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Messages - Pete_Fett

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30th Anniversary Collection / Wal-Mart Exclusive 30AC Comic Packs
« on: January 7, 2008, 03:43 PM »
The Jabba's Band sets have shown up on

I consider this a very good sign for getting those Comic 2-packs.

Hopefully Hasbro didn't let WalMart get away with producing LESS of these three sets than any other comic 2-pack and they'll be on eventually as well.

Have any case break-downs for these been determined? The standard case holds 8 sets. I could see it being 3x of the clone set, 3x of the Fett set and 2x of the Seperation of the Twins set.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008 Millenium Falcon Upgrade
« on: January 7, 2008, 03:07 AM »
There's been a number of folks over there talking out their collective asses for quite a while...

Totally, both on the boards AND by the staff. My favorite example is from a recent addition to the photo archive:

(Hawkbat Battalion)

Although it appears that the helmet is missing a black line on the front (as seen in other Clone Trooper helmets), closer inspection of the cartoon reveals that there isn't a stripe in the animation either!

Here's a screen shot from the cartoon which I found on the Wookiepedia...

If you look at the two flanking the lead clone, you can see that the black stripe is indeed present. On the lead clone if you look at the right side of his helmet (his right, your left) you will see that the black stripe is there, it appears to be absent from the front of the helmet due to the reflection of light from the gunfire.

A "closer inspection" indeed.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Hoth Speeder Bike
« on: January 7, 2008, 02:54 AM »
Amen.  I do really like these the more I look at them, but I wish it was a better value. They could easily have included a third trooper or made the set $15 instead of $20.  Oh well, I will buy at least two regardless.   :-\

The overall value doesn't seem that bad to me. I guess if they were to issue Blizzard Force Biker Scout w/Speeder Bike as a Deluxe figure, it would be a $10 item.

So I see Hasbro's thinking here, you get two of the same Deluxe figures in a single box for $20. Add to that the fact that the figures themselves are kit-bashed combinations of two figures that originally retailed for $10 each. Heck factor in that we currently pay $7 for each figure. That means that the cost of the two speeder bikes is somewhere between $0 and $6. To me that's a pretty good value.

I would agree, but I'm sure this line isn't aimed at us; the 3 3/4" SW collector SW fan.

And in that reasoning lies their mistake.

A year or two ago, G4 covered Toy Fair - when they got around to the Hasbro Star Wars display Daryyl DePriest touted the Titanium Forged Figures as the "cool new thing" for the Star Wars toy line.

I will roll my eyes and laugh if G4 covers Toy Fair again and when they get to the Hasbro Star Wars booth instead of hyping the stuff based around The Force Unleashed, this will be what happens...

G4 Interviewer: Tell us what you have planned for Star Wars this year
Darryl DePriest: Well, we've got these bulbous Urban Vinyl style figures that we think your viewers will LOVE!
G4 Interviewer: Mr. DePriest, you know G4 is channel focused primarily on video games, are you doing anything around the "Force Unleashed" game this year?
Darryl DePriest: (points at the display of 3.75" figures) Yeah, we got some of that stuff, but you really should be focusing on our Mighty Crudds! They are the future of Star Wars collecting!

At this point, the rest of the Hasbro team should be shown throwing whatever Mighty Muggs they have on display into a coffin and nailing it shut.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2008 Rumors and Speculation
« on: January 6, 2008, 09:48 AM »
Isn't there supposed to be the regular TAC-style line running concurrently with the Clone Wars line?

I was under the impression that the Clone Wars stuff was going to be completely separate from the Star Wars Saga collection. Just like Saga Legends was separate from TAC in 2007. So there should be some movie-based waves coming out at the same time as the Clone Wars stuff. Perhaps I misread/misinterpreted some of the Q&A answers from a while back...

Hopefully we will see this wave at Toy Fair and perhaps it might even be the first wave featuring the Droid Factory BAF concept.

So I re-watched all of the Clone Wars last night.

Nelvaan Warrior (mutated and not) (A mutated one would be HUGE!)
Skakoan Techno Union Scientist

The mutated Nelvaan Warriors were huge and unless they made a deluxe figure (which I don't see happening) these aren't ever getting made. Perhaps an unmutated warrior might get made, but I doubt it. The Skakoan Scientists were nothing more than color variations of Wat Tambor, if they were to ever make these guys to go with the Nelvaan Warriors then it would just be a repaint of the Wat Tambor figure.

