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Messages - JediJman

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The MCU post Endgame.
« on: April 26, 2021, 02:51 PM »
I know it models the comics, but count me among those that don't love Sam as the new Cap.  I like the way they did it, but I would have liked to see Bucky with the shield instead.  Plus his costume is a little cornball.  That said, I think this is exactly the right time to do a story where a black American finds a way to represent a government that has not been historically kind to people of color.  It felt a little forced at times, but hopefully it sends a positive message to those that need to hear it. 

I liked the series overall, but didn't love it.  The chemistry with Sam and Bucky is great and Zemo was awesome.  I could have used more setup with Sharon Carter - how did she get to where she's at now as the Power Broker?  That's a big change from the PB's storyline in the comics.  I also didn't really understand what the Flag Smashers were fighting for.  They want things to go back to how they were before all the Blip people came back, but what did they want to do with all the blip people?  I wish they had come up with a better motivation for these guys - or maybe I'm the only one that really didn't get what they were fighting for.

Curious to see what happens to Walker next.  He kind of redeemed himself at the end (happy ending!), but I thought he was better as a mentally unstable rogue agent.  I would have liked to see him lose everything versus just a court martial, then have some shady government agency scoop him up as a black-ops punisher-style super agent.  As it stands, he looks like just another super strong hero to jump around in the background.  JLD as Val was a nice surprise, as was seeing the raft.  I think we're heading towards a Raft break-out eventually, which would be a fun storyline to watch. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Disney+ Streaming Service
« on: April 26, 2021, 02:32 PM »
Do we know roughly how many episodes each of the planned Star Wars series will be?

I'm not sure if the Marvel series will be any indication, but its interesting to see that Wandavision was 9 while Falcon and The Winter Soldier was only 6.  I'm not sure if either of those is supposed to have a second season or if they're just meant to be setups for movies that are coming out in the future.  I know Wandavision helps setup the next Doctor Strange movie, but I'm unaware of Falcon setting anything up.

I could see the benefit of both approaches, but from a selfish perspective I'd love to see The Mandalorian, and Kenobi, and some of these other series go on for years, especially if there is no movie tie in.

Wandavision was actually supposed to be 10 episodes in total, but they weren't able to do everything they wanted due to COVID-19.  They ended up spreading the events of one episode across a few others to make it more cohesive.  That's why the ending doesn't really feature certain characters like Darcy - she was on the opposite coast and couldn't get to where they were filming between travel restrictions and quarantine.  It was rumored that Cumberbatch would have a guest appearance as well, but he was in New Zealand, so not at all feasible to get him back and forth in time.  Senior Scratchy (Agatha's bunny) didn't have a payoff by the end, but was supposed to be some kind of demon and a scene was cut with him trapping the twins in the underground lair.  But it doesn't really lend itself to a sequel - it was intended to get the character from Wanda to Scarlet Witch, bring back a form of the Vision, and introduce Photon & SWORD while connecting some past elements to the continuity (Darcy, Woo, the blip, etc.).  Maybe even an intro to the Young Avengers if they can bring Billy and Tommy back somehow.

I thought I read somewhere that Kenobi is six episodes, but an hour in length.  I think number of episodes is a little ambiguous and less meaningful given each episode has varying time lengths.  FATWS was fewer episodes, but each was longer than WV, so similar amount of content in a more compact form I think.  Not sure which I prefer - I felt like the shorter WandaVision episodes made it feel like a longer experience and enabled more cliff hangers.  That FATWS episode where they go to Madripoor, find agent Carter, Walker gets the syrum and kills a badguy all in under an hour felt like it could have been 2-3 episodes.  I don't think either of these are intended for sequels - as you said, they are plot movements intended to set up future movie events without having to go too far into the background/origin of slower paced events.  That's been Marvel's strategy all along with the solo movies advancing the background development so team films can focus more on a cohesive plot/singular storyline.

Star Wars is a totally different animal.  Where Marvel is pushing out different sized chapters of an ongoing mega-story, Star Wars is bouncing around the timelines filling in previously unexplored gaps.  That gives them a lot more freedom to do multiple seasons because they're not trying to time multiple other projects off of each individual show.  For example, Black Panther had to happen before Infinity War to establish Wakanda's tech and army, but they had to wait until Endgame finished to bring Spidey back from the blip for Far From Home.  Kenobi, Mandalorian, etc. could be one season or ten seasons because there's nothing else immediately following the storyline to force an ending.  Rogue One is the only modern release that really cuts off the potential for a sequel because it leads right into ANH, and even there they found a way to run a prequel instead.  It will probably just depend on how well these shows do.  I think Solo would have gone right into a sequel if it had been better received.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: April 25, 2021, 10:12 PM »
I stopped by a GameStop location while I was stopping next door for a coffee.  And I was shocked to find a TVC Mandalorian (VC166) and Cara Dune on the pegs.  I picked them both up.

This might be a turn in a positive direction.  I can't remember seeing new TVC figures at GameStop for some time, especially since they wound up getting so much of that first TVC wave that was gumming up the distribution works.

Wow, that's a nice find!  Which Gamestop did they show up at?

