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The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:51 PM »
I do not have the figure in front of me to compare to but did they reuse the fire speeder pilot legs on the Naboo mechanic? ???

IVe got a Vader and an Anakin up for grabs if anybody needs them.

How much for the Vader?
I am interested.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: EpIII Greatest Battles Collection
« on: June 12, 2006, 02:46 PM »
I feel sorry for carded collectors as well, as many of these figures do look pretty nice on the 2006 cardbacks.  I especially like the 3PO on Tantive, I might even pick that one up if I see it.  It would look better if that Mustafar base was better hidden (or not included).  Some of the Heroes and Villains stuff is starting to stack up around here to some extent though, and I hope Hasbro isn't overdoing it with these.  If they come out with 3 (or more) assortments of this, they're basically re-releasing half of last year's line when you consider what's already in the regular TSC waves.  Its nice that some of the tougher figs are out there again, and - like I said - the cardbacks look nice, but I just have nightmares of not finding Tatooine/Endor figures while staring at pegs of Yodas, Anakins, etc.  They may be a seperate item in systems, but around here they're all put on the same pegs.  Particularly at Wal-Mart - whose basic figures section for SW is almost hidden amongst the rest of the aisle.  Anyways, I might pick up a few of these, but I just hope they don't overdo it.  It would have been nice to see Evolutions Anakin packed in these though, if they're going to do them.

H&V sales in Chicagoland seem somewhat  brisk and fortunatly the Bugs and Yodas are slowly going away but I agree, I do not know how much longer Hasbro should keep re-releasing half of last year's line. Future asst are in jeapordy. The only remnats I find are H&V and the New Hans / Vader.

Evo anakin would be a great figure to re release I would surley buy 2 more. In fact if they repacked all the Evolutions figure I would gladly buy again.
What I really do not get is why they repack Yoda and Slashing Anakin, Pilot Obi, and the Emporer again when they are currently out there in other asst and Battle packs. How about a the standard Battle Droid, they never warmed the pegs at least in the states I lived in: NJ, CA and IL.

I am 3 shy from completeing the UGH set. Why not re-release those. I need Han, Boba and Vader. ???

As I said earlier, I am a little dissapointed this year's turnout. My expectations were too high i suppose. For me these dry down times are good to buy the few remaining past items I missed on Ebay.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: EpIII Greatest Battles Collection
« on: June 12, 2006, 12:41 PM »
Cant they make the rehashes more appealling?
While there are some really nice additions to the line in 2006, I have to say I feel la bit let down. So many repacks, less articulation and a higher price (I understand inflation). I hope 2007's 30th Annv will make up for this years mixed bag.

As far as the regurgitated Sith figs repaint some of them to make them different like the Wookie, R4, use the SA body for the 501st.

I really feel sorry for the carder collector, I am glad I am not one of them to the extent of needing to get every variation...............

On another note I am glad to see Kit Fisto Back, his body is great for custom Jedi.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Please Vote Willrow Hood
« on: June 9, 2006, 12:10 PM »
He will be good for making custom background scrubs...................a greedo head will look great on that body.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 TRU Clone Wars Gunship
« on: June 9, 2006, 12:09 PM »
I am seeing these more frequently, usally about 4-6 at a time in Chicagoland.
they usally do not last too long. Keep your eyes peeled. really screwed so many of us on this item. I got confirmation from them that I was one of the first 100 people to preorder on 1/24. I still never received it from them. Same goes for the Hunt pack, I was supposed to get it on 6/2. They still have not updated my account yet.
Luckily I have already found both on my own.

I do not hold out much hope with them for the AT-AT and Xwing...................
bastards! >:(

This Battle pack is a bit thin, for $25

I hope there is the rumored Vulture droid or better yet 2 of those Octopus Droid laser things as seen in the CW and in the background at Ki-Adi-Mundis death in ROTS on Mygeeto.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TRU Exclusive Endor AT-AT
« on: June 9, 2006, 11:59 AM »
Hells yeah. This'll be my first ATAT and it looks pretty dang sweet. Little disappointed about the non-VTSC Scout, but the new ATAT Driver makes up for it.

Right on there, for $90 a VOTC Scout would ease the pain. It would have been really cheap if they included the old one. Hopefully the production firgures will have some dirt deco applied to make them more unique and really exclusive to the Endor AT-AT.

The big questions is what inside? will they keep the Hoth dialogue or put more sound effect in there.

Notice the side cannan sheilds are missing, will they cost reduce the inside computer as well?
I will be a bit dissapointed if they do and feel ripped off.

I would tend to agree.
It may come with Vinatge style X-Wing Luke and R2. The first go round was $29.99 with R2 and Dagobah gear. I would hope they are not pulling another Gunship price on us. The first Saga Xwing was a sweet deal. For those of you who missed it take advantage this go around.

