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Messages - jedi_master_sal

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The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: January 22, 2010, 02:21 PM »
You just know they'll repaint Mr. F. in the other paint scheme though sometime down the line.

I'm not in love with the Reed Richards likeness.  They used the Daredevil body rather than the Johnny Storm body.  I'll probably be sticking Reed's head on another Torch body to get the proper look.  Love the other figures.

Anyone seeing Jean Grey, Vision, Sunfire and Warpath? I've never seen them and am a little concerned. I want one of each of them and haven't seen any of them as yet. Any help acquiring these would be greatly appreciated.

I have seen them all a couple times, Warpath the most.  For some reason I passed on Jean, I just didn't love the likeness all that much.  I actually thought repainting a Carol Danvers was a better option.  All my sightings were at TRU and Target.

If I see them again i'll buy them and PM you.

Ah, great idea to use a Human Torch fig for Reed. And yes, I would be most appreciative if you find them and can pick them up for me. I'm not so worried about the card (I open them) as I am about the paint application. So if you see multiples, please pick the best painted one.

Thanks in advance for any help on these!

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 22, 2010, 02:19 PM »
At one time I had four of the POFT2 version, ended up parting with a couple of them a while back just because I realized I didn't need that many. 

With this new one coming out, I'm planning on getting two of the new one, then with the old ones I'll give one to my son to do with what he wishes, and the other one I'll most likely take it apart for custom fodder, which I am really excited about.   :)

OOh that's a good idea. I may just do that with one of mine.

OH!! This just came to me, how about making custom painted ones. Kind of like what they did with the Vader Helmets and more recent Stormtrooper helmets???

I'm certain the we the collecting community could come up with some great designs as I'm just as certain that many of us will be looking to get rid of the older ones. So this would present a great opportunity to recycle some of them and in an artistic way.

If we could get this started, I'd be happy to take the lead on it. I still have Mary Franklin's e-mail and number and I think even Steve Sansweet's e-mail. So it's an idea we could run by them to see if LFL would be interested in doing this. It would be in keeping with the Imperial theme thus far. Being a big ESB anniversary might even help sell the idea. And heck if it all clicks maybe even have a special display of them at Celebration 5.

What do you folks think? Bring in the new AT-ATs and send off the old ones in grand style!

Yeah, Kazdan would have really helped these sets.

But which to bump then. Hasbro's mentality would be that since there is a trooper in one set there must be in the other. Since the main hero is in one it must be in the other. Each set has a minor army builder too Felucia/Kota. Each also has a minor character PROXY/Juno.

Personally I'd have favored PROXY on his on card in the TFU wave and Kazdan in this set. PROXY, IMO would sell MUCH better than Kazdan on single card.

Well here's hoping we'll see him soon enough.

And yes, while I expected this sort of line-up, it doesn't mean I have to like or accept it. Hasbro could have done better, IMO. I'll get them as stated.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:16 AM »
I am SO looking forward to this wave. Hawkeye and Thor are the hot ones for me. Ultron and Enchantress to a lesser degree. I could do without the Piledriver figure and Mr. Fantastic is meh to me. But he'll be another one of the FF made in that outfit. You just know they'll repaint Mr. F. in the other paint scheme though sometime down the line.

Anyone seeing Jean Grey, Vision, Sunfire and Warpath? I've never seen them and am a little concerned. I want one of each of them and haven't seen any of them as yet. Any help acquiring these would be greatly appreciated.

Tom Hanks is one tonight. That should be okay.

But it's Will Farrell I'm looking more forward too. I won't be surprised if he drops trowel in front of Conan. Hell he's practically done it already in that ridiculously small Leprechaun outfit from a few years ago when Conan did Late Night.

I won't be returning to watch Leno. I am not 100% convince of Leno's sincerity in all of this. And I don't think he's as entertaining as Conan is.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2010!
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:09 AM »
I"m just wondering who all is going to cover this. Apparently JD isn't going to be there, and now GH isn't either. I don't really want my news from RS and I self exiled myself from SSG, so I won't be looking there either.

Wait, so we aren't going?  Well then I need to see if somebody wants my broadway tickets and to stay in the hotel I prepaid for....  crap.  My wife is gonna be PISSED.
When Jesse's computer gets fixed we need to tell him too.

I will cancel my appointments with Lego, Schleicht and Mcfarlane then too.

Heh heh, alright, alright....I've been corrected, lol. Sereiously though, I thought I read somewhere on here that JD wasn't going, so that's where the thought came from. Good to know you guys will be there. By your response does that mean you'll cover LEGO and McFarlane (Halo figures)? Any possibility I can talk you into swinging by Megablocks booth? They are just a little bit away from the LEGO booth.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:06 AM »
I think I asked this about the BMF - but provided everything pans out and this thing is an awesome beast...are you guys planning on getting rid of your old vintage/potf2/tsc versions?  I'd like to at least hold on to one for old times sakes especially since I never owned any version of that old school mold until 2002.

