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Messages - efranks

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Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 27, 2012, 12:43 PM »
I'm not calling the Avengers line a failure yet, as I said over in the Marvel boards, they seem to be selling here so far.  But I'll hold judgement until we actually see stuff beyond wave 1 at retail.  I agree that they need to have Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Cap out there for people, but if we don't see the bad guys (beyond Loki) or the expanded team (Widow, Hawkeye, Fury, etc) at retail then it'll be a problem.

I agree with Chewie, there were a lot of good figures in the RoC line, but the first two waves were so overstocked that I had a really hard time finding a lot of the later waves.  And there was so much stuff cancelled or shuffled off to Ross stores it's amazing Hasbro actually continued on with producing the Pursuit of Cobra and 30th Anniversary stuff (which had it's own problems with distribution).

I really have no idea what to expect from the Retaliation line.  I know I don't like the card art at all but have no clue if that will actually impact sales.  I also don't know what the case packs look like beyond wave 1 but you know they're gonna hammer us with Roadblock and Snake Eyes figures.  At least Storm Shadow looks better than the (mostly) losers we got for RoC (which can STILL be found at TJ Maxx).

After seeing that new trailer I'm pretty much convinced that (spoiler) Walt Goggins (/spoiler) will be the new Commander.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:45 AM »
The Crimson Guard and Night Viper were shown at Toy Fair and are scheduled for wave 5, I think...maybe W4.  But if the Retaliation line runs anything like the RoC line, we will never see anything past wave 2 anyway.  So I wouldn't count on ever seeing them at retail on Retaliation cards...but if you do, Surprise!

I have 0 faith in Hasbro's ability to execute a line of movie toys now.  Phantom Menace 3D, fail.  Captain America, fail. Thor, fail.  Transformers 3, fail.  Iron Man 2, fail. Rise of Cobra, fail.  Indiana Jones, fail.

I think the last sucessful movie lines for Hasbro were Transformers 1 and maybe 2 and the first Iron Man.  TF and IM were happy accidents where retail was actually kind of starved for toys that later was filled and TF2 had moderate success because they were more prepared.  But, by the time TF 2 and 3 came around it was more like the Optimus and Bumblebee show and that kind of hurt them IMO.


Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Convention 2012
« on: April 27, 2012, 02:33 AM »
I don't think that's General Lando's holster.  His goes under the left arm with the strap and this one goes over.  It's very similar, though.

I'm looking at that and it seems like I recognize it, but I'm drawing a blank on where it came from.  I was thinking Hawk or Recondo, but a quick check of YoJoe shows it's not them.  It could be new but the site doesn't mention it. 

It is a new head and hat, though.  I agree that the head sculpt isn't really the Brekhov that I remember from the old Marvel comics, but didn't he show up in the Image/DDP comics?  I forget, I haven't read that whole run yet.


The Bullpen / Re: The Avengers: The Toys
« on: April 25, 2012, 12:55 PM »
I've only seen the concept figures at Walmart.  The local store sold through the first stock of it and I just saw more the other day, including concept Hawkeye.

Target and Walmart both sold through most of the first stocking of Avengers 3.75" toys and may have moved a few vehicles, specifically the Quinjet, but the 12" figures and most of the deluxe doesn't seem to be going anywhere.  I think some of the role play stuff has sold also.

I don't know if it's going to be a bust or not or what Hasbro considers a sucess or failure, but for me, it'll be a failure if we never see Widow, movie Hawkeye, Fury or Loki's army at retail.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: April 23, 2012, 02:36 PM »
I went to a marathon of all three Lord of the Rings movies at a theater in Geneva, NY.  They showed the theater cut not the director's cut, but they made it an event with food, costume contest and some vendors in the lobby.  It was a long day but it was fun.  I don't know if I could do 6 films though, especially in a sold out theater where you're packed in with that many people.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 19, 2012, 07:41 PM »
He announced his "firing" a few weeks ago but on Twitter they were talking about working on the book, although exactly what they were doing wasn't specified at the time, a few weeks before that.  So I don't know when he started working on it.

It's all just guess work.


Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Convention 2012
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:57 PM »
The Club revealed the Daina Oktober Guard figure today.  Looks really good IMO.  I'm thinking I'll probably buy this set this year.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:55 PM »
He's mentioned special projects two different times on Facebook that I know of.  One turned out to be Sansweet's upcomming book The Ultimate Action Figure Collection.  I wonder if he worked on that, taking photos, and didn't get "permission" from RS?  Some type of non-compete clause he broke or something?  Maybe they were just pissed that RS wouldn't be the only venue for Curto's photos?

Maybe it's this other project he's mentioned?  I guess we'll have to wait for some type of announcement from him.  I'd be hard pressed to think that he wouldn't at least end up on staff of another website.  He's close with James that runs the UK Jedi News site...don't have to actually be in the UK to do photo archives or post news.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 19, 2012, 03:33 PM »
It's pretty much who I thought it would be but the way he worded his PM to Shmash was very disingenuous and almost sounds bitter.  I didn't expect that, but it's par for the course for who wrote it.

They've always had a policy on signatures over there but if it's not derogatory and doesn't contain links to competing sites, I thought they usually left it alone.  Now I really want to know more of the backstory of why they parted ways with Dan.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:31 PM »
Okay, I think I want to see that PM also.  Hit me up, if you don't mind, Shmash.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:20 AM »
Joe K works for CVS, Jesse.  It's just such a big company around here I guess I just assumed it was a nation wide chain.

That Retaliation set from Amazon could actually be an excellent buy if, as you said II, the figures are movie accurate.  Especially if, in the case of Roadblock, he doesn't have that terrible Battle Kata hand like the wave 1 does.

Battle Kata...every time I read that I can't stop thinking about that terrible Christian Bale movie, Equilibrium, and it's "gun kata." I wan the Rock, as Roadblock, after having battle kataed his way out of a room full of Cobra soldiers to throw the People's Eyebrow at the camera and yell "Gun fu for the win!" and then carry on as if nothing happened.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:06 AM »
I guess they didn't like the truth staring them in the face.  Like it or not, to other collectors, Curto was the face of the organization and had been for several years.  Wise is very separated from the site, I haven't seen him post in the forums in years unless he's in the prop forum somewhere that I don't read.  Their admins and higher profile forum mods are dropping, Dustin is MIA and that pretty much leaves Myatt on the news. 

They haven't really broken any collecting news lately other than the Disney stuff, and a lot of it seems like it's crowd sourced.  Eh.  Whatever.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 18, 2012, 07:27 PM »
I thought CVS was a national chain?  Do they not have them where Sprry lives?  Sorry, I would have explained but I thought everyone knew wat CVS was.

Anyway, we used to have a Tuesday Morning here. I'd heard about them for a few years and then one opened, litterally, in back of my apartment.  They were definitley hit and miss, but they had some incredible deals on 12" GI Joe figures back when the 40th Anniversary stuff was getting clearanced.  I also found a bunch of hard to find Titanium Deluxe ships there, including the Battlestar Galactica ship that was a bitch to find.  They didn't last a real long time here and by the time they closed they'd really gone down hill as far as turning out anything interesting.  I did hear them mentioned again recently in relation to Joe or SW, I think, but I don't remember if that was here or another board.

On the Retaliation side, looks like General's Joes has some more info on the Amazon Retaliation preview pack also.  That set is a mixed bag also.  Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, Roadblock and CC...but if the preview picture is any indication, it may be where that black Commander fig goes that we saw sell on eBay for $200.


Joe Defender / Re: 30th Anniversary Line
« on: April 18, 2012, 07:20 PM »
I might actually order one of these.  The Ninja Viper would be cool and I passed on Duke but have been thining about going back and getting him.  Although, I have SE and SS but I'm thinking I probably wouldn't have any trouble trading at least SS.


Joe Defender / Re: GI Joe Retaliation - The Toys!
« on: April 18, 2012, 11:25 AM »
I think Family Dollar was the store that had the 25th figures for cheap at the tail end of that run.  They may have had some of the VvV stuff also, but I found that mostly at CVS for the first two waves and then I think Dollar General had wave 3 and the two 12" figures (Mindbender and Bazooka) but I'd have to double-check.

I think Family Dollar might be a good bet this time around since they did the 25th figures. 

I agree on Five Below.  We just got a couple around here in the last few years but they do have some interesting stuff.  Including 25th Joes and those $5 Attack of the Clones wave figures recently.

I wish we had Ross seeing as they had such a large amount of cancelled Joe figures.  TJ Maxx has been okay, but Ross made out better IMO.


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