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Messages - Thomas Grey

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Do I even want to ask Brad?..

JediMAC, glad you enjoyed the photos. I have since lost the locks, but the attitude remains. I always aim to please and that being ('gasp') 11 years ago; is very hard to grasp. It seems like 12...

Well, 'Thomas' is my first name and 'Grey' is my middle name and I seem to be the only one who hasn't been given his true forum name back! I am totally normal! I am going to have to start rolling some heads around here!!! I get no respect at all!

My chosen and former forum name is 'Rorworr and if you refer to this thread, you can find out why (just cut and paste)...;action=display;threadid=934;start=0;boardseen=1

The other reason why is that I had an uncanny resemblance to the elusive Sasquatch (and wookiees too I guess: see head-shot photo, circa 1992) and they in my mind are all about Wookiees.

I hope no one will think any less of me, and my identity is finally revealed! Enjoy crew!

Collector's Tips / Re: Storing Loose Figs
« on: April 8, 2003, 12:36 AM »
I stored my old loose figures in a bonfire at the age of 15 (prime pyro days). Melted them into a big blob of Kenner plastic and I still have nightmares about it!

Otherwise I'm in dustro's boat... I display them. I assume that OCB has this profoundly emmense collection and not enough room to display them. Or he's currently in the process of cloning an army of ICMGs (notice he conveniently has ICMG on a stand in the image) and doesn't want to get plastic shavings and dust on his nice and clean troopers...

Collector's Tips / Re: Keeping up with figures
« on: April 8, 2003, 12:23 AM »
I have a ('sob') lowly MAC G3 and just list my figures as they appear on my trade list in QuarkXPress 4.11. No spread sheet, no formats, just a long list. My trade list is my entire collection basically. I reserve the right to deny trading certain 'keepers'. but post them to see if I can get something ultra-cool for them. Anyway, you Excel spreadsheet guys are way ahead of my game. I think just taking the time to get them all typed in is enough to warrant a few cheers! I agree with dustro in that it is essential you have some documentation of your collection for insurance purposes! I even have video taped my entire collection, piece by piece (took a long-ass time!). That ended up being kind of senseless because I trade quite a bit, but for the most part, it is evidence of what I own and what I trade for usually is equal to what I had when I taped it.

Power of the Jedi / Rorworr
« on: April 8, 2003, 12:07 AM »
For those of you that have not seen the actual figure of my namesake, 'Rorworr', that is included with the 'Invasion of Theed' RPG, here he is...

He comes on a nifty POTJ micro card. The back has images of 16 POTJ figures and it is a .0000 card. I recommend the investment (the game retails for about $16) and there is no reason you shouldn't open it up to release a carded and bubble blistered, Exclusive figure to display with the other great POTJ stuff! If you are going for the 'loose' collection, he is a must have! I have already bought and broken open 2 boxes and I hope you can see why I adopted his name. A young, dashing wookiee ready to kick some butt! Chewbacca is tops in my book, but the idea of a lesser known wookiee getting an action figure is way too cool!

Power of the Jedi / Re: bespin guard
« on: April 6, 2003, 02:29 PM »
Judging by the photo on the packaging, I'm pretty sure this guy is not black...

I will update when I find out for sure. Brian's Toys (which provides the image above) has the same image link for both 'loose' Bespin Security Guards.

Power of the Jedi / Re: variations
« on: April 6, 2003, 02:01 PM »
I'm not sure why Chris wouldn't leave this stuff in my hands...

Chris has informed you correctly. He is correct when referring to the actual figure variations, but not the carded variations.
Here are all the known carded variations:
Scout Trooper (clean)
Collection 1

Scout Trooper (dirty)
Collection 1

I know this just adds 1 other variation, but when you are collecting to complete a carded set, the variations (serial #'s) count. If you are collecting loose and just the figure variations, then Chris is correct. That's my 2 cents.

Power of the Force 2 / Re: POTF Boba Fett Spirt Figure?
« on: April 6, 2003, 01:47 PM »
When was this released and for what reason?

Sounds fishy and like my mysterious 'silver' Boba Fett figure...

Modern Trading / Re: Have Ephant Mon, Compactor Set 2 & more!!!
« on: April 6, 2003, 01:41 PM »
Updated 4/6/03!!!

Vintage Kenner / Re: IG-88 variation???
« on: April 5, 2003, 04:20 PM »
OK... OK... My Bad!

If you can just summarize all that into a variation description for the checklist, then I'll be on my way...

I have no idea what the deal is with the sculpt differences. I have never read, heard nor seen anything that is similar. It is especially odd because of the Hong Kong on both. At least we can delete that from the list of 'whys'. Maybe they did alter or define the sculpt with the addition of the metallic plastic coating...

