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Messages - Adam_Pawlus

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30th Anniversary Collection / Re: EE "Mystery Pack" 14-Figure Set
« on: October 11, 2007, 02:06 PM »
Now featuring packaged images:

(No, these aren't in-house samples I got to mess with yet, unfortunately.  Can't wait to see the finals up close and personal.)

Rogue One / The Playset Thread
« on: September 26, 2007, 08:05 PM »
I seriously doubt most fans who say they'll drop a bunch of money on something will-- in Transformers, I remember fans saying they'd pay $250 or $500 for a half-decent Unicron.  A very decent one came out for $50 in, I believe, 2003 and a lot of people decided to hang on to their money.  Fans not putting their money where their mouths are could be the subject of a great book or, failing that, a magazine article.   (I count myself in this number for some things.  Just because I asked for it doesn't mean I'll buy it if I don't like it.   I'm looking at you, G.I. Joe from 2001-2003.)

I have no doubt there's a market for 1,500 or so of it, because it seems that it isn't much of a challenge to sell 1,500 units of anything if it's Star Wars and more or less decent as far as value.

Some people are saying anything is better than nothing, but I don't know about that.   If my options are to let someone do high-end stuff that's extremely limited and permanently turns Hasbro off from considering "toy" playsets, I don't like that option.  I'd rather wait it out and see if Hasbro changes their minds to revisit this kind of product five, even ten years down the road.  I'll still be here, I've been here this long, I'm patient in my old age.

Plus let's not forget it's not this OR the Hasbro line, for most of us it would be this AND the Hasbro line.   Seriously, just Target's Q4 3 3/4-inch exclusives will set you back $110, plus those two Ultimate Battle Packs-- assuming there are two-- makes it $210.  Plus there's Wal-Mart's stuff, the recently released Toys "R" Us stuff, the Kmart tins, EE's Mandalorians, Diamond's Battlefront sets, and that's not even looking at the regular line.

Limited edition items are their own beast, but I really hope that what we end up seeing are things that at least vaguely resemble toys and not $1,400 monuments to a hallway.

One more thing...

It LOOKS like the lower-right hand corner of the box is an item number.  If that is indeed the item number, it's quite long, which means it may well be part of an assortment if it's more than five digits (as the number are usually XXXXX/YYYYY Asst if it's an assortment or just XXXXX if not.)  But I'm just talking out of my butt as I don't know Target's number for this one or how it's in the computer, it just looks like it might well be one of multiple items.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Battle of Hoth Battle Pack?
« on: September 19, 2007, 11:49 PM »
I'm going to make a prediction in hopes that it comes true.
- "Surprise" Thanksgiving Exclusive for 2007, ala the Shuttle
- $59.99 price tag

Looking at what you get...
8x Action Figures
1x AT-ST
1x Turret (plus cardboard or plastic base?)

The figure values each are anywhere from $4-$7 (given recent multi-pack prices), the AT-ST is a good $20, and the Turret... let's say $10.   So $50-$60 probably isn't remotely unreasonable if the item is in fact a "Black Friday" (or thereabouts) exclusive this year.

The REAL question is the Endor set... should we expect a larger accessory like the Bunker or the Ewok Glider in there too?  Hmm hmmm hmmm....

Anyway, I feel obligated to say if it's $50 or less, I'm buying two.  $60 or more, it'll depend on how good and sturdy the AT-ST legs are.  Very nice though.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: September 17, 2007, 05:58 PM »

With what Sideshow might be doing here, I'm going to be optimistic and will not dismiss what they are doing without seeing a single pic.  Regarding the price, if something is around $100-$200, and it's well done, count me in.  I understand that's not for everyone, but even given the many dollars I've already spent on some very nice custom playsets, I'm still not going to complain even if Sideshow tops some of the items that I've bought.  I say kudos to Sideshow if they are going to try and capitalize on the market.  $17.00 figures is extreme like you said, but comparing the possibilty of Sideshow playsets to the Hasbro $5-$7 price point on figures versue $17 exclusives is like comparing apples to oranges.  It almost sounds as if you think that companies like Sideshow are a failure because they aren't as big as Hasbro and market their product differently.

Anyways, like Jeff said, I'm sure some people are going to find something to whine about if these do come out, even if they are awesome. 

No, I just don't like high-end stuff.  I'm a low-end collector, as I presume a great many action figure fans are.   Yes, a $17 figure is not a Sideshow item, but if people are going to complain about a $17 action figure, and figure-scale playsets are compatible products being sold to a similar audience, seeing an item go for four to five times what a customer might expect could mean it's not necessarily unpopular... it's just seeing its audience getting more selective.

Based on their other diorama pieces, I don't have high hopes unless they aim to go back to the mass market like they did when they started selling stuff in Targets many moons ago.  The $80 space slug doesn't sit well with me.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: September 16, 2007, 01:29 PM »
Hasbro's considering some means to bring out playsets?

