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Messages - CHEWIE

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Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: May 14, 2012, 02:58 PM »
Hit one Dollar General on Friday and didn't see them.

I'm so glad these are astromechs and not unique looking protocol-esque droids.  Then I'd be in panic mode wanting some.

The problem with the vehicles, is pretty much everything that's been out now for quite a while is a repack or a repaint.  It's just another example of Hasbro's terrible selection choices.  The current vehicles are like super sized versions of the Movie Heroes figures.  Over priced and everyone already has the older versions.  Plus they kind of suck anyway.

Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:52 AM »
No Joe clearances here.

I know it sounds horrible - but at SDCC and CVI this summer, I really hope Team Dimwitz at Hasbro are there and get their assess handed to them by the fans/collectors...

That doesn't sound horrible to me. 

The jet thing that is around $30.00 doesn't seem to be moving in my area, so that doesn't appear to bode well for the Hellicarrier.  Never in my life have I gotten much into super hero stuff though, so I'm just a casual observer.

I think so much of this could and would be better just this year alone already if they did the following:

Vintage Wave 2 - No carry forwards from Wave 1 other than Darth Maul, and the Battle Droid... make the other carry forwards Bastila Shan, Gamorrean Guard, Magna Guard and then fill in two other slots with new figures, or something good that was previously in demand.

Movie Heroes Wave 1 - Back to the drawing board.  Maybe see THIS thread.  And when Battle Droids are in an assortment, put two in each package.

Clone Wars Wave 1 - Back to the drawing board here too, replace Plo Koon with Darth Sidious for starters.

It really is amazing how poorly they decide on case assortments/wave ratios.  I really think that kills distribution down the pipeline... and they need to start limiting the first wave's production of a new line some.  Stores order so much of the first stuff then they don't want to order subsequent waves.  Hasbro should know this by now. 

Price is certainly a factor as we all talk about it here a lot, and parents surely are influenced by it as well.  Not too long ago, you could spend $20 and get 4 new figures, or even a battle pack with 5 figures in it.  Now you get two figures for that price, or a battle pack full of pegwarmers with 3 figures in it.  And as a parent, that influences me on what I splurge on for my son; who is obsessed with GI JOE.  But hey, we can't even find new figures anyway these days. 

I think a lot of the blame for seeing pegs full of pegwarmers really has to fall on Hasbro for poor case assortments, figure selections, etc.  The decision makers seem to have gotten very lazy or just gotten dumber.  They seem to have reacted poorly to the rising costs of manufacturing the figures.  They should be putting their best foot forward in these tougher economic times and fighting for our dollars, not curling up into a fetal position by packing Movie Heroes with figures that were lame 10 years ago, carrying forward the same Obi Wan and Qui Gon over and over, being too lazy to make a new helmet for ROTS clones, etc.

It's not like Star Wars is a failure though, year in and year out reports are that it's the number one seller.  But it could be better, one would think, if they tried harder.  They seem to be relying on the popular brand name to get them through a lot of their own manufactured issues.

I sure hope so Nicklab!  We need a summer reset desperately... most Wal-Marts in my neck of the woods could easily add 1-3 cases of vintage, and even a case or so of Movie Heroes/Clone Wars.  Same goes for TRU.  I just hope when it happens, it's with new stuff. 

Target isn't even on my radar anymore until Joe stuff starts showing up.  This is the worst year for Star Wars there that I can remember.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's customs updated 03.30.2012
« on: April 30, 2012, 05:50 PM »
Here's some more stuff.

Jedi Master Rilo - Just a fan fiction guy, had the parts to I figured I'd make something with them.

head - Vintage Endor Rebel
rest - Evolutions Qui Gon Jinn

Jedi Master Nons Hoja - Another Jedi for the heck of it.

head - POTF2 Greedo
hands - Clone Wars Whorm Loathsom
torso - Evolutions Luke Skywalker
arms - Evolutions Luke Skywalker
legs - Comic Pack Ashared Hett

Zombie Ithorian - I'm having fun with the zombie theme lately, so I wanted to try one of this species.

head - POTF2 Hammerhead
torso - SAGA2 Garindan
biceps - SAGA2 Garindan
forearms - POTF2 Hammerhead
legs - SAGA2 Hammerhead

Zombie Geonosian - I am finding some interest in the CW Geonosians, and realized it's the head sculpts I like on them.  So I bought one to try this out.

head - Clone Wars Geonosian Zombie
rest - SAGA2 Sun Fac

Zombie Imperial Office (male) - Had to give this a shot!

head - BBI figure
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
torso - Legacy Captain Needa
arms - Legacy Captain Needa
hands - Legacy Emperor Palpatine
legs - TAC Death Star Trooper

Zombie Imperial Office (female) - Another zombie... women can be undead too - I think I've met some in real life!

head - Comic Pack Lumiya
guts/ribs - POTJ Amanaman corpse
rest - Comic Pack Deena Shan

Death Troopers - I posted these a couple months ago, but for those that havne't seen them, here they are as they go with the zombie theme.

heads - Palptine figures
helmets - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
bodies - Legacy ANH Spacetrooper
* One figure uses shins from a ROTS Clone Trooper, I just decided to try it for variety

And for fun... more pics of the zombies in photonovel type images... since I took these, I glossed up the blood so they look more "wet" like they should:

Random Spacer - I know the parts don't go that well together, but I figured this guy can just look like an oddball background guy.

helmet - POTJ BoShek
armor - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner
torso - TAC Luke Skywalker
arms - Legacy Captain Typho
gloves - Legacy Captain Typho
tunic - TAC Luke Skywalker
legs - Comic Pack Bothan