So, dust', what are you doing now? Going square millimeter by millimeter with a high powered magnifying glass on an Ugnaught's apron to identify the fiber patterns and add a new mauve color variation to them? Just kidding. You are definitely a worthy variation/error enthusiast! I'll look into it some more and see what I can find out...

Vintage Kenner / Re: IG-88 variation???
« on: April 5, 2003, 11:58 AM »
The first release had IG-88 molded in gray plastic. He has the same detail (no resculpts) as the second variation. The second had a fine glittery metallic coating applied to it. The details actually become sharper due to the highlights it can give off. Gray tends to hide detail because it's so dull and tricks the eye basically. If you say there is definitely less sculpted detail, then you have discovered another! But I'm telling you, it is seriously difficult to make a good call on this becuase the gray just dulld down everything. Keep them coming dustro, and you freaking vintage collection must be getting pretty freakin' big about now...

Power of the Force 2 / Re: POTF2 Variants/Errors
« on: April 5, 2003, 03:15 AM »
We will be updating, revising and basically revamping all our variation/error lists very soon. I have done my best to include any and all errors I can verify with 2 or more sources. We threw the current lists up quickly to coincide with the opening of I was a rookie list writer and there are a lot of things I learned and have corrected on the lists I am currently revamping. Basically, I compiled all the lists and didn't document any sources, so I am being more thorough and rechecking and documenting the sources to insure that we post legitimate and correct data for you the fans. I am not saying our current lists are false, they are just raw and unpolished.

With that said...

there are quite a few sites out there that have lists and no real back-up or photo references, so you have to take them at their word. I would be a traitor if I directed you, so I invite you to search for yourself and see what you can dig up. I also invite anyone to submit any errors they have with visual proof to me and help us continue to update and keep our lists fresh and unique. I recently (yesterday) had a person email me 850+ verifyable variations and errors from all Star Wars releases. These are from his personal collection and can all be verified with visual proof. I've been scouring the galaxy for good guys like him. He is letting us use any we have on our lists as an act of charity and to share his love and passion for the variation/error collectible. I will reveal his name as soon as I have gone through them and added them. It is a major pot of gold I have been long awaiting!

As far as prototypes or test run figures go versus the miscarded figure...

I would say that it is a little more well known if a prototype/test run carded figure exists because they create a few more than the average error usually will have. I'll see if I can dig up the major test run/prototype figures from POTF2 and post them soon!

Power of the Force 2 / Re: Luke Skywalker Transition Tray.
« on: April 5, 2003, 02:55 AM »
I can't really verify whether they were more 'common' in the Sam's 3-Packs or not. They just aren't all that 'common' period. The one's that I have seen are regular carded and red/orange more often. The Darth Vader micro appears again with the Freeze Frame figure too. The micro saber can be found (rarely) carded with all the saber wielding dudes on red/orange cards except the 'jedi' Luke figure (which can be found with one on a green card). They pop up on most saber wielding fellas on green card too from time to time. The only other micro saber in POTF2 I've heard of is the Obi-Wan Freeze frame. Definitely a nice grab DSJ!

Feedback / Re: jerkytoys Trading Feedback
« on: April 4, 2003, 06:05 PM »
I recently traded with jerkytoys as well. The package he sent me was lost in the mail somehow. He went out of his way to get all the figures we had agreed upon together a second time and sent them to me. He was excellent with his prompt responses, patient (and a good sport, I mean he lost 6 good figures!) and his goods arrived as promised and in great shape! It was a long and tough trade, but it all worked out and he is definitely honest, trustworthy and a very good trader! Do not hesitate to trade with him if you get the opportunity. He has some very rare and nice items and is very fair. It's all good with Bgrison. Thanks again Brian! I'll get with you soon about our next one...

Power of the Force 2 / Re: POTF2 Variants/Errors
« on: April 2, 2003, 11:46 AM »
The 'SOTE' pose Vader is a variation of a Collection 3 Darth Vader. It has the same Asst. # 69802 and that number is specific to the figure. While there are many things that make it different than any other Darth Vader released on a green card, it is still a variation and not classified as a different figure.

There are plenty of R5-D4 variations. The latch and also the warning (none, sticker and printed) make for some interesting combinations.

The packaging variations really do not come into play for the collector that 'opens' and displays their collection without the cards and bubbles. I do understand having the difficult challenge of trying to have one of each figure and the variations if they are directly associated with the actual figure. I am working on finishing up my 'POTF2 Red/Orange Carded Collection' and all the open and closed hands, sabers, etc... are giving me a run for the money. It does make it more gratifying to find a figure you need and at a price that is within reason. Good luck and good posts!

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