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Messages - CHEWIE

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The Bullpen / Re: The Amazing Spider-Man: The Toys
« on: May 26, 2012, 12:19 AM »
I've seen probably over 100 of the new Spider Man figures this week... about a dozen combined of Green Goblin and Doc Octopus... none of that Lizard though.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: May 25, 2012, 01:38 PM »
Picked up Zartan today... now I wish I had bought a HISS tank yesterday.  Ah, oh well.

I'm guessing we'll see a sprinkle of figures at Wal-Mart and Target next week, but a month from now, all that will be left will be the motorcycles at most places and maybe some of the $14.99 vehicle repaints.


The Bullpen / Re: The Amazing Spider-Man: The Toys
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:20 AM »
Wal-Marts in my area put these out about a week ago... they don't seem to be moving.  They are $7.47 there.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: May 25, 2012, 12:19 AM »
I think these toys are out already.  I could swear I saw an adult with a case of them standing in line at Target.  He was digging through the box and inspecting each one...

Maybe we'll find some SW stuff now.

They are, I got quite a few of them today at TRU.

I'd still like to see this hit retail... but for about $19.99.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:17 PM »
Yeah, the cycles are a joke.  Those type of toys are always destined for clearance.

As for the packaging, it's not the best but with how the toys are situated at TRU, it stands out.  The whole aisle seems kind of dark, then right in the Joe section, everything is a bright color.  It may not look pretty, but it was impossible for me to miss.  But the aisle space isn't that big at all - less than for ROC.

...this whole thing really is freaking weird though.  I can't imagine what their marketing plan is for this moving forward.  It seems like there isn't a huge onslaught of new product for the movie line launch, which has to be a good thing, especially now.  Unless of course, Wave 1 is massively overproduced.

I wonder what they are going to do, will they continue to ship things all year for the movie?  Will they halt things after this initial shipment?  Will there be a rush to get more of the 30th anniversary stuff out instead (Zombie Vipers, Airtight, Storm Shadow, etc.)?  Will the Hub push the cartoons more?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Movie
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:58 PM »
The TRU by my work put out their movie Joe stuff today.  Bought some cool stuff for my son, but this movie delay just sucks. 

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: May 24, 2012, 01:56 PM »
I swung by three stores on my lunch break today, Wal-Mart and Target didn't have anything out, but TRU had put out two cases of new Joe movie figures, a ton of the little motorcycle things, and some vehicles and battle packs.  I didn't think this stuff was supposed to be out until May 28 but I guess I was wrong.

I bought the following:

- 1 x Cobra Commander (black) - $9.99 each
- 2 x Joe Trooper (blue cloak) - $9.99 each
- 1 x  Roadblock battle pack (Roadblock, Kamakura, Beachhead) - $19.99 each

Almost bought Duke, but the face looked really bad.  I guess we have so many ROC heads, we could just swap one of those... also of note, the Joe Trooper's heads are swappable with their helmet, which is what Hasbro should do with clone troopers!

Those are all for my son's birthday on Sunday... I'm sure he's going to love these, just wish they had some Cobra Troopers... someome had already beat me to those. 

The blue Cobra Hiss looked kind of neat, but he's got several of the older 25th anniversary ones and one of the big maroon one already.

So, I'm in a little better mood now.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: May 24, 2012, 12:04 PM »
This feels like a kick in the stomach, an uppercut to the shin, then a wet crap in the face.

I was so looking forward to seeing this movie this summer, and my little boy can't wait.  I think this goes to show more than anything, someone wasn't happy with how the film was turning out and it looks like an act of desperation to convert to 3D to try and get kids interested in it.  At least that's what it looks like on the surface.  It looks like the movie is going to suck and they're scrambling for a way to save it.

I can't see any possible way that Hasbro is happy about this, unless they also agree that the movie just isn't all that good... I mean, really... the previews have looked cool, but not to the point where I'm blown away.  I was hoping for some more classic designs - maybe they'll take advantage of this and find a way to squeeze in some classic looking Cobra Troopers into a scene or two, etc.  I don't know.  But I'm pissed off either way.

If there aren't new figures to get, I'll be equally pissed.  And that's mostly because my son is so excited for this stuff.  His birthday is this Sunday, and we've gotten him very little so he could instead get figures at TRU next week.

Isn't the new Joe stuff supposed to be out next week?  I'll be concentrating on that.

I can't believe it's taken Target this long to have a decent sale on this stuff.  All the ones in my area are down to a handful of TPM and Utapaua clones as far as vintage goes.  Movie Heroes/CW is another story - the first wave is literally falling off the pegs and you can even see dust on top of the plastic bubbles.

I like this. I agree with Jesse - I wouldn't be surprised if Target was getting a new Speeder Bike in a Vintage box just like they got the Tauntaun and Landspeeder.

If they do, it better not be $25 unless it comes with a ball joint hip Scout Trooper...

That's cool about the BOGOHO, but you gotta have the coupon.  I had no idea this was going on today, bought some new Wave 3 figures too... lol

That was a great review, well done Pete!

I can't imagine the headache I might feel trying to track all the different droids to be made, if I was there, I'd probably make a handful of droids, and then slam a beer for each one.

Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: May 14, 2012, 03:42 PM »
I think the Duke is my favorite - I'd like to get a few of those for head swaps too.  Looks like a generic Joe grunt.

I'm guessing Big Lots will have these soon.

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