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Messages - Ryan

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Dri-gin Kaan

Looks good DD! Nice body choice. And the cast looks nice and clean.

No mine is hardware related. My computer uses 256MB DDR2 memory modules. I've got 4 DIMM connector slots for memory, divided into two pairs. One pair has white clips the other has black, (that makes no difference it just distinguishes them) I left for class yesterday, left my computer on, came back an hour later and it wasn't working. Assuming it was the memory I tired to figure out which card was the faulty one so I took them both out and put them in one at a time instead of in pairs. It turns out both the cards work when they are by themselves, them computer starts and runs fine, albeit a bit slowwer, but it works. I tried the two in every possible combination in both the white and black slots (you have to have either one card, or a pair in the same color, you can't have one in black and one in white) and whenever there are two cards in the computer won't start. That's when I figured out that my motherboard is shot, again, with a week before finals and I have a paper due Friday. The motherboard and power uspply stopped working last semester at the exact same time, but back then I couldn't even turn it on because the power supply was broken. This time at least it functions, not very well, but it works. So i've got to replace my motherboard for a second time. This is so ******* frustrating. Back at the end of February/begining of March, my hard drive quit working, so I couldn't turn on the computer, I lost every file I had. And I had a paper due within the week. Luckily I had backed some of my stuff up, but that was back in August so I still lost a lot. I had luckily emailed my self a copy of what I had done so far because I had planned on working on it at the library a few days earlier, which I never did, so I got really lucky I had accidentally made a backup. I'm still replcaing those files, I had to redo all my SG-1 custom cards, and I had several SW cards as well that were lost and I'll have to redo at somepoint. I'm not making this up either this is a true story. It ******* sucks, it makes me so angry that these kinds of things can't just work. I have never had problems with Dells before or even my families 9 year old Compaq. Oh I forgot, I used Norton antivirus and back in November or December, it decided to quit working after 3 months, I supposedly had a 15 month subsription through Dell. When I try to update it,it tells me I have exceeded the max number of downloads and my trial subcription has ended and the program doesn't work at all. When I try and register the program with the symantec server it says it can't establish a connection, so I can't re-register it or check the status of my account.

Moral of the story... the little gnomes that break my computer suck! And if I ever see them, they are dead! >:( ::) :P

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wal-Mart "Early Bird" Exclusive
« on: May 3, 2005, 02:23 PM »
As long as it comes on time and undamaged they could ship it in a cereal box for all I care. As long as I get it and it is minty fresh, I'm good. :)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Bonus Clone Troopers!
« on: May 3, 2005, 02:21 PM »
I think it is supposed to be $15 as well, but at some Targets it will ring up at $20 for some strange reason.

Thanks Matt. I figured it was just me. My computer loves pissing me off. ::)

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS Picture Thread
« on: May 3, 2005, 02:17 PM »
Nice new shots. I lovve the Cody and crew picture. They look bad ass. They are the Clones that Obi takes with him to Utapau, correct?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who's Up For A Chat?
« on: May 3, 2005, 02:12 PM »
I didn't plan on naming names, I'm not to sure who it was anyways, I didn't reconize the names. I had the chat window open but I was looking at the forums and other stuff in another window most of the time, and would only pop in occasionally to see what was going on. You'd have to ask Famine or Tydirium for names, we were chatting alone for awhile until the other guys showwed up. I talked to Kevin afterwords on AIM and he sounded pretty pissed off.

Well, probably no updates from me for a bit.  My computer crashed last night.  I don't know how long until I can get it up and running again.   :-\


Wow. You too? Mine crashed last night, again. >:( >:( It was working yesterday during the day then I came back from class and the little gnomes that live in my room had decided they wanted to break the motherboard on my computer, again. Both this time and the last time, it has gone out with a week or two until finals. ******* convenient. >:( ::) And when my hard drive crashed 2 months ago it was right before I had a big paper due. I swear there is no other explaination, other than little gnomes that live in my room and come out to knock down my figures, break my computer, and do anything they can to piss me off while I'm not there. If I catch the little bastards they are going to get it! >:( ;)

Site Feedback, Suggestions, and Help / "Jump to Bar" Problem
« on: May 3, 2005, 01:17 PM »
I'm guessing this is just me, but I have been having problems with the little nav bar at the bottom of each page, the one that says "Jump to", has a list of the forums, and a go button. 90% of the time it won't work for me and it will say "Error on page" in the bottom left status bar in my explorer window. I'm guessing it is just me cause the little gnomes that live in my computer really like ******* with me sometimes. ::) ;) It gets annoying scrolling back to the top to go back to the forum list or jump to another topic (I know, I'm lazy :P ) I was wondering if there is anything I can do on my computer to fix this or if it actually isn't me for once?

Thanks again for the PN child board! It is a great addition, and it is really nice to b e able to view them all in one place.

On a related note I'd like to see a Diorama child board just like the photonovel one we currently have. I don't know if there is any interest in this or if people would rather keep it consolidated (if so please speak up, I don't want to be responsible for changing something that my not have needed to be fixxed) Like the photonovels it would  be nice to have a place where all the dioramas can be put into one place, for easy viewing. That's just my 2cents though. :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who's Up For A Chat?
« on: May 3, 2005, 12:50 PM »
Some of the guys were being real dicks to him last night. And they were talkin trash about CHEWIE.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Who's Up For A Chat?
« on: May 2, 2005, 11:49 PM »
It's mighty lonely in there.....

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Bonus Clone Troopers!
« on: May 2, 2005, 10:09 PM »
On a related note, the preview Wookiee warrior is now being packed in with the BARC speeder as well. Gotta love bonus clones adn wookiees. :) ;D

Pretend it came from somewhere else though ::)


Matt: customizing is super easy, come join us on the FFURG side  ;D

It is your destiny! You cannot avoid it! :P :) ;)

Jason, again it was no problem. I had so much fun, you guys were doing all the hardwork anyway. I'm just glad I could be of some help, count me in again for C4! :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's spinning?
« on: May 2, 2005, 04:47 PM »
Someone around me found, and bought,  the soundtrack at Target yesterday, so be on the lookout they may be slipping out a tad early, granted it does come out tomarrow anyways but I thought I'd let you guys know.

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