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Messages - efranks

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Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Renegades - Cartoon Series
« on: April 5, 2012, 11:19 PM »
And I think that was a huge misstep by Hasbro.  I read several of the GI Joe news sites and I was at the 2010 GI Joe Con where they were talking about the show, but otherwise, I didn't see any advertising about it either until the figures came out.

I know Hasbro was trying to kick off their new network and a great way to do that is leverage all your top properties, but when your network isn't really available in that many households you're gonna have a problem.


How about a guy that's on a wireless headset, pacing back and forth, IN MY CUBE! 

He sometimes paces from his desk to the aisle and back and other times he paces behind me and my other co-worker.  The three of us share a big cube.  It's not only anoying as **** that I have to listen to him on the phone and that he's walking around, but I also hate it when people stand behind me period.  That makes it twice as much of a pain in the ass.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: April 1, 2012, 04:12 AM »
According to a Twitter update today, Curto appears to be completely unemployed.  But no, he hasn't worked for RS for a couple of years now.  I don't know if they paid the bills on any of his trips, like to TF or not, but he wasn't on the regular payroll as far as I know. And honestly, would you really sign a no compete contract to work for a hobby website?  There aren't any trade secrets in reporting news.

I could see, maybe, a nondisclosure agreement with Hasbro because he's sometimes been in the know on some stuff, but what's he going to take if he left RS for here, for example?  I could see a contract where any work he produced for RS was property of RS, so he wouldn't be able to take his photo archive pics somewhere else, but not being able to just go and create new work or post new news?  I don't know, maybe some people are paranoid enough to think that way...still, these websites aren't what I'd call big business.

The photo archives over there....way behind, and have been.  And now, they're suspiciously Canadian in flavor.  Plus they're not linked back to the checklists anymore.  I don't even know how to actually get into the Movie Heroes photo archive, I haven't found a direct link to it from any of the menus or other sections.  I guess you have to wait for a new update?  Or track down the old one?  Whatever.  Place is falling apart over there.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Disney Star Wars Land
« on: March 30, 2012, 04:13 PM »
Reminds me of the artwork Tom Hodges did for CV where he laid out a whole SW themed amusement park.  I'd pay to go that park.

There are a bunch of things that would make a good coaster or 3D event.  Pod Racing, flight through the asteroids, Snowspeeders on Hoth, trench run, speederbikes, AOTC chase over Coruscant, Obi's chase on Utapau...I think some of these were/are in Star Tours, aren't they?


Joe Defender / Re: Question Regarding Action Man/Z Force
« on: March 28, 2012, 11:58 PM »
I'd be up for that Jesse.  I've seen a few lots of incomplete, loose figures but never bid because there was stuff in there I wasn't interested in and didn't want to foot the whole bill on my own.

I haven't looked lately to know what's been showing up.  If you have a list of stuff you're interested in, post it here and I'll do the same.  Make it easier to keep an eye on eBay if we know what to look for.


Joe Defender / Re: Question Regarding Action Man/Z Force
« on: March 28, 2012, 02:50 PM »
There are some really excellent figures in the UK line prior to them basically becoming just a copy of what we had over here in the Joe line.

They come up on eBay quite often but usually you'll have to pay to get them from the UK, I don't recall seeing too many auctions for the 3.75" stuff from the US. 

I only have one figure from the line but there are a couple more I'd like to get.  The quality on the earlier figures might not be up to Joe standards, they're closer in relation to vintage SW figures with 5PoA, but they're still fun.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Harry Potter
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:47 AM »
That's awesome that your boys got picked for the wand ceremony.  It looks like the place was packed...that's about how it looked when I was there.  I guess the "newness" hasn't worn off yet.

The day I was there it rained and I think that contributed to our much shorter wait to go through the castle.  We were in line maybe an hour before we got inside, but only about a half hour before we were under cover of the attraction, which wasn't bad, but 2 hours would have sucked.

I still think it looks odd with the snow on the buildings but everyone running around in shorts, and knowing it was probably 80.

I'm looking forward to going again this August, as much or more than CVI at this point.


Other Toy Lines / Re: Dream Toylines
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:38 AM »
I'd like to see a really well done 3.75 inch DC line...

Maybe Back to the Future and Jurassic Park too. I'd KILL for a 3.75 inch Ian Malcolm to go along with some Indiana Jones figures.

There were some Jurassic Park figures based on GI Joe scultps for a proposed line for, I believe, Toys-R-Us, that didn't really go anywhere.  There have been some protos and finished figures showing up on eBay for the last few months.  There were a couple of AWE Striker repaints also.  I picked one of the figures up.  You may have seen it, shoulder and face tattoo with green web gear?  It's a pretty cool figure.

There are a couple versions of a BTTF Delorean in 1:18 scale out that are pretty cool.  Too bad they didn't do figures to go with it.


Joe Defender / Re: Sales, Discounts, & Stuff
« on: March 28, 2012, 12:06 AM »
My Target upped the price to $10.99 a week or so ago.  I see that the shelf tag is still $10.99 and on my receipt it said the figure I bought yesterday was $7.99 marked down from $10.99.  But the sale tag on the peg says on sale, down from $8.99.