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021
« on: April 8, 2021, 12:37 PM »
Curious to see what they do with this.  I gambled and let my membership expire.

I happened to be in a Best Buy over my lunch today and saw 2x Mace and Jar Jar, but no Battle Droid or Qui Gon. So they are out there, but I don't know what the case ratio is.

I stopped into two Best Buys over the last few weeks and haven't even seen a collectible section anymore.  Is anyone else's Best Buy like this?  They have TVs and Appliances and some phone stuff, but it's mostly just a place to pick up orders now.  Really disappointing - I didn't stop there a lot, but without cool gadgets or movies or collectibles, I have no reason to ever set foot in a Best Buy again.

I am still excited to see this set in 2022.

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Recent Purchases
« on: April 7, 2021, 10:18 AM »
If I were you, I would start at the used bookstore just from looking at the ebay threads here it seems to be a hell of a hassle for sellers.

Yeah, outside of rarer editions I don't think they are worth much.  I would bring whatever you have to half price books and see what they offer.  I think I ended up just donating mine years ago.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: April 6, 2021, 02:13 PM »
Anyone know if they are still planning a Walking Dead "Rick Returns!" movie?  I'm worried they won't actually wrap up much with the show and just shift stories out to movies at the end of this season.

TV-9D9 / Re: Bad Batch (Disney+)
« on: March 30, 2021, 03:23 PM »
The Bad Batch is coming back on May the 4th and the trailer just dropped.  It looks pretty sweet.

It looks like at least some of this takes place after Order 66 and The Clone Wars officially end.  And I had forgotten that Echo joined the crew.  Hopefully we're getting a 6" Bad Batch version of him soon too.

This looks great!  Stoked for all the great Star Wars and Marvel content coming our way over the next few years. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Xbox One
« on: March 30, 2021, 03:21 PM »
Sweet Christmas - I can't believe these are still backlogged 3 months after the holidays.  Hope this one goes through for you.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2021 TVC Wave 3 (New TVC Wave 18)
« on: March 30, 2021, 09:45 AM »
The saga continues - New estimated delivery date: "Tuesday, April 6, 2021 - Tuesday, April 13, 2021"

She is the one figure currently available at my local Walmart. Let me know if you want me to snag it for you - I can swing by there on my way home.

I thought Flash and Arrow were pretty good in the early seasons, but haven't watched them in years or any of their other stuff.  I think Crisis would have been a fun ride seeing characters from a bunch of other DC shows and movies.  Curious to see if that's where Marvel is going with their multiverse storylines.

I don't know, these are still really beloved characters by a lot of people.  If DC announced today that they were scraping everything to date and restarting with a cohesive plan for connected TV and movie across the Justice League or Titans I would be all in.  Part of the reason I don't bother with a lot of the DC stuff is that I can't keep track of which universe stuff is happening in.  I don't want "Legends" based stories that don't connect and constant recasts of the characters.  Give me something well thought out that ties into a bigger storyline and I'm in.  The current "strategy" feels like a cash grab for any random crap they manage to shell out. 

I am in the process of watching the Synder cut and it is a vast improvement over the original.  The reordering and additional scenes are great and they paid attention to a lot of small details for fans of the DC universe.  Little quotes like "There are no Kryptonians or Lanterns protecting this world" make the movie seem so much larger without even having to bring those other characters into it (yet).  The second movie makes it a bit more of Batman and Wonder Woman forming the league versus Batman doing it all on his own, which feels a bit more natural to me.  ITs a good movie on its own or as a sequel to the Batman vs. Superman stuff.

That all said, DC should just stop everything they have in the works and figure out how to create a unified, cohesive universe that integrates characters from across their properties.  They could have used the TV characters who already have rich histories and followers to make this a lot better.  Imagine if Superman stayed dead more than 15 minutes and they instead brought in Supergirl?  Or used TV flash and Green Arrow to help build out the story.  I just think the separate actors and universes and storylines that are all DC, but don't really fit together are tough for the casual fan to follow, especially in a world where Marvel ties everything together.  I think they didn't want to copy Marvel AND felt like they had to catch up, but it clearly hasn't worked.  And now we just have more garbage lined up for the next few years.

I'd love to see them reboot with mini-series TV shows like Marvel is doing now.  Give each core character a story arc to set them up, then start pumping out the team movies.  They could be all caught up in 3-5 years with a much broader and cohesive universe that allows them to bolt on new stories in multiple mediums.

All that aside, I will say I've never been a big fan of the Superman character in a team setting.  He is fine for stand alone stories, but his power set is just too strong to work well with other heroes.  You don't need a guy that's fast or can breathe under water or who is super strong or who can fly or shoots lasers or can freeze things, etc, when you have one guy who can do all that.  There's no risk or concern when a hero is 100% invulnerable and can't even die properly.  Thor is probably the closest match to Superman in the MCU and we've seen him battered around, lose an eye, lose his hammer, and turned into a couch potato.  I think they would have been better off with an angle like, "Superman would have been able to save us before, but now that he's dead we need the justice league to defend Earth in his absence."  At least there would be a reason for other heroes to exist.

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