San Hill and the other Muuns
Muunilinst Neimoidian

Well, San Hill we already got as part of the Geonosis War Room Screen Scene. Perhaps the figure could LOOK better, but otherwise, there's really no need to do him again. In addition, the other Muuns with San Hill are all dressed relatively the same. Check out this image of them being lead off:

Not exactly exciting IMHO. Same thing goes with the Neimodian, basically he looked like Nute Gunray with blue/gray clothes as opposed to Nute's typical Red/Yellow/Orange attire. So again, if they made this figure it would just be a repaint of Nute.

Gooey unarmored Durge

Ok - this revelation about Durge in the Cartoon was one of the weakest parts. I am thankful that instead of another battle between Durge and Obi-Wan, we got the extended Volume 1 Episode 20 with the Jedi facing off against Grievous. Since we're talking about Animated Clone Wars figures done in the realistic style, I'm afraid that the closest you might get to this is battle damaged Durge w/his helmet removed as seen in issue 3 of the Obsession comic series.

Jedi Sha'a Gi
Jedi Daakman Barrek
Jedi Tarr Seirr

Ok - so Barrek is only seen in a blurry hologram. Sha'a Gi is the Jedi Padawan that gives into fear and Tarr Seirr is the Cerean Jedi. I guess in terms of adding them to the ranks of the Jedi, having figures of them would be cool. But none of these characters are overly exciting in terms of design.

Jedi K'Kruhk

I had forgotten that they had made that Whiphid Jedi in Volume 1 Episode 20, K'Kruhk. They even say that the other Jedi are dead yet K'Kruhk has shown up in the Dark Times comic and in the Legacy comic. So now of course, they've modified the details around the Battle of Hypori to indicate that K'Kruhk was THOUGHT to have been dead. Ok, fine. I have no doubt that we will eventually get a K'Kruhk figure. Hopefully though, the figure will be based on a design of him from the Dark Horse Comics - completely with Straw Hat.  ;D

Jedi Nem Bees (we don't see him in the cartoon in Jedi attire, but they could still make it with it.)

Nem Bees comes from the "What's the Story" feature on If they were going to give us a Jedi Nem Bees figure, hopefully it will be him in his Jedi Attire. As he appeared in the cartoon is nothing more than a Max Reebo figure. The Kon'me are interesting design, and again were part of the "What's the Story" feature, since they were only ever featured for a split second fighting off Seperatist forces. The design when translated into the movie-style figures might end up looking like a poor-man's Arbiter (from Halo) which would be okay I guess but might cause some problems.

Battle Droid with speeder sub

This design would definitely be welcome, you need something for Kit Fisto, the Scuba Clones and the Mon Calamari to fight against! The Manta Sub-fighters are also pretty cool, might make for a neat battle-pack at some point. Manta sub-fighter, 2 mini-subs w/battle droids, shirtless Kit Fisto.

Sidious w/ Hologram Walker

This design borrowed from the appearance in The Phantom Menace. I have no doubt that we will eventually see this figure get made. Personally I would prefer a light-up feature over a wind-up walking feature, but I'd be willing to bet that Hasbro tries the walking feature route.

Phase 2 Captain Fordo

I'd rather see them give us a better Captain Fordo in the Phase 1 ARC-Trooper armor before going the Phase 2 route, but since they already have a good Phase 1 ARC Trooper figure, it would be cool if they gave us a Captain Fordo figure that could easily switch between Phase 1 and Phase 2 versions. Perferably with a soft-goods kama.

So in the end, I still maintain that if that list is indeed made, the majority of the prominent designs from the series will be covered. Sure there are some stragglers, but those worth making (K'Kruhk and Holo Sidious on Hologram Walker) appeared elsewhere and are likely to be made at some point.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2008 Rumors and Speculation
« on: January 5, 2008, 03:24 PM »
OK - point taken. Looks like I need to go back and watch the DVDs.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 2008 Rumors and Speculation
« on: January 5, 2008, 02:51 PM »
I find this hard to believe when there's a Clone Wars line coming out but,


Unless they are looking to cover all of the designs from the Cartoon Network series before delving into the designs of the new cartoon.

Can anyone think of any other Clone Wars cartoon designs that you would want to see done once a wave like this came out? I can't think of any right now.

There are two things at work here when considering any one item being put on the shelves at WalMart, Target and TRU: 1) the time it takes for design, development, manufacturing, packaging, etc... and 2) convincing the chains to make space for a $10 (I'm just guessing on what these cost, if someone wants to correct me please do) assortment of items in a box on a shelf, as opposed to a hang-peg.

If Hasbro were to come to you and ask -- Would you prefer that we make either:

(a) an urban vinyl Star Wars line with the first assortment consisting of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, a Stormtrooper, Han Solo & Chewbacca?