Sauron Assassin - If I make another photonovel series, he might show up as a Badoo Corba terrorist.

head - Legacy Sauron
torso - Vintage Woof
arms - Vintage Woof
hands - Legacy Sauron
tunic - TAC Elis Helrot
legs - Legacy Sauron

Lady of the Night - This is a commission for another forum member.  I believe he's going to swap out the head for a more attractive one for a photonovel he's making.

everything - Comic Pack Camie

Krelos - Some sort of spacer or traveler, I don't know.  Just a background guy I guess.

head - Clone Wars Embo
helmet - Evolutions Rebel Pilot
torso - Legacy Utai
arms - Legacy Utai
legs - Legacy Dresselian Rebel

Multo Worker Droids - I just felt like making soem big/strong droids...

head - Hellboy 2 figure
shoulder conductors - Destroyer Droid cannon tips
rest - Legacy Spacetrooper

Freelo - One of the main characters from The Enloe Chronicles.  This would be Freelo several years after the end of the Clone Wars.

head - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
torso - Comic Pack Bothan
arms - Comic Pack Bothan
hands - Legacy Mon Calamari Warrior
legs - Legacy Captain Typho

Kala Mly Shundi - Another primary character from The Enloe Chronicles.  Kala struggled with turning to the Dark Side in the series... should it return, this is a likely outfit for him.

head - SAGA Jedi Youngling
hood - TVC Darth Sidious
torso - TVC Mace Windu
arms - TVS Darth Siduous
hands - TVC Darth Sidious
thighs - TVC Mace Windu
shins - Evolutions Darth Maul
cloak - Evolutions Darth Nihilus

Teltuu Stabo - This Jedi survived Order 66, and if I pick up the series again, he'll look something like this.

head - POTJ Ellors Madak
torso - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
arms - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
hands - ROTS Polis Masan
tunic - Target Geonosis Rodian Jedi
legs - Evolutions Darth Maul
cloak - Evolutions Darth Nihilus

Rykrof Enloe - The hero of the series... yes, a lightsaber - that would be explained should the series continue.

head - SAGA Endor Rebel
torso - TVC Endor Rebel
arms - TVC Endor Rebel
gloves - TVC Endor Rebel
holster - McQuarrie Luke
legs - Prince of Persia figure
armor - SAGA2 Death Star Gunner
helmet - TFU Rebel Trooper

...more soon, as I have quite a few other customs to show here.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 30, 2012, 10:39 AM »
There are three Vintage Stock stores in my general area... one is close, the others are about 45-60 minutes away.  When Borders closed down, some of those vacant spots were taken over by Vintage Stock.  So the stores are huge.

The one that is close really doesn't have much Joe stuff at all, but has more Star Wars. 

The second store, where I got these, has a really nice selection of Joes, and decent on Star Wars. 

I haven't been to the third store yet, but am going to try and hit it sometime in the next week or so.  It's really out of the way though.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 29, 2012, 01:59 AM »

^ That's the pic of what I saw there at the store.  Vintage Stock stores tend to carry mostly movies, CDs, books... and a pretty cool selection of 80s-present toys.  Most loose stuff, but some carded stuff too.  And once in a while they'll get in a case or two of new figures of Star Wars or GI JOE.

I wanted to get the Roadblock set, but since my JOE fun is pretty much 100% for my son now, I just got the Ninja set because that's what he picked out.  If I was by myself, I would have gotten the other set and given him that.  He'll get that set I suppose for his birthday and most of the basic figures.

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 28, 2012, 04:04 PM »
Went by a store today called Vintage Stock in St. Louis (Chesterfield Mall) as I heard a tip that they had some of the new movie figures.

What I saw:

Basic Figures ($9.99)
- Snake Eyes  x 1
- Storm Shadow x 1

Deluxe Motorcycles ($14.99)
- Snake Eyes x 6
- Firefly x 6

Battle Packs ($19.99)
- Cobra Ninja, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow x 2
- Kamukara, Roadblock, Beachhead x 2

Vehicles ($24.99)
- AWE Striker (Snake Eyes) x 2

I picked up the Cobra Ninja set for my son, that's what he wanted.  I'll upload a couple pics when I get a chance. But overall, I thought these looked really cool.  And if standard retail can keep the prices on the basic figures down, this line could be a real hit.  The deluxes were lame though in my opinion and are destined for clearance.

Middle Earth / Re: The Hobbit - Toy Line
« on: April 27, 2012, 05:45 PM »
I am intrigued to see the 3 3/4 scale. If it looks good i hope we get all the movies done in that scale.


And Hasbro needs the competition, in my opinion, to step up their game. 

Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:21 PM »
On the other hand, I just reminded myself of the wave 3 case assortment for the Avengers line - 3 hulks and 3 Iron Man figs...
I won't say that having a bunch of IM and Hulks is a bad idea yet, depending on the success of the movie.  While we see failure in not being able to get a particular figure, I am sure a bigger failure would be a child not being able to get a core character, like IM, and passing on the line entirely.  Pegs full of Loki and aliens and Nick Fury don't help anyone.

That said, I do not disagree that Hasbro has botched this stuff over and over.

I think it's a mistake to keep pounding Iron Man over and over considering I can go into any retailer and still find a ton of Iron Man 2 figures, all of Iron Man in the same basic armor... why not a Tony Stark figure without the armor?  Or some of Loki's guards?  It's just too much of same characters over and over with the super hero movie lines.

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