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Messages - P-Siddy

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Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: September 3, 2011, 11:25 AM »
Its all garbage.  Glad I have the originals on DVD at least.  Only reason for me to get this is the deleted scenes and extras. that makes it worth it for me.  Can stick the changes where the sun does not shine.


Or wait a while, I'm sure the originals will be released with deleted scenes in it full glory at some point down the road. I just wonder if the films will be catagorized by Star Wars 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 in regards to which release people will talk about... I suppose you could say the '77 version, '81, '97, '11, etc.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: September 2, 2011, 10:30 PM »
I agree with the fact that this is Lucas' film and he can tinker with it until the day he dies (and maybe even from the grave if SW is forever). It doesn't mean I don't have to like everything he does or buy every new version he decides to put out. I don't like all the changes because some are pointless and seems to detract from the overall story. Maybe because I've seen it a million times and can quote each scene. Other things, like the Death Star battle and making the TIEs and X-Wings do smooth acrobatic manuevers were awesome touches. But some people have mentioned Vader leaving Cloud City and how it breaks the momentum of the escape... and how awfully mixed Vader's theme during the hurried strings during "Rescue from Cloud City/Hyperspace". I never once thought "hey, how did Vader get on the Executor?" It was assumed. Leave a bit for the viewers' imaginations. I still don't understand why it's Hayden that's the force ghost at the end of Jedi and not Shaw. Vader returned to the good side once he killed the Emperor and since he redeemed himself in his later life, I would think it would reflect that age he died (did they consider Shaw too old?)

I guess the thing is I want to show my kids the Star Wars that I fell in love with in the 70s/80s and not the redeuxs. While it's the same movie, it's not.

As for the Vader "No.  NOOOOO!!!" addition?  It comes across kind of strangely on first viewing.  Especially if you've been watching ROTJ on a regular basis since 1983.  But there is a flipside to this story.  The novelization of ROTJ indicates that there is more strife between Vader and the Emporer than the movie lets on.  And the final cut of the movie doesn't indicate it as well as it might, since the scene with Vader, Moff Jerjerrod and the Royal Guards was cut.

So what did we get in the theatrical cut of ROTJ?  One scene where the Emporer tells Vader that he was to have stayed on the command ship.  And then Vader looks on as the Emporer is using his Force lightning on Luke.  The Vader mask doesn't allow the viewer to see any kind of inner conflict with Vader.  This is where the additional dialogue comes in.  The whole "No.  NOOOOO!!!" thing expresses Vader's conflict, and harkens back to Lucas's use of recurring themes.  It doesn't feel right at first viewing, but it makes things work a little better from a story standpoint.

Nick makes a good point here about how the novel plays out the tension between the Emperor and Vader. I read the novelization several years after seeing Jedi and it clarified somethings. The scene when Vader tells the Emperor that he has sensed Luke on Endor, the Emperor is mystified and says
Strange, that I have not. I wonder if your feelings on this matter are clear, Lord Vader.
It's kind of lost that the Emperor sees Vader and Luke as a threat to him.

The Vintage Collection / Re: New Hasbro Fans Choice Poll
« on: September 2, 2011, 10:14 AM »
I heard there was some ballot stuffing going on in regards to Jocasta Nu at one time... but now with the release of the Lost 20, she'll have more screen-time and perhaps more backing. A Jedi Librarian figure, cool!

The Vintage Collection / Re: New Hasbro Fans Choice Poll
« on: September 2, 2011, 08:19 AM »
Is this one going to be rigged I wonder?

ICMG and RFT have been made, so Scott and Jesse won't rig the results.  ;)

In reality, I guess we'll find out when it's all over.

Congrats, Matt!

Kubricks / Re: "Other" Kubricks and Minimates (Non SW)
« on: September 1, 2011, 10:18 AM »
Now I've got the Knight Rider theme song stuck in my head.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 11:47 PM »
If they released these updated versions and the original releases, I wonder which would sell more copies and if Lucas would get the hint if it happened to be the original versions?

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 09:39 PM »
I think the Vader screaming "Nooooo" is not an actual addition to the film by Lucas, but by Vader himself, horrified by all the horrible alterations Lucas has made over the years.

Kubricks / Re: Deluxe Series 4 - Death Star
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:12 PM »
Boy there are going to be a lot of Imp Dignitaries on eBay.

You know who to offer an extra to.  ;)

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:10 PM »
Love #2.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 06:05 PM »
ROTJ was the first movie I ever saw in theatres so this NoOOO NOOOOOOO! thing just really bugs me.   :(   I hope we don't see Vader crying after he gets fryed having flashbacks to Padme after saving Luke.

I'm sure that will happen and Anakin will tell Luke what a jerk of a Dad he was, torturing his sister, cutting off his arm, torturing his friends, shooting his Droid (well, it used to be Padme's), and 'murdering' his mother.

As for blinking, green eyed Wicket, I think it's a preview of what Darth Plagieus will actually be when he's added to the prequels. For a look, just see Angry Ewok's avatar.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Comic Book Thread
« on: August 31, 2011, 11:41 AM »
It might not be a popular opinion, but I think the companies could stand to scale back the number of titles a little bit.  Much like collecting, you only have to buy what you like, but the number of titles (especially for a struggling business) is unreal these days. 

I'm quite surprised by the number of titles myself. I just got back into the comic thing again last year when GI Joe picked up where it left off with RAH. To see that there is also Cobra, Origins, each separate plots from the other. It's crazy.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 10:04 AM »
- forget Luke's one-in-a-millon shot to blow up DS1, swap in bumbling X-Wing Pilot JarJar Binks who accidentally makes the shot instead!


Mesa oopsee bang bang kerblamo death star!

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 31, 2011, 08:14 AM »
Han has a new unthawing effect in ROTJ

I hope Lucas didn't go this route.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars on Blu-Ray
« on: August 30, 2011, 05:31 PM »
Surprised the Ewoks are CGI now.

Well, if Wicket's eyes are true, then now Hasbro will have to reissue all the Ewoks with their new colored eyes (if all are green).

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