(b) deluxe figures that are re-issues of premium versions of Star Wars characters but each character comes with a 4" wide x 4" deep x 8" high plastic diorama display environments - where in some waves the dioramas will click together and in other waves the dioramas will be stand alone? The first assortment would feature Luke, Han, Leia & Chewie in Death Star Trash Compactor dioramas and a fifth diorama would feature C-3PO & R2-D2 next to a Death Star computer terminal in the hangar bay. (if you don't like this example, insert your own concept here, perhaps the Cantina or Outlander Night Club or Anakin's hovel or Ewok Village or Echo Base, etc...)

I would like to think that many of us here would prefer (b) regardless of how we feel about the Mighty Muggs concept.

I mean they tried rip-cord motorcycles, they tried larger figures w/action features (Force Battlers), they tried their own take on the HeroClix market (Attacktix), they tried metal figures and now they're trying to move into the Urban Vinyl market. With the exception of the last item, all have failed, but that's only because the Mighty Muggs haven't been out that long. I predict in a year, that Mighty Muggs will be lumped in with all of these other sub-lines as failures.

One more thing - I think these are MUCH WORSE than the choppers. If the Choppers had been scaled for the 3.75" line and were part of that "system" then more people would have bought into them. So while they did STINK, what hurt the choppers more than their own lameness was the fact that they weren't in the 3.75" scale. Look at the Spiderman Web Racers - they are motorcycles with figures that can be removed from the bike and the figures are smaller than regular Star Wars figures. If Hasbro had really wanted to make them in the 3.75" scale they could have. Change the scale on the choppers and at least you bring the 3.75" completists into the fold. The 3.75" scale is what helped the Titanium Figure Line stick around for as long as it did, change the scale on the metal figures and they don't go beyond the first wave.

So all I would prefer is that Hasbro focus on their bread-and-butter - the 3.75" line of figures.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars or The Force Unleashed?
« on: January 4, 2008, 06:02 PM »
I agree with Nick - I'm looking forward to them both equally.

TFU will be fulfilling my desire for new SW content soon and the Clone Wars cartoon and toy line will be doing that in the last quarter of the year.

I did make a point in the TFU thread that having the game pushed back into 2008 has probably forced LucasFilm/LucasArts to down-play the game slightly just so it doesn't conflict with the promotions surrounding The Clone Wars cartoon. If the game had come out in 2007 and TFU figures had been part of the TAC then they would have had plenty opportunity to promote all aspects to this project similar to what was done for Shadows of the Empire.

The Legacy Collection / Re: New Evolution Sets
« on: January 4, 2008, 05:06 PM »
Is it just me or does it look like the packaged version of the NJO Luke is MUCH IMPROVED over the loose figure shot.

Looks like the hair is more combed than wild, it also looks like the head it sitting better on the neck post. In the loose shot the giraffe-neck effect is in full-force.

I agree with many of the other posters so far - this line is a complete piece of trash. They are out of their minds for even wasting time, money & resources on it.

Ok - so you don't want to do playsets, then fine. How about coming out with $10 range deluxe figures that come with either a small vehicle or the PIECE to a playset.

What bothers me is that Hasbro has outright said there will not be an offering in the $10 price point range in 2008 - yeah, of course not, because Mighty Crudds are taking that space!


These both look great. I'll definitely be getting two openers of each set in addition to my MIB ones.

I'm expecting the Hoth Speeder Bike Patrol to look just like the Titanium Blizzard Force Speeder Bike that just came out.

Essentially it's a Snowtrooper on a white/gray speeder bike.

We'll probably get a pair of them with General Veers (who has been identified as commanding Blizzard Force).

Collect All 92! / Re: Vintage Figures Which Have Not Been Updated
« on: January 2, 2008, 12:53 PM »
Yeah, but after 13 years, Hasbro still has us wanting certain figures.  I'm sure that was their plan, and it's working.

Sure for the long term collectors, yes that is indeed a carrot that Hasbro is dangling over our heads.

For the kids who got into Star Wars toys during the EP2/Clone Wars/EP3 years, the Kenner Vintage Line means nothing to them. Heck, even if I was a kid who was 6 or 7 when Hasbro kicked all of this stuff off again in 1995, I would care less whether or not Warok and Lumat had been made yet. I'd rather see a female ewok with woklings.

I think the line would be moving along just fine regardless of whether or not these 10 to 15 figures had been remade. Even if they are done this year, like I said in my post, this thread is merely replaced by "What Characters Have Yet to be Immortalized in Plastic" and "Which POTF2 Figures Could Use an Upgrade". The debates and discussions of a similar nature never really end.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars AT-TE
« on: January 1, 2008, 12:49 PM »
Ditto - while I will still buy it with a $150 price tag, I think that they should really do their best to keep it UNDER the $100 mark.

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