Sratch the R2, TRU will gauge our wallets.....they want a better margins on the ship.

I take back what I said, this is a truly kick ass exclusive. I am glad i ordered it the first day they offered it the improvements are stellar.. If the Endor AT-AT is just as cool I will not bat an eyelash at the price.
I guess I can customize my old TRU X-Wing.

Darth Broem I am with you, I am not bothered by toy scale being a little off. You can only go so far at retail and

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Naboo Wave
« on: June 4, 2006, 03:20 PM »
If you're going to spend money on tooling, do some figures that people want - Padme, SA Qui Gon, etc.

Heck, I'd prefer they didn't spend any money on the Naboo wave and allocate it to another OT wave.

They could re-release TC-14, R2-B1,  and Sio Bibble along with the Evo Maul and they'd be almost there.  Throw in the Soft Goods Obi Wan and you have a complete wave.

Don't give them any ideas!  While if they're going to repack figures, I'd certainly prefer it be ones like Sio Bibble and others that were hard to find when they came out originally - but in ANY case where Hasbro decides to make entirely new figures, I think they should be furiously applauded!   :)

You have the greatest Avatar that I have ever seen! :D

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: June 4, 2006, 03:17 PM »
Any 70's type simian will do.
Did you ever notice that the 70's were obsessed with monkeys?
BJ and the Bandit, Bigfoot, Bionic bigfoot, Smokey and the Bandit, Chewbacca, Planet of the Apes, 70's Kong, Bigfoot and Wildboy.

Monkeys really do make everything more fun!

Also it was "BJ and the Bear" get your monkey references straight! ;D

Dont get your panties in a Banana bunch.

The references may have been a little confused but my point still came across:
70's = Monkey Flicks.   Monkeys = Fun.

So, if I offended any other rabid BJ and the Bear fans my humble apologies. ;)

I know i'll be getting one George, but it would be really nice to have a second one to open. I doubt that anyone buys doubles of Han, Greedo, or Luke though, so there's no way I can get any extra POPs.  :(

Check ebay I have been seeingcoupons for $2-$3. Its the cheapest way if you do not want to buy the figures. My third set was for customizing. My second sealed set is just that, sealed.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Who wants two army builder waves?
« on: May 30, 2006, 07:10 PM »
I do... I think if they insist on doing Hero/Villian waves, then why not an army builder wave or two? 


- x3 VOTC style Stormtrooper
- x2 Snowtrooper (new sculpt)
- x2 TIE Pilot (SAGA/OTC repack)
- x2 Rebel Fleet Trooper (new sculpt)
- x2 Endor Rebel (new sculpt)
- x1 Imperial Officer (POTJ/SAGA repack)


- x3 Galactic Marine
- x2 Tactical Ops Clone Trooper (#41 ROTS sculpt)
- x2 Battle Droid (ROTS repack)
- x2 Clone Trooper (AOTC SA sculpt)
- x2 Naboo Soldier (new sculpt)
- x1 Super Battle Droid (SAGA repack)

Thoughts?  Ideas?


Chewie, in the words of Cameo.."WORD UP!"
Great idea.
I have some changes for my personal taste:


- x3 VOTC style Stormtrooper
- x2 Bespin Gaurds (2 colors)
- x2 TIE Pilot (SAGA/OTC repack)
- x2 Rebel Fleet Trooper (new sculpt)
- x2 Ewok Warrior (3 Varients)


- x3 Galactic Marine
- x2 Scout Trooper Kashyyyk
- x2 Battle Droid (ROTS repack)
- x2 Arc Clone Trooper (CW SA sculpt)
- x2 Naboo Soldier (new sculpt)
- x1 Super Battle Droid (SAGA repack)

It says in the article that there will be four figures in a tin. Please, read it before you complain.

Right you are..yesss! Read first.

If they are all regurgetated sculpts hopefully we can get some craptastic repaints out of it:
Boba Fett in ESB colors :D
StormTrooper Battle worn :D
Chewie Hoth Syle snow clumps on fur as seen before ???
Han with gloves and headset ???
Luke with headset :-X
Leai Trash compacter sludge :P
R2 dirty :P
Luke Xwing ESB style slightly tweaked. (Use the upcoming VOTC Bepin Luke head)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« on: May 30, 2006, 06:53 PM »

My projected top 5:
Ice Cream Maker Guy
Yarna (BLECH!!)
Bastila Shan
Darth Malak
Quinlan Vos

If that really is the top 5, my vote goes to Quinlan Vos, no questions asked.

I would also add SA Darth Maul to the not getting made list. We got one already and he is great.

I agree with your top 5 most likely to see plastic, good job!

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