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Messages - JediJman

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I've been part of that program for a couple of years now.  I just used $10 of my rewards yesterday to pick up another TBS Hoth Rebel Trooper for about $12.

The one gripe that I have with the rewards system is that I couldn't use those rewards for preorders or online purchases - it was for in store purchases only.

Yeah, that's still the case.  Luckily they seem to get new stuff in pretty regularly.

If anyone here is buying figures at Gamestop regularly and has not joined their annual membership, you need to go do it next time you're there.  It's $15 a year and I think you instantly get $5 off when you sign up.  At a minimum I get a $5 coupon each month.  It's in their system, so all you need to do is give your phone number at checkout to get it versus having to remember to bring something or look up a code.  Then you get additional random coupons and rewards on top of that.  Earlier this year they were issuing a free $20 figure after a certain number of purchases, so its a great way to save some cash on black series or marvel legends.  I stopped in the other day and got an extra Mandalorian Retro figure for about $4 because I had a couple of coupons to burn. 

So, I pre-ordered whatever TVC waves include the repacks of Ackbar, Han Endor, Luke Hoth, Royal Guard, Game Greats figures, etc. several months ago from Pulse.  They were all mixed in one order as I'd rather just group orders when possible and don't mind waiting for everything to show up before they ship.  My email has been lighting up the last 48 hours with notices from Fed Ex and Pulse about these figures being on the way.  Got the first package today - one lone Royal Guard packed in a box with an air packet, but still the card is bent up and the bubble is dinged.  Are they really going to ship each of my eight figures in separate boxes?  I get it if you're doing it to ensure the product arrives minty fresh, but that's obviously not happening.  No wonder they have to charge so much for the membership if they're paying to pack and ship each figure individually.  What a waste.

Curious to know if anyone has found these in store versus online ordering.  Sounds like some people did in store pick up, but has anyone tracked them down in person using the DPCI or other options?  Still no sign of them in the Twin Cities as far as I know.

Collections / Re: Dave's Backlit Death Start Display Case
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:05 PM »
This looks so awesome.  Totally worth the time and effort to get it done right!

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: July 26, 2021, 03:01 PM »
Given the short windows on the Star Wars online preorders, I have never assumed these were a "gauging interest and building a factory order" situation so much as a "coordinating online availability with online reveals before Yakface can spoil them" deal. But it is really getting out of hand, with unrevealed figures sold out, presells for next March sold out,

The Bad Batch pack is getting a rerun after insane preales, and I would imagine that rerun will get presold too. The TVC Jabba's Palace set got a second run back in 2019 too after everything sold through on initial release. That led to overstock and clearance.

The only Hasbro products that are presells in the real sense are HasLab campaigns. The rest are marketing schemes that are grinding the fun out of the hobby for many.

I'm not sure I'm on the same page with any of that.  If the goal is to get news out before Jayson spoils it, you can just announce that it's coming without the headache of setting up, releasing, selling, and managing all these pre-orders.  I think in general collectors would be happier knowing a product is coming and that they'll have an equal shot at getting it when its released versus the masses crying out when a pre-order sells out in 2 minutes and they're left in limbo for months wondering if they'll find more or have to turn to Ebay.

I also don't see how the Bad Batch sell out is considered "insane presales" versus anything else that's sold out out in minutes.  If they had a huge quantity and still sold out, that would make sense, but I don't know that any of us knows the production number on these.  I don't recall a second production on the Jabba's Throne, but I do recall them hitting stores well after they were made available online, which is a good recipe for retailer clearance. 

A recent example that I think worked pretty well was the Heroes of Endor set.  They clearly made an initial production run, then opened up orders to inform the numbers on a second production run that took another 6+ months to get to people.  But if you're putting up preorders for stuff that is expected to hit in May of 2022 right now, you'd think they would just take as many orders as possible, then adjust the production as needed. I know the factories are probably backed up with production schedules, but I would be shocked if they couldn't still make adjustments this far out.

Do we know where these will be on the sales floor? If it's in the regular upcoming toy reset then they're probably trapped on a transition pallet and we get to wait until they actually reset the new planogram.

I've got no idea.  I'd assume regular aisle... I've heard people found them on endcaps... the guy this morning said he thinks the one case that went out was put into the adult collectible toys section near video games... who knows.

I would be surprised to find them in that Electronics gaming section just based on the DPCI.  Action figures are most all 087-16 now right?  Do the collectibles have a different identifier?  Its worth checking I guess.  I've hit three Targets in the last 24 hours or so and they all have no clue about where these are.  Not in the back, not locked up in electronics, not in the inventory, and not in transit. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: July 26, 2021, 12:28 PM »
Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought the whole point of a pre-order was to gauge consumer interest and then update production to match or slightly exceed that amount.  Is there any benefit to the manufacturer or retailer beyond this?  If I sell a product coming in October today versus just selling it in October, what is the benefit beyond holding onto your money for a few extra months (which honestly is not worth the amount of added costs they probably have in setting up and facilitating the pre-order).  What am I not understanding?

I'll be looking for a single Fett - any color combo and any card condition - if anyone ends up getting an extra they're willing to sell at a reasonable price.

I'm going to hit up all the Targets in the area when these are supposed to hit, but I'm not optimistic.

I hit EP and Shakopee today in anticipation - nothing on the pegs, no display endcaps, and no sign of the name or DPCI in the system.  I'm having doubts about these showing up on Sunday.

Sheesh, I was oblivious for five hours and still was able to preorder all three just now. Thanks Target! Screw you, Walmart!   >:(

Yeah, I had no idea this was even a thing.  I don't even mind if they sell out later today - just refreshing to have an opportunity to get a preorder without being in that 2-5 minute window of opportunity.

I just got my retro Mandalorian figures from Pulse last week.  On the same day I saw them at Walmart on clearance.   ::)

I'm back at work at a real job, so the days of being able to log in throughout the morning to even attempt to get these are long gone for me.  Back to Ebay I guess...

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: Disney's R2-RN8W
« on: July 15, 2021, 02:39 PM »
Still no sign of more of these?  What the heck happened?

I finally got all 7 of these from my Pulse order.  They shipped them in a huge 2' by 1' box, all completely loose with a big stack of air pocket fillers.  As you can imagine, the cards did not arrive all that minty.   ::)

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