I'll likely keep one of them, but if it's as good as reported, I'll buy one or two of the new versions and either sell the old ones or donate the ones I still have MIB to charity.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Basic Figure Line
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:03 AM »
That's the thing, despite feelings about whether or not prequel figures should be on "vintage" cards or not aside - the line should look really spiffy.  Like many others, the vintage packaging is still my favorite of all time.  Some of it may be nostalgia, but I actually always liked the design of having the big movie still/pic along with the black and silver scheme surrounding it.  If this line looks like we think it will (basically like the vintage/VOTC/VTSC), I hope they stick with the scheme for awhile.  I think the "Legacy" line, or whatever you'd like to call it at this point, is primarily all collectors at this point so they may as well go all out and target it at us like this.  I like the fact that there is going to be a distinct visual difference between the lines for the first time in a long time as well.

I have to agree with you on all points here. The last line is VERY important to the sustainability of the realistic (non legends) line. A distinct visual difference and hopefully a completely different SKU will tell the tale. If the line doesn't make it then, it's not going to make it at all again. Bringing back the look of the 70s/80s I personally think is a great move. Making it a different SKU from CW and Legends is a great business move. I am still not convinced Legends is outselling Legacy. I almost NEVER see Legacy figs on the pegs, while Legends is clogging stuff up next to an abundance of CW stuff. I'm lucky if I see a handful of Legacy figs.

Here are my thoughts on these sets:

Set 1 of 2 will include:
 Imperial JumpTrooper (repaint)-Ok, I'll buy this one. The thing that makes this one worth it is that it FINALLY comes with a jet pack.
 PROXY- It's about freakin' time, Hell yes. PROXY alone almost makes this set worth it.
 Galen Marek (Bounty Hunter outfit)-Meh, don't really remember it from the game.
 Felucian Warrior (repaint)-Ok, not a bad repaint and can be used as a Dark Felucian, so it makes sense
 Shadow Stormtrooper (repaint)-I'm a sucker for clear toys. I like seeing how they are put together. This one is no different and I look forward to adding it to my collection. I'm calling this one the Black Phasing Shadowtrooper since it's phasing either to or from invisibility.

Set 2 of 2 will include:
 Imperial EVO Trooper (repaint)-um did someone throw up on this trooper? What the heck are those color splotches on it supposed to be? Camo? Really? This wasn't in the game. I'd rather have had a CLEAN version of this one. None of the funky yellow at the boots that the original had. Just a clean trooper.
 Juno Eclipse-Okay, nice take on the figure. At least she was in the game.
 Galen Marek (Raxus Prime)-Meh figure. Repaint is nice, but doesn't really add value for me.
 Rahm Kota Milita Elite-Okay cool, so when will we get this on single card so I can easily squad build this one? I'd like 4 more please. Battle Pack?
 Shadow Stormtrooper (repaint)-I'm a sucker for clear toys. I like seeing how they are put together. This one is no different and I look forward to adding it to my collection. I'm calling this one the White Phasing Shadowtrooper since it's phasing either to or from invisibility.

So basically the ones I really like are:
PROXY, Juno, Kota Militia, Black Phasing Shadowtrooper, White Phasing Shadowtrooper

Ones I am okay with the repaints of:
Jump  Trooper, Felucian Warrior

So that's only 7 of 10 figures. Rolls eyes... So I'll yet again have to take it on the chin to get the figures I really want. I wonder how much these sets will cost. Given a single carded figure is already $8, I imagine these sets to be $40. Though as an exclusive, I can see us being burned for another $5-10.  I can only hope these sets are LESS than $40.

The Mando/Galen figure I guess I could call another Mandolorian, but after all of those repaints awhile back I'm just not into these anymore. The other repaint Galen is meh but I'll fit him in somewhere.

I just can't get over...oooh wait here's the name for it the Giraffe coated EVO trooper.

So 7 of 10 figures I either want or am okay with, 2 I can tolerate and 1 that is an abomination. Again price is really going to determine it's value to me. I'll likely get the sets, but the amount of grumbling I do will be consistent with the price of it.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2010!
« on: January 21, 2010, 02:58 PM »
JD will undoubtedly have have pics as well has RS, YF, GH, JTA etc.

Well of SW stuff yes, but not the Halo stuff... Besides the Megabloks stuff, I'm hoping to see pics of the McFarlane booth too. They have 5" Halo figures and vehicles.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2010!
« on: January 21, 2010, 01:30 PM »
Feb. 14-17

Thanks for the info Jayson.

