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Messages - Mikey D

Pages: 1 ... 197 198 199 200 201 [202] 203 204 205 206 207 ... 228
The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: August 15, 2003, 11:31 AM »
Speaking of Kraven and DD, do you know the case assortment, Scott?  I saw loads of the two Spideys and not a single Kraven or DD last night.  It doesn't suprised me, they would have been the first ones I would of grabbed.  It was the same way when Hobgoblin and Morbius were first released, hard to find at the beginning with more and more now showing up (although Morbius is still a little tough to come by)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What do you buy at the Movie Snack Counter?
« on: August 15, 2003, 11:26 AM »
Soda (usually Coke / Pepsi, sometimes Mountain Dew) and popcorn with lots of butter.  If I get candy, which is not often, its usually Twizzlers or Sour Patch Kids.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Who would you like to see in EP3?
« on: August 15, 2003, 10:22 AM »
I want an all end, be all top notch movie that wraps up all the loose ends and plot points.  If it takes 3+ hours to do so, then so be it.  People will sit through it if it's worth it (look at LOTR).  

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: August 15, 2003, 10:19 AM »

Just get the dang thing, he is awesome :-*


The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: August 15, 2003, 10:13 AM »
Mikey, may I suggest looking at page 8 of this thread... :-* Where I tell you the same thing and you say

Wow, I might pick that Spidey up.  I know I said in another thread I don't want variants of Spidey figs, but I still need a good Spidey to go with my Marvel Legends.  This might be it.

ADC ::) :P ;)

Well you did show a pic of the Rocketman Spidey with your post and since I'm a visual person, that's what I thought you were talking about.  At least get the pics right.  Yeash  ;) :-*

Here's to Scott, who was the first one to suggest the Parachute Spidey for a comic book Spider-man

And wave 7 is out already, I've barely seen wave 6 :o

The Bullpen / Marvel Legends
« on: August 15, 2003, 07:23 AM »
If anyone's looking for a comic book version of Spidey to go with your Marvel Legends, might I suggest the new parachute Spider-man.  I originally thought the rocket launching one was better, but after reading comments on the ADC forums and finally seeing them in person last night, the parachute one is the better choice.  Very poseable and true to the comic book look.  Just throw away or hide the parachute and no one will be the wiser ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: SuperTarget = The New TRU?
« on: August 15, 2003, 07:10 AM »
Nothing really more to add that what's already been said.  Target's have been excellent for me out in Mass.  While some are still in the process of re-setting their aisles, most are done or almost done.  I expect the Clone Wars stuff to show up soon.  The other lines are stocked equally well.  And their clearance sales are fantastic.  I picked up the Lego Millenium Falcon for $50 (1/2 off) and the UCS Tie Interceptor for $25  :o.  I lucked out on the UCS Xwing and Rebel Blockade Runner for cheap.  The only other place where I scored something so expensive so cheap was Walmart, where I found the UCS Yoda for $10.  TRU has this for sale at the full price of $99 still.  TRU did clearance their UCS Naboo Fighter though, a whopping $10 (from $40 to $30) ::)

Now only if Target would clearance the movie Spiderman figs that are collecting dust, I would be happy.  I know its only $7, but I have a feeling once I buy it, Target will clearance it, so I'm holding out.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Trivia: EU
« on: August 15, 2003, 06:59 AM »
Nomi and Vima

Star Wars Universe / Re: Trivia EP2 aotc
« on: August 15, 2003, 06:58 AM »
Pounded his fist on the balcony

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Movie Quotes
« on: August 15, 2003, 06:58 AM »


Daggit was always my favorite.  He fit in nicely with my Star Wars toys  8)

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: Hailfire Droid
« on: August 14, 2003, 07:44 AM »
Awesome!  I have it on pre-order at kebco and am patiently awaiting its arrival.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: That's it! I'm done...
« on: August 14, 2003, 07:42 AM »
Congrats Matt!  That figure is the one glaring hole in my collection and like you, I refuse to pay an extremely high amount for it.  Let's be honest, if this figure was released in the early runs of E1 figs, it would have been a pegwarmer.  Its just such a blah figure.  But my semi-completist attitude demands I must have it eventually.  Maybe its time to do some serious hunting for it.

Congrats again!

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Screen Scenes Wave 2
« on: August 14, 2003, 07:39 AM »
Looks good.  I have yet to find wave I, but I'm not really searching that hard for them.  I'm sure they'll be around in droves soon enough.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Anyone collect FOREIGN items?
« on: August 14, 2003, 07:36 AM »
I have exactly four foreign items:  Episode I Darth Maul w/ battle droid that I got as part of my winnings in BHC's Survivor contest and Red carded Yoda, Boba Fett and Darth Vader that my wife (then girlfriend) picked up over in France when she did a semester studying abroad.  I really have no desire to collect foreign issued products, its hard enough to keep track of - and track down - stuff released in the US. The three my wife got will always stay put in my collection, they're just too personal to get rid of.

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