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Messages - David

Pages: 1 ... 198 199 200 201 202 [203] 204 205 206 207 208 ... 214
ya know what SUCKS!? everytime i see a 'vintage finish' fig it is in such bad condition it looks like it was kicked and left there.   :P  >:(

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Naboo Wave
« on: November 10, 2006, 11:38 AM »
havent seen naboo soldier on the pegs yet. perhaps i should check the trash can.  :P vader was my first wave 7 i saw on the pegs. i actually love how he looks in the package so he will be staying MOC.  8)

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Saga-064 Commander Appo the army builder
« on: November 10, 2006, 11:35 AM »
cant wait. WHERE's wave 8, its mid november already?!!!

Don't rush it. I need the break.

i do to, but i just want that 442nd clone and holo cody really bad! (and im pretty far into wave 7, just four left to get for this MOC completist that is me.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Acquisitions
« on: November 10, 2006, 11:33 AM »
Theyre on sale along with the snowspeeder my grandma wouldnt let me get. $29.99. And all figs are $5.84.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Target "Mace Windu's Squadron" Battle Pack
« on: November 9, 2006, 11:19 PM »
I got this set for one reason and one reason only.  The man purse.  The 1st ever bonafied Star Wars issued man purse. ;D

man purse! hah! good one! i need it too now.

It cost me fifteen bucks from the scalper.

Is this the same scalper who wouldn't let you get the Mace Windue BPs? If so, I say you should fight him.

I think you should open it. It's a great figure, you'll be helping out your sister, and he still looks great without the speeder.

okay, okay.  :) i guess so. my sister gets lucas, i get an SA troop-builder, and i'll consider that idea to fight the scalper.  ;) i'll post my thoughts on the opened fig probbly tmorow.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Saga-064 Commander Appo the army builder
« on: November 9, 2006, 03:02 PM »
cant wait. WHERE's wave 8, its mid november already?!!!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Naboo Wave
« on: November 9, 2006, 03:00 PM »
I havent gotten the chance to see it.
Not sure if I want to. Maybe the luke.  :-\

yes, you want to. gragra, luke, podracers, obi, rebel ROCK. if anyone has extra weapons from their podracers 2-pack can i have them for my durge? lost his weapons some time ago and hes fighting my arc troopers with one lousy little pistol.  :-[  :(

Everything said pretty much mirrors my thoughts as well...

Bast in that set is my favorite.  The likeness is outstanding.  Tagge's a close runner-up with his trademark Ceasar haircut...  Good work on those.

yes, the tagge kicks a double s. im not buying this set but will buy just him and wulf yularen loose if possible after the set is out.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: "Jedi vs. Darth Sidous" Battle Pack
« on: November 9, 2006, 02:54 PM »
I couldnt care less for Bps, they are oh so useless and they all suck!
Hasbro loves to half ass it and keeps the articulation at a minimum, the worst paintjobs, they are always sloppy and silly looking.

true, very true. not all suck but most do.

ive decided that I, Pit Droid, MOC completist, will be more budget next year.

Galactic Marine x7
Airborne Trooper x2
SA Mace Windu
Lava Miner x2 (to follow around my 1 Mustafar Sentry)
McQuarrie Stormy (didnt get it first time around)

30AC #1 Vader (aka crappy ROTS repack)
R2 (im waiting for a clean one)
SBD (AOTC ones are good enough at least for me)
Obi-Wan (have 6 million already)

Comic 2-Packs (paint aps are weird, but carded they look cool {will definitely get vos and mara jade ones- has it been confirmed that vos will come with devaronian dude?})

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Most wanted Fig
« on: November 9, 2006, 02:43 PM »
Han Bespin SA
Luke Ceromony SA
Palpatine (Yoda Duel)

Admiral Ackbar with "its a trap" soundchip. Thats the figure I want the most, I would never get bored of it.

i would love ICMG, i signed the petition for him. i also think admiral ackbar is in desperate need of a new sculpt and i dont understand why hasbro doesnt give us one.

which RFT? the POTF2 one or the POTJ one? if its the POTJ one you speak of, i have to agree.

Oh God... The POTJ version - much better than the POTF2 " 'roid " RFT

heh! 'roid' RFT. heh! funny... good one.  ;)  8)

yeah, the POTJ one actually rocks. it's quite good, when you look past the weird hands. i like the kneeling feature and how the hands come together at the blaster. very kool.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30th Anniversary Tin Collector Set
« on: November 9, 2006, 12:09 PM »

It's still a repack- the Han and Chewie with snow aren't exaclty new ideas for hasblo...

this is true, and the old chewie with snow is actually not half bad  8) im just gonna save 120 bucks and stick with buying only the episode 2 and 4 tins.  :P

 ::)  :P maybe even just the ep. 2 tin. ps how do you start trade/want threads? i have a lot of trades and sales i would love to make.  ???  8)

I love Dagobah Vader.  Hidden feature ;), decapitation feature :D, translucent black plastic yet a heavy dark red saber ;D.  I have 3 of these guys that I display in different places.

yes, i love him from the photo archives but dont hav 1 yet. maybe i CAN fit this set into my budget. the R2 is a nice improvement over the OTC statue.

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