Say anyone going if you could swing by the MegaBloks booth for me. It's booth #2563. I am interested in seeing the new Halo sets. Any pics would of course be very welcomed and grateful. You can PM them to me or e-mail them if you don't post them in the main forum. Again, thanks to anyone who can help with this specific request.

Is anyone going to cover the LEGO area as well? There are new SW sets planned.

Rogue One / Re: playsets
« on: January 20, 2010, 04:07 PM »
Yeah, and they'd just need to produce the "generic" areas in higher numbers.  Include a rehashed Stormtrooper and a reworked main character in each set, and they could be very popular.

But hey, I'd also buy 3-3/4" scaled versions similar to the vintage micro collection:

You got your post in before mine and before I could read yours.

Not trying to sound defiant here, but really do we need more hero figures for these sets? These would clearly be directed to collectors and we don't need any more Vaders or Emperors. I suspect most of us have enough Stormtroopers by now.

Okay maybe an Imperial Officer, but a generic one. Or finally the grey suited Death Star Trooper.

But really any others beyond that are practically pointless. It would drive up the cost of the sets and one main point of these is to keep the sets at a cost the consumer will actually pay for.

Rogue One / Re: playsets
« on: January 20, 2010, 04:03 PM »
I'd pay $200 for large killer playsets.  But would actually rather see them be made modular, and be around $40-$50 each.

heh, I've said this several times on this very site!

Even laid out the plans for different sized rooms, hallways, elevator, etc.

I keep thinking of modular playsets, and the only way that that would work was this if a costumer could logically buy 2-3 of a certain set.  For instance, if they made a Death Star, you would only need 1 Conference Room.  But if they made a generic hall/doorway/elevator, you could buy 2-3 and make your own set.

And a collector

Seriously though, as I mentioned above, I've posted how the DS could be several playsets to come out over time.

Without repeating myself all over again (and being lazy as I don't want to find my own post) here is the basic rundown:

Conference Room
Red Control Room
Emperor's Throne Room
Hangar (that the Falcon was in)
Trash Compactor
Detention Center

Hallways: Each set contains parts to make it a wall or a door.
Long-twice as long as the short version
Curved make either or both 45º and/or 90º curves to connect hallways/rooms

Misc other related parts:
Interior Trench/Tractor Beam

Rooms can vary in price according to size. The Conference, Red Control, Trash Compactor and Dentention Center would be smaller sets that should cost around $30-40. The Hangar and Emepror's Throne room would cost a bit more. Since we now have a much large Falcon, the size of this "room" would be enormous. Though since it IS mostly walls, could be packed more tightly and definitely NOT be a window box. THe throne room would be smaller than the Hangar but would have more interactive stuff. (Rotating throne, stairways (one that could break apart), etc). These could come out once every quarter thereby giving everyone time to save for them as well as drum up anticipating getting the next set.

Hallways would be readily available and CHEAP. Since they are after all just hallways and nothing special, the sets should cost nor more than $10-15. Again, they would be just floor, walls, and blast doors.

Oh and these sets, both hallways and rooms would be stackable (no more than three high for safety), except the Hangar and Throne room which would likely be that high already.

Hasbro would NOT keep us in the dark about these sets. Rather they would have a carefully crafted plan to release these at the time intervals mentioned above. Having a marketing strategy in place for a year or two with this ultimate modular playset again helps we consumers plan for it, keeps us excited knowing what is coming next and when to expect it to come out. Barring a problem with the manufacturing plant, stick to the timeline.

There may be other DS environments I forgot, but you get the point.

Whew, I just can't condense that any further.

Anyway, Hasbro I feel is giving up a gold mine here that they could mine for a few years. The sets would be relatively cheap to produce. We DO NOT need figures as pack-ins for these. We already HAVE the figures. Maybe some accessories, but cheap ones. Cargo boxes come to mind as they are aplenty on the DS.

So there is is yet

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: AT-AT
« on: January 20, 2010, 02:24 PM »
If this ends up being all it sounds like it could be it should be awesome and maybe even "worth" $200, but I can't see how I could ever justify that much for one item anymore.

I hear ya. With my budget for SW toys severely (though self imposed and I could afford more) cut, $200 would take a huge chunk of it. I'm hoping for $150 at the most. Though $100 would be just fine if it really has all the bells and whistles we're hearing about and is as big as has been reported.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Toy Fair 2010!
« on: January 20, 2010, 11:25 AM »
I think the game idea is pretty clever. I'd rather keep the BAD thing, but at least I'll get more stands.

I agree the game idea is good, for kids. It most likely won't have a huge impact on collectors buying more though.

I'll miss the BaD parts. Stands will be just ok. I just really wish the freakin' price would drop by a $1. I really think that would rope back in people who quit entirely or really dropped their purchasing habits.

When is TF anyway this year? I still haven't seen a date for it.

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