Maybe creating wishlists and asking Hasbro about playsets a few times in the Q&A's wasn't such a burden on the community after all.

If this comes to fruition, and regarding through which avenue they are sold, can't we just be happy that this might actually be happening rather than already finding something to complain about?

Ordinarily I'm the cheerleader with the big smile and pom-poms, but seeing what Sideshow charges for its current environments ($80 for the Space Worm cave from ESB), and how the Retrobilia Pride Displays worked out (clearance for $60 plastic environments) I have to say that I think Hasbro is probably smart to pass the buck to another company so they don't get burned. 

Given Sideshow doesn't really make its product widely available in stores and they price things for the kind of collector that a lot of us aren't-- which is to say, the kind that balk at $17 figures-- I can't say I'd be optimistic about a toy category being farmed out to the makers of some of the most authentic and expensive collectibles available today.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Your TAC Shopping: Retail or Online?
« on: September 16, 2007, 01:22 PM »
Quick question for online shoppers - does double box when they ship?  Last year, when I ordered from them, I received everything minty mint and double boxed.

Just recently I received a case that wasn't double boxed and in rough shape. 

Kind of a big deal as I like to keep some figures carded.

Any experiences or insight is greatly appreciated.

If anything weird happens with your order that in any way causes it to arrive in less than what you deem mint condition, please call us at Entertainment Earth (1-800-370-2320) and let us know-- we have the guarantee to make sure you're happy with your order should any snags cause your figures unnecessary scratches and/or dents.   I'm not kidding when I say we want to hear from you if anything happens to your order that you may not entirely be thrilled with.

(/dayjob hat)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Star Wars Comic Packs
« on: August 25, 2007, 04:46 AM »
Luke and Han Stormtroopers to be repacked SANS blue deco! These will still come with the same other figure that can in their resepctive packs, however the blue deco has been taken away to give us the white versions we clamored for!


Sorry I know it's Scum... Only place I've seen report it so far though.

Well, those are just head-swaps done for fun, right? :) 

You can always link to Entertainment Earth-- after all, that's who broke the story and who is offering these fine items for sale.  :D   (Hey, it's late, I'm tired, I can be a little snotty.)   We/they/whatever posted exactly what Hasbro said-- "no blue deco."   It might mean movie versions, or it might mean red-eyed versions without the blue.  After all, Hasbro changed Darth Vader from that bright blue to a much more subdued hue.   As always, we don't know what it REALLY is until official images are posted, and by official images, I mean interesting pictures from eBay China.  My money is on movie-ish versions, but you never know...

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU Gold Squadron Y-Wing Fighter
« on: August 24, 2007, 01:16 PM »
Just got mine at TRU.


Yup, last one too.  Usually avoid that one, but I was feeling saucy.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TRU Gold Squadron Y-Wing Fighter
« on: August 23, 2007, 06:24 PM »
Just got mine at TRU.  It's amazing how much better a deal this is than just about everything else on the market-- you get a ship and two figures for $30.  Unreal. Of course, the landing gear still seems to be saggy, so I'll be propping mine up with LEGO bricks or something else again.  But it LOOKS like a pile of awesome.

Here's hoping for a second red redeco patterned after the 1979 or so Kenner die-cast ship.  (Which is different than the 2004 version.)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Battle of Hoth Battle Pack?
« on: August 20, 2007, 08:19 PM »
Just curious about your take on the Han Hoth Jacket they had in the LFArchrives at CIV?  That was clearly brown for whatever grains of salt that's worth....


I'm no expert on how things discolor with time, so I'm probably going to be at the "that's interesting, I wonder if it's true?" phase for a while.   The fact that toy companies have made the outfit in at least three distinct colors in multiple scales is enough to make me scratch my head.   Perception is a hard thing to break past, and Lucasfilm's changing story (or approvals process) doesn't help things.   If "Han wears black", why did that only apply to the Galoob Action Fleet and MicroMachines figures and not the Kenner toys of 1996-1998?

The garment clearly being brown is basically what I'm getting at-- if the blue original series Trek costumes discolored over time, it's possible this one has as well.

Official stories are nice,  but they still can't always be taken at face value.  I've been told point blank that there was no such thing as a character named Darth Maul, for example, around the Summer of 1998.   Lucasfilm licensing said that a yellowish green lightsaber was correct for Plo Koon from 1999 to 2001, and in 2002, now it's blue, because someone inside Lucas HQ said it was.  (And on some toys, it was medium to dark green.)   Heck, Agen Kolar has a blue lightsaber in ROTS and the toy has been made-- multiple times-- with a green one. 

I'm not denying that a brown Hoth Han Solo coat costume exists today.    I'm just saying that over the past 27 years, there's enough inconsistancy in the merchandise and other interesting prop discoloration stories which should make fans at the very least scratch their heads a little. It's like Groucho Marx, "who are you going to believe, me, or your own eyes?"   

