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Messages - P-Siddy

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Here's what I've got:

14 - Ki-Adi-Mundi (ROTS)

I believe he's in the pipeline already (if you want to change your vote).

For those requesting Dryden Vos, he has two outfits: when he first meets the group (all black/high neck) and the final duel (black suit/white shirt).  Or should we just count it as in general "Give us Dryden Vos already!"?

I don't care what outfit he has as long its reasonably screen accurate (please no Aldhani Mission Dryden Vos though).

You know what?  I might lean towards the "Just give us Dryden Vos already!" route so it doesn't split votes. 

For those requesting Dryden Vos, he has two outfits: when he first meets the group (all black/high neck) and the final duel (black suit/white shirt).  Or should we just count it as in general "Give us Dryden Vos already!"?

Rogue One
01. Admiral Raddus
02. Baze Malbus
03. Benthic Two Tubes
04. Bistan
05. Bodhi Rook
06. Director Orson Krennic
07. Director Orson Krennic (Eadu/Rain Gear)
08. Edrio Two Tubes
09.  Imperial Stormtrooper (Jedha Patrol)
10. Jyn Erso (Imperial Ground Trooper Disguise)
11. Saw Gerrera

12. Dryden Vos (Final Duel)
13. Han Solo (Corellian Scumrat)
14. Han Solo (Mudtrooper)
15. Imperial Patrol Trooper
16. L3-37
17. Qi'ra (Oksana Floren disguise (Kessell))
18. Rio Durante
19. Tobias Beckett
20. Val

What are your 20 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Vintage Collection from The Anthology Movies: Rogue One / Solo?

The rules are simple: post your wishlist for the 20 3-3/4" figures or send them to me.  At the end of the month, I’ll tally up the votes and we’ll move on to the next theme.

Most importantly, have fun!

Results for the Sequel Trilogy!

01. Cardo (Knight of Ren)
=. Kuruk (Knight of Ren)
=. Trudgen (Knight of Ren)
04. General Leia Organa (TFA)
=. Han Solo (Erevana)  (TFA)
=. Lor San Tekka (TFA)
=. Ushar (Knight of Ren)
=. Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo (TLJ)
=. Vicrul (Knight of Ren)
10. Jannah (TRoS)
=. Lando Calrissian (TRoS)
=. Poe Dameron (Pasaana Adventure) (TRoS)
13. Ahch-To Caretaker (TLJ)
=. Babu Frik and C-3PO (TRoS)
=. Emperor Palpatine (Zombie/Clone) (TRoS)
=. Finn (Pasaana Adventure) (TRoS)
17. Elite Praetorian Guard (Helmet 2 w/Vibro-Arbir Blades) (TLJ)
=. Emperor Palpatine (Rejuvenated) (TRoS)
=. Grummgar (TFA)
=. Maz Kanata (TFA)

Didn't make the cutoff:
17. Ben Solo (Exegol Duel) (TRoS)
=. HURID-327
=. Kaydel Ko Connix (TFA)
=. ME-8D9 (TFA)
25. Aftab Ackbar (TRoS)
=. Allegiant General Enric Pryde (TRoS)
=. Bazine Netal (TFA)
=. Commander D'acy (TLJ)
=. Elite Praetorian Guard (Helmet 3 w/Vibro-Voulges) (TLJ)
=. General Armitage Hux (TFA)
=. Leia Organa (Crait) (TLJ)
=. Lt. Kaydel Ko Connix (TRoS)
=. Rey (Supremacy Duel) (TLJ)
=. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren (TRoS)
35. Admiral Statura (TFA)
=. Admrial Ackbar (TLJ)
=. Ap'lek (Knight of Ren)
=. Bobbajo (TFA)
=. Caluan Ematt (TLJ)
=. Chewbacca
=. Finn (TLJ)
=. First Order Flametrooper
=. First Order Snowtrooper
=. First Order Stormtrooper
=. FN-2187 (TFA)
=. General Hux (TLJ)
=. General Leia Organa (TRoS)
=. Klaud
=. Kylo Ren (Supremacy Duel) (TLJ)
=. Kylo Ren (Supreme Leader) (TRoS)
=. Lando Calrissian (The Hermit) (TRoS)
=. Luke Skywalker (Battle of Crait) (TLJ)
=. Oma Tres (TRoS)
=. Poe Dameron (Commander) (TLJ)
=. Praster (TFA)
=. Princess Leia (Jedi Training Flashback) (The Last Jedi)
=. Resistance Trooper (Battle of Crait) (TLJ)
=. Rey (Dark Vision) (TRoS)
=. Rey (TRoS)
=. Tallie Lintra (TLJ)
=. Unkar Plutt (TFA)
=. Wedge Antilles (TRoS)

What are your 20 most wanted figures you'd like to see in The Black Series from The Prequel Trilogy?

The rules are simple: post your wishlist for the 20 6" figures or send them to me.  At the end of the month, I’ll tally up the votes and we’ll move on to the next theme.

Have fun!

Here are the results!

01. 2-1B
=. Momaw Nadon
=. Weequay (Pagetti Rook)
04. Beru Lars
=. Death Star Droid (5D6-RA-7)
=. EV-9D9
=. FX-7
=. Garindan
=. General Jan Dodonna
=. Imperial Gunner
=. Imperial Space Trooper
=. Lobot
=. Nien Nunb
=. Owen Lars (A New Hope)
=. Ree-Yees
=. Tessek
=. Zutton (Snaggletooth)
18. Power Droid
=. Romba
=. Ugnaught

Didn't make the cut off.
18.   8D8
   AT-ST Driver
   Bespin Guard
   Biggs Darklighter
   Biggs Darklighter (Tatooine)
   Cloud Car Pilot
   Endor Rebel Commando
   Han Solo (Battle of the Sarlacc)
   Imperial Dignitary
   Imperial Scanning Crew
   Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader (Failure at the Cave)
   Princess Leia Organa (Bespin Gown)
   Zev Senesca (Rogue Two)

A couple more days to get your lists in!

Just a few days left for this one.  Get your lists in!

Then on to Anthology movies!

TV-9D9 / Re: Tales of the Jedi
« on: November 12, 2022, 10:37 AM »
Or it'd be cool to think Yoda had a speech impediment and he could achieve so much despite his 'disability.'

I feel like I've seen a few more of the more "prominent" collectors on social media starting to hint they are getting fed up or losing interest. I can't imagine the TVC line will survive another 1-2 years if Hasbro continues managing it like this.

I think this is what I was alluding to on another post.  That maybe Hasbro is intentionally using this (inflation, Fett tax, etc) to kill interest in TVC and try to shift everyone over to the 6" line.  I feel like Star Wars (at least in relation to Hasbro and TVC) has become the Jango Fett and his clone spawn line.

Apparently, this preorder got moved to next Wednesday 11/16 at 1PM EST according to the TVC page on Facebook.

I was thinking that this had already been done before... I guess I'm thinking of the VCP03 mail-away one from 2010, which was 5PoA.  Some differences, but I think I'm satisfied with the previous one.

This sort of **** is turning people off.

One has to wonder if they are doing this on purpose regarding TVC.

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