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Messages - Ryan

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The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Celebration Spectaculer Footage
« on: May 4, 2005, 08:59 PM »
Not counting the time at C3, I've seen this like 15 times now. I'm so ******* excited!!!! This movie is going to be bad ass.

For those of you that don't know, the clipped part is a  shot of Yoda backflipping and decapitating Commander Gree and killing another clone or two.

Where does this music come from? I had overheard someone at C3 saying they thought it was from Van Helsing, but I never saw the moive so I can't be sure. I'll have to go get that soundtrack if it is. :)

Collections / Re: Hemish's Collection
« on: May 4, 2005, 07:01 PM »
Very nice setup!! You have tons of ships, I love it! ;D It looks really cool to see that many together. The shelves look really cool and are organized very nicely.

There have been comments about you needing a bigger house, I wouldn't worry about it. If you run out of room just send what ever doesn't fit over to my house. I can "look after" it for awhile. ;) :P  :D

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Hi! I'm a newb so......
« on: May 4, 2005, 06:34 PM »
Oh one more thing, related to sanding, I always seal My figures when I'm done using Testors Dull cote spray. It eliminates the shine and seals the paint so it woun't chip or rub off as easy. But to be sure it won't rube off or chip you have to make sure you do a good job with prep work and pick a good brand of paint that is flexible and can bend. JesseJames and a few other guys recomend Tamayia, I have tried them myself but I plan on picking some up this summer.

And I editted my answer to the dremmel question. I meant a routing bit not an engraving bit. They are very similar though and both work well.


Anakin and Obi-wan both lose their first fighters after the Battle of Coruscant, Obi's is pretty much destroyed in the battle and Anakin's isn't in much better shape and then both fighters are on the Invisible Hand when it crashes into the Planet.  So they get new ones, Anakin gets his green and white fighter that he takes to Mustafar and Obi gets his blue and white ship that he takes to Utapau. I guess this has pretty much been established in this thread already but I felt the need to say it again.  ::)

I'm down for more colored Jedi Starfighters. I'd like to see Mace;s purple fighter as well. The only thing that sucks is the damn pack ins. What is the point of putting it in there if it doesn't fit?I is just a waste. They could at least pack in a kit bashed figure, like Anakin's ROTS head on an ROTS Anakin body with Jedi council Mace legs, hell the whole JC Mace would be better. I guess we can't expect that since Hasbro seems to be in for the cheap buck, most of the time.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Nemoidian Soldier
« on: May 4, 2005, 04:38 PM »
I'll definitely be getting one. And I would like a small army, around 8-10. If he really is akward with the gun and I don't like him I'll just customize them a bit. :)

Nice. I like the new effects. I never noticed the black astro-droid before, is he new or was he there before?

I like the story a lot, and it is cool to see how much these have improved since they first debuted. I always liked the way it acts like a prequel to TPM, it is a good lead in, and the inclusion of the Techno Union is cool. It is cool to see why they held off and the Clone Wars didn't start 10 years earlier.

I'm looking forward to the next SEs! :)


Don't be jealous, though, SLC. I can pretty much guarantee you have more in your wallet than I do right now.  ;)


Let's see.... $2 in the Wallet, $22.78 in the bank, only one regular SA clone, and only 4 EE clones coming...... Yup I'm jealous. ;) Stupid college, takes all my money. What the heck am I ever going to need scool for. :P ;) 8)

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Hi! I'm a newb so......
« on: May 4, 2005, 03:22 PM »
1.  What's the BEST tape to use for straight lines on figs?  I've tried blue and regular masking tape, electrical, duct, but none seem to do the job.  Perhaps it's in the application of the tape, or how long to let the paint dry?

When you find an answer to that let me know. ;) I've heard of using paper as a straight edge instead of tape.

2.  When to sand?  Before, after each coat of paint?  I always sand and clean w/windex prior to painting a fig, though.

I usually sand before I start, though sometimes when I'm feeling lazy I don't and it isn't too much of a problem.

3.  DD mentions white spirits and someone else (Chewie?) mentioned mineral turpentine as great ways to remove stock or acrylic paint from a fig without damaging the plastic.  Where do you guys get these items?  No one at hobby stores,  or craft stores around here (Utah) knows what I'm talking about when I ask.  Might they be at a hardware store?

I'm sure they would have them at hobby stores, they do near me. I know for sure that Home Depot has them, in a couple sizes and varietis, and I'm pretty sure any paint store or other hardware store would have them, they aren't uncommon.

4.  Some of you dremel out helmets so you can give clones/ARCs a head.  I have a dremel, and before I go to buy some more bits/sanders for it I'd like to know which ones work best for this task.

I used to use a drill bit and then my little bullett sander, but someone borrowed my dremel and tried to drill using the bullett sander and completely stripped it. I haven't been able to find one since. Then while at C3 Doug from FFURG turned me on to routing/engraving bits. They come in diiferent sizes from large to very small. These are so versitile and the smallest one is amazing. I'd sugget these now, you can be very precise with them and they are small enough to only remove what you want removed.

Hope that helps! And Welcome!! ;D :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Star Wars Ultimate Battle
« on: May 4, 2005, 02:57 PM »
Here's mine:



48....... that still hasn't quite sunk in yet. I hate you. ;) ;D :-*

Nice. You gotta love SA clones. :) ;D How much were they though? if you don't mind my asking.  Cause a Case of all 16 is $120 so 48 would be 3 times that..... And just of curiosity how come you bought them through him instead of straight from EE?

I fianlly suckered in and bought a set of white ones today, I have always wanted them, just not at that price.

They customs look god, the ARC needs his boots redone but other than that they look fantastic!!! :)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: R2-D2 speak...
« on: May 4, 2005, 02:49 AM »
R2 has 2 tiny little screens on himself as well. And I'm sure they've run into other Astro droids before, or something that speaks in a similar dialect.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: May 4, 2005, 02:20 AM »
Not safe for work, but it isn't porn.

This is one of the most amazing asses, EVER. I'm not lying check it out. :)

Not really prOn but there is content in the site that is not suitable. Sorry.


Dri-gin Kaan. I like it. We'll see if anyone else has any suggestions before I make the final call.  ;)


Cool.  :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: May 3, 2005, 07:16 PM »
I really hope they're in generic mailers. If they show up in some sort of unique packaging like the EE Clones, I'll be super-pissed. I won't be able to open them if that happens.

And why not? You should try it. It feels so good. :)

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