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Messages - Morgbug

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Who Wants More Ewoks?
« on: November 3, 2013, 10:15 PM »
Frickin' abominable topic.   ::)

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: November 3, 2013, 10:13 PM »
Got an Abomination and Cloak off of eBay.

Abomination is pretty tiny.

If anyone stumbles across an extra Dagger during their hunts, keep me in mind.  I open my stuff so card condition matters not at all.  Since we're occasionally seeing stuff get stocked I'll do the same for anyone that needs. 

Much to my delight, I found A-Bomb and Dagger at my local Walmart yesterday afternoon (the entering of which violates all of my Walmart rules btw).  Only the single pair there but I'm wondering if this isn't a running change for Abomination as well? 

Also saw reports the Omega Red wave has hit in some locations.  Those I'm in need of and thank goodness I missed BBTS' presale listing...$74.99?  Seriously?

The Vintage Collection / Re: The Future of Star Wars Collecting?
« on: October 26, 2013, 11:50 PM »

For the holidays target gets a gift set of repacked movie heroes from 2013. TRU gets a TBS 6" speeder bike/biker scout set that they sell for $45. Kmart gets a couple sweet TBS 3 3/4 sets including several Jabba's Palace characters and a scaled-up skiff from out of nowhere. Amazon gets a set of "retro-packaged" 5POA Prequel figures that were developed for the movie heroes line but pulled in favor of OT figures. Walmart passes on selling any gift sets.


I haven't bought anything SW for quite some time.  The bolded part made me LOL.  The red part made me interested.  Really don't see myself buying anything anyway but that sounds more intriguing than anything of late. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 24, 2013, 01:18 PM »
We've got 7 signed up, drafting tonight is good.

Yup, 7 is sufficient.  Hopefully we get a few more between now and then.  Might actually have to think beyond an all-star team for a change. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 24, 2013, 10:55 AM »
I'd rather have the draft tonight if everyone can get signed up today.

You got all three from the last page in addition to Matt?

ericbestavros (at) gmail
lonnie (dot) musgrove89 (at) yahoo

Yup, I got them all and sent the email around 11:00 P.M. last night.  So not as much time for notice as would have been best but they did get out.

We're at six as of right now with Virex signing on, others hopefully will get in there soon.  Ruiner hasn't signed on I don't think.  Unless I hear otherwise here I'll leave the draft for tonight.  Not sure if I'll be there or not either but I'll continue to check through the day today until about 6:00 CST. 

I'm in. Thanks Brent.

I can't make the draft tonight but I don't have a problem with an auto-draft, as long as everyone promises not to pick Kevin Durant.

Shouldn't be an issue for me; I tend to draft at or near the bottom 90% of the time now anyway. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:51 AM »
Last date I can move the draft to is next Monday night.  Let me know if that needs to be done.

Sorry, on the road for the last week at conferences and not checking much of anything not work related. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:48 AM »
Can a brother get an invite?

matt_birchall (at) yahoo (dot) com
Invite sent.  :)

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 23, 2013, 11:59 PM »
Emails sent.

Sorry for not sending them sooner, in and out of airports all day. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Favorite Breakfast Cereal
« on: October 19, 2013, 05:54 PM »
BAh, Amerikan company no release in Canada.  Racists. 

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JediDefender Fantasy Basketball 2014
« on: October 18, 2013, 10:35 PM »

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Favorite Breakfast Cereal
« on: October 18, 2013, 10:19 PM »
Walgreen's has the Halloween cereals too, $3 a box.

Were fruit brute and yummy mummy really classic cereals? I NEVER heard of those before this year. They both seem pretty close to frankenberry.

Chocolate Cheerios, while an abomination against nature, taste pretty good.

Negatory on fruit brute and yummy mummy.  Only Frankenberry, Booberry and Count Chocula are vintage. 

Is Frankenberry about?  Anyone wanna mail some in exchange for some pemmican (or cash)?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: October 17, 2013, 11:45 PM »
Agreed on cells...  No way if I were in there, would my cell be open...   I'd lock myself in and have my own mini stash of emergency food and weapons in a pack ready to roll out if needs be.

You mean like what's in my basement?   :-X

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:46 PM »
Totally unrealistic.

Who the **** would leave all that good booze?

I love you man.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: October 14, 2013, 10:45 PM »
we still have one more wave - the Omega Red wave - then basically everything is switching under an Avengers or movie line banner

Thank you for the explanation.  No Omega Red wave up for pre-order on BBTS as of yet. 

I found an Elektra figure on the pegs with Hercules today.  Is this a new figure?  Can't remember seeing her before in pictures or previous waves.  Also, anyone know if the Antman comic pack was ever released?

Brent - no sign of Dagger.   :-\

Elektra is a new figure, as far as I'm aware.  She came in the wave with Mysterio and the new Rhino sculpt (Captain America was in there as well and I think it all shipped with some repacks like Iron Spider and a couple of Wolverines amongst other stuff). 

Don't think the Antman comic pack has come to fruition, at least not yet.  I've seen no pre-orders and there's nothing on Ebay at the moment.

Thanks for checking for Dagger, I think she'll be a little bit yet as it's a running change and that wave is only starting to hit isn't it?  Either way, appreciate the thought.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: October 12, 2013, 03:00 PM »
Got an Abomination and Cloak off of eBay.

Abomination is pretty tiny.

Finally got this wave from BBTS and yeah, Abomination is kind of an abomination.  Not very cool really. 

If anyone stumbles across an extra Dagger during their hunts, keep me in mind.  I open my stuff so card condition matters not at all.  Since we're occasionally seeing stuff get stocked I'll do the same for anyone that needs. 

And this is largely the end of the Universe line, correct?  We'll only see it out of the Avengers themed line from this point on? 

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