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Messages - CloneF13Y35

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: July 10, 2005, 02:27 PM »
As mentioned before, I'd like to see evolutions sets of c-3p0 from ep1, ep2 then the finished polished gold version with removable arm/legs/ plus they need more articulation since 3p0  is rather flexible in the movies.
I'd also like an Obi-wan set, from ep1 padawan, either ep2 or 3 then old obi-wan. He could almost be a '5' version to capture padawan, ep2/3, old ben and spirit.
Then I think a Jango/Boba fett set would be cool. Have SA added, removable helmet, different backpacks.
But that's just my thoughts.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro at San Diego Comic-Con 2005
« on: July 8, 2005, 04:09 PM »
I can understand that hasbro can't make everything that everybody wants becasue it won't sell. I see many things I'm not interested in buying. But when the majority of the buyers ask for the same things over and over again, I can't understand why they ignore that. If so many people ask for an electronic mace windu or palpatine lightsaber, why can't they get it that the buying public WANTS it and WILL buy it? When the public clamors for specific characters with decent articulation/accessories etc then they turn around and make something no one wants, where is the logic in that?

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro at San Diego Comic-Con 2005
« on: July 7, 2005, 03:04 PM »
I really want a movie accurate mace windu elec lightsaber and a darth sidious lightsaber too.
I'd like more of the secondary characters made like ep2/3 owen and beru.

Other Collectibles / Re: M & M's Collectibles
« on: July 4, 2005, 11:46 PM »
I   found them at wlamart. picked up 3 packs anakin/palpy, vader/stormie and obi1/grevious. cute little things, my kid lovs them, now if I can just find the r2/3p0/amidala set.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 500th commemorative figure... Vader?
« on: June 30, 2005, 03:04 PM »
this is sounding really really cool, I will have to get one ;D

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 500th commemorative figure... Vader?
« on: June 29, 2005, 03:33 PM »
You know what - I know that is done and I know that is just part of collecting. It's sort of like a dirty little secret. It's done, TRU management knows it's done, they know they really can't do much about it, but if the employees are going to do it:

(a) you don't make it obvious

and more importantly

(b) you don't BRAG about being able to do it to customers and claim it is a perk advocated by the company you work for

In retail you just don't do that - you treat the customers with respect, even if you are telling them a lie, you do it with a smile on your face and with a plesant tone so the customer leaves the store happy. You don't infuriate them even more because you have a pre-conceived notion of what type of person I am.

yeah I don't how widely employees buying stuff before customers still goes on but we did it to some extent. our manager didn't let us buy everything, stuff still had to be put out for customers.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 500th commemorative figure... Vader?
« on: June 29, 2005, 12:52 PM »
I usd to work TRU in the late 80s and that's true, we put stuff aside to buy all the time. though back then, there wasn't an 'ebay' to sell stuff one.

Toy Reviews / Re: ARC-170 Fighter
« on: June 27, 2005, 04:25 PM »
got one of these for my son recently and it is a blast! one big fereakig ship too!
it's actually little heavy for my 5 year old but just fine for me  ;)
only thing I don't like is the manual wing flaps you have to open up yourself because the bottum ones pop out :o
but overall, I rank it right up there next to the awesome republic gunship as a favorite big ship.  I recommend it if you got the space.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Can Sith Beat Titanic?
« on: June 25, 2005, 12:50 PM »
there are 3 theaters showing RotS here and they all have different prices, the lowest is $5.50 at night up to $8 at night, so I'm also limited by prices. I've seen 3 times in theaters and only if I get to 1 more time will be before it closes but that's a big fereaking maybe. I'm glad it's done so much, $350 million + is awesome but with other BIG movies out doing very good business - batman, madasgasgar. mr/mrs smith and coming soon WotW, it'sll be hard for sith to make much more. I love movies so I like seeing them.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hasbro at San Diego Comic-Con 2005
« on: June 24, 2005, 03:30 PM »
I'd l ike to see another Padme, in one of her cooler gown outfits; SA 3p0; more clones with color variation - kashyyk, mygeeto; mace windu and palpatine elec lightsabers; the v-wing ship anakin flies to rescue palpy; tantive ship playset with capt colton;

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Separatist Leaders
« on: June 24, 2005, 03:18 PM »
I actually wouldn't mind if they repacked some of these, since I missed out on a lot of the Screen Scene ones.

me too, I would like those in the new mustafar control room scene pack.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
« on: June 23, 2005, 04:35 PM »
It'll probably be $20 unless they pack in an exclusive Plo koon pilot that can actually fit in it.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: RotS Plo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
« on: June 23, 2005, 03:40 PM »
according to RS, target has it as an exclusive item!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Target Exclusive Clone Trooper
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:46 AM »
yeah I was able to win 2 on evilbay  ;)
and I'm selling the 2nd one to a friend who wanted one too. I ended up paying about retail plus s/h so I don't feel bad about it.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: 500th commemorative figure... Vader?
« on: June 23, 2005, 10:44 AM »
I'll probably get it and leave it as a display item. From the looks of the package, you can still use the arm to raise/lower the helmet on vader. yeah I wish they'd made the complete meditation chamber but oh well - they didn't.

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