even Piell down received 1 vote and I used a wheel randomizer to fill out the 20 (if needed).  In this case, Even Piell, Shmi and Tarfful won the spins.  But when looking at the others that didn't make the cut but had the same number of votes, I don't think those would be the obvious choices.

What are your 20 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Black Series from The Sequel Trilogy?

The rules are simple: post your wishlist for the 20 6" figures or send them to me.  At the end of the month, I’ll tally up the votes and we’ll move on to the next theme.

Have fun!


01. Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine Slave)
=. Bariss Offee
=. Luminara Unduli
=. P-Series Droideka
=. Saesee Tiin
=. Zam Wessel
07. 21st Nova Corps Clone Commander Bacara
=. 21st Nova Corps Galactic Marine
=. 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper (Kashyyyk)
=. Adi Gallia
=. B2 Super Battle Droid
=. Boba Fett
=. C-3PO (The Phantom Menace)
=. Palpatine (Office Duel)
=. Poggle the Lesser
=. Queen Amidala (Theed Palace)
=. Sebulba
18. Even Piell
=. Shmi Skywalker
=. Tarfful

Didn't make the cut:
Agen Kolar
Boss Nass
Darth Sidious (Senate Duel)
Darth Vader (Post-Mustafar Duel)
Female Tusken Raider
General Tarpals
Geonosian Warrior
Nute Gunray
Oppo Rancisis
Queen Amidala (Battle of Theed)
Quinlan Vos
Shaak Ti
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
Wat Tambor
Yarael Poof
Yoda (Senate Duel)

What are your 20 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Vintage Collection from Live Action Series (The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Andor)?

The rules are simple: post your wishlist for the 20 3-3/4" figures or send them to me.  At the end of the month, I’ll tally up the votes and we’ll move on to the next theme.

Have fun!


01. Baze Malbus
=. Bodhi Rook
=. Director Orson Krennic
=. Dryden Vos
05. Tobias Beckett
=. Val
07. Saw Gerrera
08. Admiral Raddus
=. L3-37
=. Rio Durant
=. Sgt. Ruescott Melshi
12. Chewbacca
=. Imperial Patrol Trooper
=. Qi'ra
15. Benthic Two Tubes
=. Cassian Andor (Jedha)
=. Galen Erso
=. Jyn Erso (Lah'mu)
=. Pyke Guards
=. Therm Scissorpunch

Didn't make the cut:
15. Argus Panox
=. Bail Organa
=. Bistan
=. Darth Maul
=. Edrio Two Tubes
=. General Davits Draven
=. Imperial Mudtrooper
=. Lyra Erso (Lah'mu)
=. Mon Mothma
=. Qi'ra (Kessell)
31. Aemon Grimm
=. Aurodia Ventafoli
=. Boolio
=. Cassian Andor (Eadu)
=. Crimson Dawn mercs
=. Diles Anevi (Regional Governor)
=. Director Orson Krennic (Eadu)
=. Dok Ondar
=. FD3-MN
=. Galen Erso (Eadu)
=. Galen Erso (Lah'mu)
=. Gorin
=. Grand Moff Tarkin
=. Han Solo (Corellian Scumrat)
=. Han Solo (Mudtrooper)
=. Han Solo (Numidian Prime)
=. Han Solo (Vandor Heist)
=. Imperial Army Troopers
=. Imperial Stormtrooper (Jedha Patrol)
=. Jyn Erso
=. Jyn Erso (Eadu)
=. Jyn Erso (Imperial Ground Trooper Disguise)
=. Korso
=. Lady Proxima
=. Leleo Primoc
=. Lyra Erso
=. Mon Calamari crewman (White)
=. Moroff
=. Oolin Musters
=. Pao
=. Qi'ra (Cocktail Party)
=. Ralakili
=. Rebel Pathfinder
=. Senator Pamlo
=. Senator Vaspar
=. Silvasu Fi
=. Trech Molock
=. Two Tubes
=. Weeteef Cyubee

Last day to get lists in!

Last day to get lists in!

When I was there in October, the BAD tables hadn’t returned.

Jayson is reporting that Blitz will now be priced at $18.93.

Hasbro really isn't making it difficult to walk away from collecting.

They really are... I'm pretty much 3/4 of the way out the door.  I might just keep my eyes out for the stuff I really want from now on and forget the rest.  If the hobby isn't fun anymore, why do it?

The more I think about these $17 ARC repaints, the less I'm excited about them.  The novelty has worn off for me.  I think instead of pre-ordering Blitz tomorrow, I'm actually going to cancel my Colt pre-order. 

I've been having these same thoughts as well.  I'm not really attached to most of these named clones that weren't in the movies anyway.

Good God make it stop.

"Hey, you got Figrin D'an... why are you so ungrateful?" -Hasbro

Copied from Yakface:

Two more Target exclusive repaints were revealed today as part of Bring Home the Galaxy as announced two comic-inspired variants for the Vintage Collection Boba Fett.

Marvel Vintage Comic Art/Deco

Marvel 1990 Cam Kennedy Art/Deco

Preorder links will be active tomorrow at 1pm ET at

EDIT: Links are on the Yakface page.  Looks like they're $22.99/each

01. Queen Amidala (Theed Palace) (The Phantom Menace)
02. P-Series Droideka
03. Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine)
04. C-3PO
05. Even Piell
06. Oppo Rancisis
07. Saesee Tiin
08. Yarael Poof
09. Yaddle
10. Adi Gallia
11. Luminara Unduli
12. Bariss Offee
13. Female Tusken Raider with child
14. Zam Wessel (Attack of the Clones)
15. Boba Fett
16. Darth Vader (Post-Mustafar Duel)
17. Palpatine (Office Duel) (Revenge of the Sith)
18. 21st Nova Corps Clone Commander Bacara
19. 21st Nova Corps Galactic Marine
20. 41st Elite Corps Clone Trooper (Kashyyyk)

Thanks!  It’s difficult keeping track of everything lately

I get it.  I had to think if Saesee Tiin had been announced, but apparently, he hasn't.

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