Sounds like a case of the sale tags being printed prior to the price increase.  Still have no idea why Target bumped the price $2 when all they had were a handful of wave 4 peg warmers like Tunnel Rat, Scarlett and Ripcord.

On the plus side, I walked into Target on Sunday and smack into the middle of a case 3 restock.  Score one Storm Shadow!!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 23, 2012, 03:21 AM »
The Hunger Games.  Yep.  It's really good. 


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Official Movie Thread
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:58 PM »
Yeah, I'm sorry, but comparing The Hunger Games to Twilight is like comparing a McDonald's hamburger to a Kobe beef steak.

The only thing they have in common is they're books about a teenage girl.


Joe Defender / Re: Look at what I just got or have thread
« on: March 21, 2012, 08:48 PM »
I never really understood why Target dropped the Bravo vehicles.  After RoC, my store had Alphas and the Mechs, but never carried Bravo.  I know some Walmart stores carried Bravo, mine did for maybe the first wave, but then dropped all Joe vehicles.  I've recently seen some Bravo vehicles at Walmart again, but I don't think they carried the Sky Striker but Target did.
I'm wishing now I'd gone ahead and bought one of the early brown HISS Tanks but I was holding out for black and I only ever saw that once and didn't buy (kicking myself).  I'm happy to have the Crimson version, though, because it looks like they're cutting back on the new movie HISS Tank, dropping the rubber treads and going back to wheels.
One thing that baffles me is that after RoC, stores really dumped GI Joe from their shelves and it's been harder than hell to find stuff or the last 2 years but they don't seem to have the same problems with other lines that don't sell.  Even with the huge amount of unsold product, how long did Target dedicate decent shelf space to Iron Man 2?  How about Walmart, which, while carrying that, completely removed Joe from a lot of its stores?  At least Joe was moving forward with new product, the IM stuff was stagnant for all of 2011 and really never got beyond the first 2, maybe 3 waves back in 2010 before it gridlocked.
It feels like Hasbro gave up on Joe for the last 2 years.  Even though the figures, for the most part, were decent and I'm sure they sold some stock, it's like Hasbro was deflated that RoC wasn't a huge hit and an instant sellout of all toys and they just gave up.  Even though the PoC line has some of the best GI Joe action figures ever, it's like they, as a company, couldn't be bothered to try and sell it to retail.  You could see that the Joe team still had love for the line, but somewhere up the chain of command they just abandoned all hope.
The crappy part is that with the market today, if you look at the Retaliation line, it really is a lesser line than RoC/Poc/30th/Renegades.  Articulation is missing, sculpted in accessories for the Battle Kata figures, most of the vehicles are repaints...  And now, I just got home from Target where they bumped the price of Joe figures to $10.99.

They just pulled the Vintage Collection figures back a $1 to $8.99 and then raised Joe $2?  They're out of their damned mind.  If this is a primer for the Retaliation figures, they can count me out.  There's not enough I like in that new line to get me to pay that kind of money.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 19, 2012, 10:04 AM »
I didn't quite catch the helicopter thing in the beginning - even on the talking dead they didn't say that was from the pilot.  I dunno.  I thought the chopter lured all the walkers to the farm - why were they all hell bent on getting there to begin with - just the gunshot derailed them?

I didn't quite get the timeline of the helicopter either but if it was in the pilot then the course of events seems to be that it caught the attention of the walkers which started following it.  Once in motion, they just kept going.  They were joined by a second group (that we saw, probably by more) which really increased the ranks and they kept on mostly in a straight line out of Atlanta.  They happened to be near the farm and heard Carl's gunshot and that turned them in that direction.

It shows that they really are a herd, basically.  Mindlessly set in motion by something that, to them, signaled live humans for them to eat.  But once on the move, they didn't really deviate until something else stimulated them into thinking "food."


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Walking Dead
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:38 AM »
The shifts in emotions seem to be very drastic, which aggravates me.

Well, they are women. (ducks and runs away)

You have some valid points and now, the next morning, I see where you're coming from and think I agree with you.  At least on Carol. 

I still think Lori is a complete pain in the ass.  I agree with McMetal; Lori as much as told Rick that Shane had to go then mindfucks Shane by mentioning that she's confused and not 100% sure who the father of the baby is, giving him some glimmer of hope and basically putting him on a collision course with Rick.  One had to die, she was going to be one of the main reasons for that, and now she's pissed because it happened.

On the topic of the walkers that Michonne had, in the article annoucing the casting for the actress it mentions that the walkers were "armless and jawless."  Makes sense.  If they can't grab you and cant gnaw on you, not quite as dangerous.  The look was too quick last night for me to register anything besides that they were chained up and armless, and I don't have hi def so even if I paused it I don't know if I could have seen the jaws (or lack of).


Joe Defender / Re: Look at what I just got or have thread
« on: March 19, 2012, 12:23 AM »
I think I saw a guy on eBay selling a lot of Horsemen figures.  Not Tung but one of the guys that has similar stock.

I ordered a HISS from and got the Crimson version. They pictured the black release, and that was what I was hoping for, but the Crimson version is still pretty cool.  I'm wishing now that I'd picked up the black release back around Christmas when I saw it at TRU.  But they wanted $30 for it and I didn't want to pony up.


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