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Messages - McMetal

Pages: 1 ... 276 277 278 279 280 [281] 282 283 284 285 286 ... 460
The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:33 PM »
End of year clearances have begun! Picked up a Walmart 8-pack for $12.50 and a darth maul bp for $9.98...good stuff.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Walmart Black Friday 8-Packs
« on: December 26, 2012, 06:31 PM »
Oh man, these hit clearance at my local Walmart for 50% off! Eight figures for $12.50? Sign me up! I picked up one with the camo Arf and Embo...definitely would not mind getting a few more though, $1.56 a figure is too hard to pass up. Some good army building potential there. Good hunting!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TRU Exclusive Kul Teska
« on: December 26, 2012, 10:58 AM »
Damn, they need to take a page from the Deep-Discount practices of Target or Walmart, that's more or less what I paid for my opener a few months ago just using Rewards.

It's a great figure, but they need to get more agressive if they really want to blow these out.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Recent Vintage Collection Purchases
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:56 PM »
Traded Wedge and a spare Gammie to a fellow local collector today for an unpunched MOC Nom Anor. I never saw this guy on the pegs. PSYCHED to have something to open tomorrow now.  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Merry Christmas Everyone!
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:54 PM »
Happy holidays to all...I finally got my Bill Me Later balance down to zero by the end of the year as hoped.  ;D

Tomorrow I look forward to finally opening my spare Y-Wing Scout Bomber...and Nom Anor courtesy of a fellow collector.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A Festivus, for the rest of us!
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:10 AM »
Bring on the feats of strength!


Hall of Justice / Re: Watchmen Black Freighter Club
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:07 AM »
Rorschach set to ship Jan 13th!

Damn...I was thinking of stopping by TRU earlier today and blew it off thinking there was no reason to check. I'd happily pick up the AT-RT and Dropship sets and return them later if/when I can find them cheaper.

I wonder if this is just a random oops or if more of these will start popping up around the country this coming week...

I buy CD's occasionally from Go Hastings on eBay...did not realize they dabbled in toys too, good to know. I only had a problem with 1 item I ordered there and they issued me a prompt refund in full, so no complaints here...

I agree, these look rather silly.

I also think it was stupid of them to stop differentiating between Clone Wars vehicles and Star Wars vehicles. I liked it a lot better when I knew which ships went with which line.

Slap a CW identifier on these things and I would buy all of them. Short of that, I couldn't care less.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Deluxe Figure & Vehicle Line
« on: December 20, 2012, 01:54 PM »
So, as 2012 comes to a close and we look back, we solved the mystery of the missing Walmart DVD 2-packs, and then the mystery of the missing Mandalorian Assault Transports...

but WTF happened to all those Scout Bombers?!?!

These NEVER ended up appearing at any discount outlets that I am aware of, and they had such a limited presence at retail I can't help but wonder if there is a huge pile of them sitting in a warehouse somewhere.

I literally only saw this thing on a shelf once, and that was many months after it came out as part of some random old wave restock at TRU. HTS never seemed to re-stock it after that first batch they got.

I guess it could still show up at some point seeing as how the Freeco Speeder and whatnot is still coming in at Ross and Marshall's, but I'm not holding my breath. Just seems odd, this has to be one of the rarest toys in the line ever.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'The Hobbit' movie
« on: December 19, 2012, 09:21 PM »
That's a good point about the orcs/goblins...the book doesn't seem to make much distinction between the two but I always considered them to be totally separate races. The goblins seem fairly distinct as a species.

What's interesting is you never actually see any goblins in LOTR, whereas you see just about every other creature under the sun Saruman and Sauron can pull together. Either they got decimated after the events of these films, or they just did all their helping offscreen I guess.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'The Hobbit' movie
« on: December 19, 2012, 03:34 PM »
I forgot to mention also - Gollum looked a MILLION times better in this film, IMO. Not nearly as fake or CGI looking as in LOTR, I don't know if that is a by-product of the 3d/HFR or what, but it was probably the best "live creature" CGI I have even seen.

And yeah, he was downright scary down there in his Gollum hole.

LEGO / Re: Lego 2013
« on: December 19, 2012, 03:31 PM »
Spasebo P, awesome picture! That looks swell, what a great action figure that would make!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 'The Hobbit' movie
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:07 AM »
Saw it last night finally in full 48FPS 3D and LOVED it. I think my expectations were tempered pretty well going in, based on some of the comments I have read here, but overall I thought it was terrific. Nothing like the train-wreck that was King Kong.

Yeah, it's long, but it didn't FEEL long to me, it seems to pick up momentum as it goes along. I thought the casting was once again very strong, especially Bilbo and Thorin. They both did a great job with those roles.

The soundtrack and cinematography were outstanding as expected...and once again, the breathtaking landscapes of NZ were in full glory. Damn, that's a beautiful country.

The scenes in the Goblin lair were incredible, just so much going on in there I will definitely need to re-watch those scenes many, many times. I also loved the preamble showing Erebor and the dwarf kingdom in the height of its glory. That was really well done.

I can't say I was crazy about Radagast, I just don't see the need to have inserted him in there, and it seems sort of contrived especially showing up just after Gandalf has explained who he is. Rabbit-sled? Hrmm.

I did enjoy the scenes with Galadriel and Saruman in Rivendell, although none of that stuff happens in the book. I guess they are going to make a more robust sub-arc showing what Gandalf does when he splits apart from the group in the next movie, so they had to set that up somehow.

The songs were mostly Ok I think. "That's What Bilbo Baggins Hates" was comical enough, and the "Under the Mountain" song the dwarves sing right after that was freaking awesome. But the Goblin-song just seemed silly and sort of out of place to me. Kinda wish they would have cut that.

Like the singing, the voice work was the other thing I was most curious to see how they handled. EVERYONE talks in the freaking book, even the Wargs and Eagles. I was glad they kept those two silent in the movie. I wasn't so crazy about the trolls, I always think back to the cave troll in Moria which was just a mindless brute so it was odd to hear them breaking out the Cockney accents. No real way around that one though. The thing that bothered me most was the Goblin King's voice. Just not scary or imposing at all. Guy just comes off as a corpulent clown.

Jackson got way more right with this movie than wrong though, so any complaints I would voice at this point would be pretty minor.

One thing that troubles me though - that very last scene. WHY DOES SMAUG LOOK BLUE?!?! I am REALLY hoping that it just some funky lighting going on because that needs to be one full-on bright RED dragon. :)

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