(I know I'm probably wrong.  But I want to completely prove myself wrong.)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Battle of Hoth Battle Pack?
« on: August 18, 2007, 12:09 PM »
Check out this Adam...

Seen it.  Not buying it. :)  Lucas has changed the story on the "official" color of Han's jacket several times over the past 27 years and they've made a lot of mistakes here and there on what they approve.  I don't disagree that it's the most likely, but I still need to see and hear more than a color number on a licensing sheet given how much variation is out there in the character's costume coloring.   Were these mistakes?   Did nobody really care in the production until the modern Hasbro/Kenner line?   Does blue just sell better?  Nosey people with nothing better to think about this morning want to know!

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC Battle of Hoth Battle Pack?
« on: August 18, 2007, 05:24 AM »
The coat's been rolled out OF LFL HEADQUARTERS, simply to show it's brown...  And yet there's still debate.  I am in awe.

I'm not.  There's too much weirdness with this costume for there to not be some degree of debate, be it right or wrong.

Paramount pulled some old blue Trek uniforms out of storage for the recent Star Trek auction-- and they're purplish brown now, after several decades of aging.   Were it not for this, I'd be inclined to agree it's brown and move on.

Seeing how Lucasfilm's official line at one point in the 1990s was "Han wears black" (see: Galoob's ESB Han figures, 1997 POTF2 Han Bespin) and the 2003/2004 LEGO Falcon comes with Hoth Han with a blue coat, I'd be lying if I said that I can totally accept that the original coat was the same color for this reason alone.   Things age and discolor with time, plus memory can fail, and we all know how perceptions based on toys can shape reality.  That and I've heard a lot of interesting comments about from licensors about what is or isn't "in the movies" (knowing what actually is courtesy of a trading card, VHS tape, or DVD) according to Lucas Licensing over the years to know you can't always take this at face value.  I hate to trot out a cliche like "all I know is I don't  know," but some of the things I see and hear don't always measure up to scrutinity.   (Like the POTJ Rebel Fleet Trooper not needing improvements, for example.)

I'm not sure if I've seen decent, clear (not snowed on or on a snowy background) photography from 1979 of the jacket, I see no reason to not let the debate rage on until someone from Kenner says "yeah, we screwed up" or someone has a really good publicity photo of Harrison Ford in the jacket.   I've seen the photos in the Chronicles books but I'm having a hard time determining when those photos were taken-- if it was during shooting, I'd agree that it's brown, everybody could see this, and the debate will hopefully end.  But if it was in the 1990s?   I wouldn't discount discoloration without further investigation, plus as much as I love Hasbro, they keep giving us Han in that thermal hat despite it not really appearing in the movies for more than a fraction of a second.  It seems they're working from a specific photo in the Chronicles book, and I can't say I trust that photo completely just yet.

Even if the coat was always brown, there's still a lot of room for research discussion-- like how did Kenner decide on blue for its 3 3/4-inch figure and die-cast metal figures from 1980-1982 if the costume wasn't that color?  B&W stills?   Early costume sketches?  Aesthetics?   It's a great topic and one of those nifty mysteries in the hobby.  So many things are spelled out for us, and yet Han's costumes from ESB and the coloring of the related merchandise still seems to be somewhat inconsistent after all these years.  As a long-time fan, I find this fascinating.

But it's late and that was probably rambly, so.  Kudos on the awesome pics, I'm digging these two new sets-- especially the Endor one.  Wonder what figure #5 is gonna be.

I'm assuming minor deco changes are kosher based on what we've seen in the first two Saga Legends waves at retail.

1. Kmart OTC Blue Snaggletooth (if possible, alter head deco slightly)
2. Clone Wars Red ARC Trooper (NOT Fordo, fix helmet stripe *OR* redeco comic pack trooper in red)
3. Saga/OTC TIE Fighter Pilot
4. Vintage TSC Luke Skywalker (add weathering to helmet if possible)
5. Vintage OTC Stormtrooper
6. TSC Han Solo in Carbonite (variant: all-silver non-melty Carbonite block)
7. R2-Q5 (...but use R4-G9 mold, hey, why not? :) )
8. ROTS Red Royal Guard with Force Pike (from either previous release, and if it's in the budget, retool the hand to better hold it)
9. AOTC/2002 Clone Pilot with Gun Pod (emphasis on WITH GUN POD as I have ill-equipped Gunships)
10. ROTS Commander Bly (corrected brown stripe variant as shipped in late 2005)

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: EE Mandalorian 14 Pack
« on: July 24, 2007, 01:26 PM »
it was mentioned by curto in a recent force-cast that there would be a droid included in the pack.
anyone think we may get a mandalorian battle legionnaire pictured in the mando swinsider article?

*shrugs* A droid?

I kinda doubt it, actually...

*EDIT* -- *Cough* added for emphasis and decreased subtlety.

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